Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Media Suppression of 8 Key Stories 'Stole This Election' for Joe Biden


Media Suppression of 8 Key Stories 'Stole This Election' for Joe Biden

According to an explosive new study the Media Research Center (MRC) released on Tuesday, the legacy media’s suppression of eight key election-related news stories effectively handed the presidential election to Democrat Joe Biden. According to a poll conducted by The Polling Company on behalf of MRC, a whopping 17 percent of Americans who voted for Joe Biden would not have done so had they been aware of just one of these stories. (I have often explained to high school kids in discussions about how our system works that democracy works best when the informed electorate go to the polls, understanding reasonably well what the issues are and what the candidates represent.  The responsiblity of the media in a democracy is to provide full and balanced information to the people.  When the media misinform the people, the voters make their decisions based on bad data, and that leads to a bad outcome. And guess what?  We've just had the perfect example of that!  These data are enough to make a person cry..... or scream in rage. --Del)

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