Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Election Night Confirmed the Polls Were Lies

 Election Night Confirmed the Polls Were Lies

Excerpt: In an era during which more than 90 percent of voters committed to a decision weeks before election day, we were asked to believe Biden was up 47 percent to 42 percent in Florida. He was up six points in North Carolina, 12 points in Michigan, and eight points in Wisconsin. Days ago, the president supposedly was underwater in Ohio by four points. Did people change their minds? No, of course not. It’s hard to know exactly when the polling process became contaminated. Were these shy voters who refused to talk to pollsters? Trump supporters seemed increasingly less “shy” as thousands thronged to impromptu public parades and rallies. But we can suspect that the polls consistently erred on the side of a President Biden for the same reason that the legacy media so clearly abuses its readers with misinformation: They’re liars. The polls are lies and the reporting on the polling is lies. [I voted two weeks ago. As of this writing, there is not yet aa decisive answer to who won the Presidency, though Biden seems to have a slight edge. Almost every “pollster” ought to be taken out behind the woodshed and thrashed with a barrel stave until it–or he–breaks. Ron P.].

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