This post is long, but it has a LOT
of very important political/election news and comment.
The Old Jarhead Blog is your one-stop-shop for political
news and conservative opinion. Please forward to friends who need to be
informed. These posts are created by many readers who send me items for
inclusion, which I would have likely missed or skipped. We owe them thanks and
appreciation. I post articles because I think they are of interest and will
stimulate thought and discussion. Doing so doesn’t mean that I necessarily
agree (or disagree) with every—or any—opinion in the posted article, or that I
was able to verify the information presented, which is the responsibility of
the author. I try not to post things that are false, too far a stretch, or
viciously inflammatory, regardless of the view point, but I don’t always
succeed. As always on the Net, as in the
legacy media, you must read critically and with skepticism.
Gas has dropped to $3.07 in Madison. You'd think an election was coming.
We have the granddaughter, Britnye, and 4 other 14-year-old
girls coming for a sleepover on Halloween. I baked fairly-healthy oatmeal
peanut butter and chocolate oatmeal cookies, using Splenda and low fat
ingredients. We shall see if they like them. ~Bob
General News and Comment
Interesting: The Mary Burke firing story is worse
than you think; Check out the brutal truth it proves
How many early voters might have changed their minds over
this? ~Bob
WI: Mary Burke Says She Was Not Fired By Trek
Excerpt: Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke and
her brother on Wednesday rejected a claim by a former top Trek executive that
she was fired from her job at the family company, calling it "character
assassination" just days before an election where she's running close with
GOP Gov. Scott Walker.
WI: Democrats Walk Out on
Another Obama Campaign Stump Speech. By Katie Pavlich
Excerpt: Last night President Obama made a rare appearance
on the campaign trail to stump for Wisconsin Democrat Mary Burke, who is
challenging Governor Scott Walker. During Obama's speech, in particular the
moment when he encouraged people to vote and to knock on doors for Burke,
people were caught on video filing out of the room. (if you like
Obamacare, you'll be able to keep...hey, where you guys going? ~Bob)
WI: Poll suggests Scott Walker is poised for a big
victory in Wisconsin.
By T. Becket Adams
Marquette poll, which was conducted from Oct. 23-26, shows that 50
percent of 1,164 likely voters plan to vote for the Republican governor, while
only 43 percent in this same category plan to vote for Burke.
last poll, two weeks ago, had shown Burke and Walker tied at 47 percent with
likely voters, suggesting a late trend in
What happened to us?
Guest Post from Del
Excerpt: It seems that we have more crazy stuff going on in
this society now than I would ever have believed possible. And I meet or come
into contact with people all the time who are intelligent and educated, yet are
hanging on to various viewpoints with a passion that precludes any remotely
rational discussion. I just ran into one a couple of days ago, a former worker
for big companies whom I knew faintly decades ago, who is all the way into the
"vast Right Wing conspiracy" and every political bill on Voter ID is
part of it, angling to prevent millions of poor Black people and others from
Interesting: Harvard
Millennial Poll Spells Doom for Democrats. By Conn Carroll
Excerpt: According to Harvard's poll of more than 2,000
18-29 year olds, 51 percent of definite millennial voters plan to pull the
lever for Republicans Tuesday, compared to just 47 percent who said they were
planning to vote for Democrats. That is even worse than in 2010 when 55 percent
of definite millennial voters said they were voting Democrat compared to
43 percent who planned to vote Republican. (Count not boneless chicks yet in
the shell. But work and vote. ~Bob)
CBS Poll: Obama Approval 39 Percent, GOP Up Big on
Congressional Ballot. By Guy Benson
Excerpt: The eight-point Congressional ballot margin for
Republicans is wider than CBS News' last pre-election survey in 2010, which
seems newsworthy, yet CBS News
seem very excited about reporting their own results. As you note
juxtaposition, remember that 2006 was a similar midterm environment to this
year, just with the roles reversed:
Bet on a Republican
Senate Majority. By Larry J. Sabato, Kyle Kondik and Geoffrey
Skelley, Sabato's Crystal Ball
Excerpt: While many races remain close, it’s just getting
harder and harder to envision a plausible path for the Democrats to retain
control of the Senate. Ultimately, with just a few days to go before the
election, the safe bet would be on Republicans eventually taking control of the
upper chamber. We say eventually because there’s a decent chance we won’t know
who wins the Senate on Election Night. Louisiana
is guaranteed to go to a runoff, and Georgia seems likelier than not to
do the same. The Georgia
runoff would be Jan. 6, 2015, three days after the 114th Congress is scheduled
to open. Vote-counting in some states, like Alaska, will take days, and other races are
close enough to trigger a recount.
Excerpt: According to a
SurveyUSA poll,
Perdue leads Nunn by three points. This comes as a direct reversal from last
week’s results, which showed Nunn up by two.
The national environment is terrible for Democrats, say
Democrats. By Chris Cillizza
Excerpt: In conversations Wednesday with more than a dozen
Democratic strategists deeply involved in this campaign — a few who were
willing to speak on the record, a majority who were not — there was a
widespread pessimism about the party's chances Nov.
4. "Challenging," acknowledged Ali Lapp, executive director of
the House Majority PAC, a super PAC spending millions on ads to promote House
Democrats. "It's a very challenging environment," agreed Penny Lee, a
Democratic lobbyist and longtime political aide to former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed
Rendell. "Unsettled," offered Democratic pollster Fred Yang.
"The trends are not good," said Steve Rosenthal, the veteran
Democratic and labor strategist.
AGAIN: Voting Machines Swap Votes For Republicans to Votes
for Democrats. By Katie Pavlich
Excerpt: In the past week we've see votes cast on machines
Cook County and in
Maryland switch
from Republican to Democrat due to "calibration errors."
Watchdog.org has done phenomenal work in
documenting changed votes. Now, a new report from
Weekly Standard shows that votes cast in
Illinois for Republicans are being changed
yet again in favor of Democrats.
Excerpt: An election integrity watchdog group is
suing the
state of
alleging that it has discovered massive and ongoing fraudulent voting by
non-U.S. citizens in one county. But because of the way that the non-citizens
are able to cast votes in elections, the fraud is likely happening in every
single county and subdivision across the state. The group believes that the
illegal voting has been happening for years. (Anyone convicted of voter fraud
should not only serve time, two years mandatory as a minimum, but permanently
forfeit their right to vote. Of course, you can count on liberal opposition,
even though they say it's very rare, because these would be 99% Democrat
voters. ~Bob.
Article suggests easy
because of Motor Voter set up; also benefits fraud. --Barb)
NC: Voter Fraud Video
Obama Jokes About
Voting Only Once. From The Patriot Post
In a rare campaign rally appearance, Barack Obama exhorted
attendees to get out and vote. "One week, Wisconsin. One week," he said.
"One week from today you get to choose a new governor. And because early
voting runs through this Friday, you don't have to wait until Election
Day. You can vote all week." He then clarified, "I mean you can only
vote once. This isn't Chicago
now." After pausing for laughter, he added, "I'm teasing Chicago, I'm messing with
you. That was a long time ago." Yeah, well, Obama joked about having the
IRS audit political opponents, too, and look how that turned out. Voter fraud
benefits Democrats, which is why he's laughing it up.
Houston drops controversial pastor subpoenas
Excerpt: The mayor of Houston
announced Wednesday that the city will withdraw subpoenas of sermons from five
pastors who publicly opposed an ordinance banning discrimination against gay
and transgender residents, The Houston Chronicle reports. "I didn't do
this to satisfy them," Mayor Annise Parker said in reference to critics of
the subpoenas. "I did it because it was not serving Houston." (I oppose discrimination
against gays. I also oppose any government attempt to chill freedom of speech
or freedom of religion, as Houston
tried to do. ~Bob)
Excerpt: On Tuesday the Tax Foundation releases its 2015
State Business Tax Climate Index and once again Wyoming leads the nation in welcoming
commerce. Last year the state’s economy recorded real GDP growth of 7.6%,
according to the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis. You won’t find growth
like that in New York or New Jersey, the high-tax locales that once
again finished 49th and 50th among the states. New Jersey
eked out real GDP growth of 1.1% last year, while New York’s economy grew an anemic 0.7%.
Democrats sprint away
from Harry Reid; candidates wary of pledging support
Senate Majority
Reid has become a major
of the 2014 campaign, with many of
his embattled fellow Democrats declining to say whether they’d back him for
their party caucus leader. (I guarantee that every Democrat senator [or
Democrat pretending to be an independent as in
Kansas] will vote for Harry Reid to be
leader. Anyone fooled by a Democrat or fake-independent candidate refusing to
say so is an idiot. ~Bob)
Pressure Grows for
Marines to Lower Standards for Women
Excerpt: Under the paper-thin guise of asking for fair
treatment, they actually engage in special pleading. Ellen Haring is a retired
Army officer who received a fair amount of attention over the summer for
arguing that the CET ought to be scrapped as an entry barrier for IOC.
Having made an extensive argument for lowering and changing the standards for
IOC so that women can more easily pass it, she displayed a remarkable level of
rhetorical shamelessness by concluding her article with, “Women Marines don’t
want standards to be lowered or changed. They just want a fighting chance to
become Marine infantry officers. (Just confirming what I said before...the CMC and
other service chiefs are going to be forced, due to political correctness, to
lower the standards. --MasterGuns. There's no pressure. This is a foregone
conclusion. A done deal. In protest, men, w/ the inclination to be infantry,
should quit enlisting. That will end the nonsense. In numbers there is
power. --Andy.)
True, this: Humps - Truthtellers. By Andy Weddington
Excerpt: Today's comment is
not complicated nor sophisticated. And it's not complicated nor sophisticated
because there is nothing complicated nor sophisticated about shouldering a
heavy pack and marching for miles and miles - the work requires muscle,
strength, and stamina. Pain and sweat, too. (I was in 3/5 when I was a corporal
and sergeant in the 50s. It seems that this administration is set on placing
women in the infantry no matter what the consequences. Effectiveness be damned.
Andy and every other career Marine can cite undisputed evidence that it will
not work, but it makes no difference to these people. They have no experience,
but they are so much smarter than we are. -- Don [A retired Col.])
Three Women Dropped
From Marines' Infantry Officer Course Will Not Reattempt
Excerpt: The three officers were dropped from the course the
week of Oct. 17, Krebs said, after failing to keep up on two long hikes while
carrying an approach-march load of up to 120 pounds. The load represents a
day’s meals, clothing, supplies and assault gear for a 20-mile march into
combat. (I think it's just a matter of when, no if, the CMC and other service
chiefs will be told to re-evaluate the requirements to where women can meet the
standard. --MasterGuns)
Report: 'Sustained
Cyberattack' Crippled White House for Two Weeks. By Wynton Hall
Excerpt: A "sustained cyberattack" has crippled
the White House for at least two weeks or longer, reports the Huffington Post.
"Being told "Hey beautiful" is not offensive!
Being told to vote solely based on my vagina is." - Wife.
Off-Duty Troops To Hide Their Military Identity In Public
Excerpt: Unbelievable. Our military has to hide that they’re
in the military on our own soil? Isn’t that giving terrorists the upper hand?
Howzabout we put these Muslim stooges in internment camps instead? Check this
out… (Better would be to pass a Federal law allowing concealed carry by US
troops in uniform in all states, in all locations, with a no-drinking
provision, and provide those who want one with a weapon. Like that might
happen. they trust illegal immigrants but not our troops. Maybe they have
reason. ~Bob)
Taunton Students Suspended After Posing With
Airsoft Rifles On Facebook
Excerpt: Two high school students in Taunton have been suspended after they posted
a photo of themselves holding Airsoft rifles. Thousands of people have leapt to
their defense online, but their school isn’t backing down. The Airsoft rifles
look dangerous, but they shoot plastic pellets. Tito Velez, 15, often competes
with a team as a hobby. (I'm sure they checked with Elizabeth Warren before
suspending them. --Steve)
Excerpt: Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is sounding Romneyesque in
his foreign policy views. In a
interview he says: “I spend a lot of time thinking about foreign policy and
reading about it. My thinking has evolved, and going through the vice
presidential experience gave me a deeper appreciation for these issues. I fear
that we’re losing our place in the world and it’s to the world’s detriment. I
think the president’s weak foreign policy, from his vacillating positions to
his defense cuts, are causing us to lose our standing and it’s created a vacuum
for those who don’t share our values.”
Excerpt: Do bothersome facts matter anymore? Not really.
This is an age when Americans were assured that the Affordable Care Act lowered
our premiums. It cut deductibles. Obamacare allowed us to keep our doctors and
health plans, and lowered the deficit. Those fantasies were both demonstrably
untrue and did not matter, given the supposedly noble aims of health care
reform. The Islamic State is at times dubbed jayvee, a manageable problem, and
a dangerous enemy – or anything the administration wishes it to be, depending
on the political climate of any given week.
Why is Hillary Clinton
Not Cutting Television Ads? The prospective 2016 presidential
candidate is the Democrats star attraction. So why don't they want
her in their television ads?
Excerpt: Though she's traveled the country for Democrats,
headlining rallies from Colorado to North Carolina, Clinton
has not lent any of her star power to any televised campaign ads. It's a
strange discrepancy: While Clinton
is one of—if not the most—requested surrogates for Democratic congressional
campaigns, many seem far less seem eager to put her in their television ads.
Worth Reading:
Married, Intact Families Yield Higher Incomes
Excerpt: The drop in the marriage rate is having a
significant impact on incomes. If the United States had a married
parenthood rate at the same level that it had in 1980, the median income of
families with children would increase by 44 percent. Since 1979, 37 percent of
the decline in the male employment rate is due to the drop in the number of
intact families. Children who grow up with both parents in the home tend to be
higher educated and have higher incomes. Both men and women earn an income
premium of $6,500 and $4,700, respectively, simply for growing up in an intact
household. Married men have an income "marriage premium" of $15,900
annually, compared to their single counterparts, making family incomes higher. Married
couples who themselves were raised by intact families have a family income
premium of $42,000 compared to their unmarried counterparts raised in
non-intact families. (As I've said before, the threat to America is not
gays getting married. It is straights having kids and NOT getting married.
PA: Endangered Governor Takes Big Gun Action in Lead
up to Election
Excerpt: A week before
Pennsylvania voters render their verdict on
his last four years, Republican Gov. Tom Corbett
signed a pro-gun law barring local restrictions. The
bill specifically would prevent local governments from passing gun laws that
are more restrictive than the state gun laws and basically erases existing
local gun laws.
Reinflating the
housing bubble. The feds are pushing the same lax rules that triggered the
crash. By Sephen Moore
Excerpt: he headline in newspapers one recent weekend read
like an April Fool’s joke, but it wasn’t April 1. The Obama administration
announced it wants to provide a little more juice to the now-lackluster housing
market by bending the home lending rules to make it easier for banks to make
loans and marginal buyers to take on a mortgage.
One of the big changes: The
Housing Finance Agency will lower down payment requirements from an
already absurdly low 5 percent to a ridiculously low 3 percent on many loans
that are eligible for federal mortgage insurance assistance. (Liberals never
learn. And the poor, working class and middle class suffer for it. ~Bob)
Ebola and Enterovirus News
Jeanne Shaheen's
Ebola Opportunities Team
Excerpt: In this year's midterm elections, New Hampshire's Scott Brown is taking on the
slickest Democratic politician since John Edwards.
Hagel orders 21-day
quarantine for all military personnel returning from Ebola mission in West Africa
In Maine, the
returning nurse who battled New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie over her mandatory
quarantine is now battling her home state after returning to Maine. Maine health officials are threatening to go
to court to force Kaci Hickox to comply with the state's "voluntary"
21-day quarantine period for health care workers who treated Ebola patients.
Hickox, on Wednesday, told NBC's "Today" that she doesn't "plan
on sticking to the guidelines" and is "appalled" by the home
quarantine policies "forced" on her.
Obama's Quarantine
Remarks Draw Fire From Military Spouses
Excerpt: The president went on to say, "When we have
volunteers who are taking time out from their families, from their loved ones
and so forth to go over there because they have very particular expertise to
tackle a very difficult job — we want to make sure that when they come
back that we are prudent, that we are making sure that they are not at risk
themselves or at risk of spreading the disease — but we don't want to do things
that aren't based on science and best practices. Because if we do, then we're
just putting another barrier on somebody who's already doing really important
work on our behalf. And that's not something that I think any of us should want
to see happen." (So, does that mean that quarantining military members IS
based on science and best practices and that they are not doing really
important work on our behalf? --MasterGuns)
The city’s
first Ebola patient initially lied to authorities
about his travels around the city following his return from treating disease
victims in
Africa, law-enforcement
sources said.
Craig Spencer at first told officials that he isolated himself in his
Harlem apartment — and didn’t admit he
rode the subways, dined out and went bowling until
cops looked at his MetroCard the sources said....Officials then retraced
Spencer’s steps, which included dining at The Meatball Shop in Greenwich
Village and bowling at The Gutter in Brooklyn.
Does White House Want
An Ebola Epidemic In U.S.?
Exclusive: Erik Rush looks at curious case of 'diva' nurse Kaci Hickox
I think a stretch. More likely a Democrat who feels the
rules don't apply to her. ~Bob. Excerpt: One would think that Kaci Hickox, a
health-care professional who had seen the devastation wrought by Ebola, and who
understood the risks, would have considered it her civic duty to take one for
Team America and
sit out the quarantine.... Though efforts were made to scrub the evidence
of Kaci Hickox’s affiliation with the CDC from online sources, enough remained
to definitively determine that she was not only an employee of the CDC, but a
registered Democrat and Obama supporter with a history of left-wing
activism....Thus, it is no great intellectual leap in considering the timing of
Hickox’s quarantine (and subsequent public meltdown), the “omission” of her
ties to the CDC and her penchant for left-wing causes to arrive at the
conclusion that this stunt just might have been an elaborate White
House PR contrivance to foment opposition to Ebola quarantine efforts. (Black
author. --Barb)
Who Relying On U.S. To
Airlift Foreign Ebola Workers. Amid State Department denial they will come to America
Excerpt: While the State Department denies its medevac plan
for health-care workers in Ebola-stricken West Africa would bring infected
foreigners to the U.S., a World Health Organization announcement indicated the
U.S. and its advanced health-care system is crucial to a program designed to
attract workers from around the world by guaranteeing they would receive the
best care available should they become infected. At a news conference in
Geneva Tuesday, Bruce Aylward, the WHO director-general in charge of the
operational response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, pointed to the website
of the U.S. Agency for International Development, USAID, for details of the
program, which includes evacuating foreign workers, without specifying where
they would be taken for treatment. The WHO made clear Tuesday, however,
that a major goal of medevac efforts is to make sure there is sufficient
hospital capacity in the U.S.,
Europe and the United Kingdom to
provide treatment for any infected international health-care workers in West Africa, regardless of citizenship.
Governor says
negotiations with Kaci Hickox failed: Nurse defies quarantine with Thursday
morning bike ride
Excerpt: "I remain really concerned by these mandatory
quarantine policies for aid workers. I think we are only adding to the
stigmatization that again is not based on science or evidence and if these
restrictions are not removed from me from the State of Maine by tomorrow morning, Thursday morning,
I will go to court to obtain my freedom," Hickox said. (Somehow, I suspect
the judge will not ask her to approach the bench. -- Jim Geraghty, Morning Jolt)
Race Card News
There ARE Black
And some of them are from right in the middle of the most
famous disaster area cities run all these years by Black Democrats, and they
are pointing out that this has not served the people there very well at all. I
wonder if they can make a dent in the huge tendency of Blacks to vote Democrat
at levels 95% or so, but maybe at some point people will figure out that all
the years of supporting that Party haven't brought any of the promised benefits
to them. And insanity is continuing to do the same thing that got you bad
results, while still expecting to get some good results. Check the link to see
how these men are taking on the situation. --Del. I follow several black conservatives on
Twitter. When I have time to look at twitter. ~Bob)
is the Nation of Islam?
Excerpt: The Nation of Islam's declared aim
is the raising of the moral, social, and economic standing of non-whites. This
has included the vilification of the dominant group, white Caucasians, even to
the point of calling whites the personification of evil and maintaining that
the white race is an aberration, the human race having originally been black.... In 1979, Louis Farrakhan broke away from the Mission,
establishing the more radical Nation of Islam, which restricts membership to
blacks and advocates a separate black social structure.
Second Parent: My
child got Nation of Islam paper, too
Excerpt: The teacher held up each one and said, ‘These do
not go home. These are just to use here,” the parent told me.... And what
is not acceptable is sending out mass emails accusing the child of pilfering a
“sheet” from his teacher’s work station. If I didn’t know better – I’d say that
little boy is the victim of grownup bullying. (Child victims of leftist
indoctrination under the guise of education. ~Bob)
Anonymous Unveils Explosive ‘Leaks’ on Michael Brown Grand
Jury and Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson: Report. By Jason Howerton
Excerpt: Hacker group Anonymous is claiming that officer
Darren Wilson
will not be indicted by a grand jury in the shooting
death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in
Missouri, according to purported
government sources.
Obamacare/Government Healthcare News
Low-info voters November Surprise! How High Will Your Health Insurance Premiums Go In 2015? By
Hugh Hewitt
Excerpt: Folks trying to plan their personal fiscal '15 are
at a loss. They can't do a budget because they don't know what their health
insurance costs will be. Nobody knows because Team
Obama has conveniently arranged for you to be kept in the dark on your health
insurance costs until after everyone votes next week. Most are
expecting 5 percent to 10 percent hikes, but there are rumblings of far nastier
Obamacare premiums
soar as much as 78% to help cover ‘essential health benefits’: Covering
pre-existing conditions and ‘essential benefits’ raising insurance plan costs
Well, duh! ~Bob
Over 214,000 Doctors Opt Out of Obamacare Exchanges.
By Barbara Boland
Excerpt: Over 214,000 doctors won't participate in the new
plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA,) analysis of a new
survey by
Medical Group Management Association shows. That number of 214,524,
estimated by
American Action Forum, is through May 2014, but appears to be growing due to
plans that force doctors to take on burdensome costs. It's also about a quarter
of the
number of 893,851 active professional physicians reported by the
Kaiser Family Foundation.
Excerpt: When California
voters go to the polls on November 4, they won't just be choosing their members
of Congress. They'll also be making a decision on Proposition 46, a three-part
ballot measure that could have profound effects on the cost of their health
care and the privacy of their medical records. ... Proposition 46 would adjust
the MICRA reforms for inflation -- which after almost 40 years means more than
quadrupling them. These increased costs would not be borne solely by doctors.
They would be passed on both to patients and to employers who pay for health
plans, including state and local governments. The California Medical
Association has estimated that raising the cap to $1 million would increase
health costs by $9.9 billion per year -- or more than $1,000 for a family of
VA is critical to
medicine and vets. By Robert A. McDonald
Excerpt: During preparation for my confirmation as secretary
of Veterans Affairs (VA), I was repeatedly asked, "Why doesn't VA just
hand out vouchers allowing veterans to get care wherever they want?" For a
department recovering from serious issues involving health care access and
scheduling of appointments, that was a legitimate question. After nine weeks at
VA, travel to 31 VA facilities in 15 cities, discussions with hundreds of
veterans and VA clinicians, meetings with 75 Members of Congress, two hearings
before the Senate and House Veterans' Affairs committees and dozens of meetings
with Veterans Service Organizations and other stakeholders, I can answer that
Obamacare an Economic Failure for the Middle Class - USA Today.
By Mark Horne
Excerpt: Naturally the newspaper did not admit that they
were telling us that
Obamacare is
an economic failure. They didn’t mention Obamacare at all. But that is what
they ended up saying anyway. The (hidden) admission
occurred under
the depressing headline: “7 things the middle class can’t afford anymore.”
Excerpt: Nearly 39 million Medicare beneficiaries, including
seniors and the disabled, have subsidized drug coverage thanks to the Medicare
Modernization Act (MMA) of 2003. Medicare
drug plans are popular with seniors.
Although subsidized by Medicare, Part D plans are offered by private insurers
and compete with each other for seniors’ patronage.
When Congress passed the Medicare Part D drug program back in
2003, it inadvertently created a
to steal. Prescription drug abuse
costs health
plans nearly $75 billion per year — about two-thirds of it from public
programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. That makes Uncle Sam the biggest
illicit drug dealer in the country!
Undocumented Democrat News
The Great Progressive Hope: Illegals Could Prevent
Republican Control Of Senate
Excerpt: Illegally cast votes by illegal immigrants could
prevent Republicans from gaining control of the Senate in next week's election.
Our porous border is transforming American politics sooner than many believed.
Did illegal aliens make ObamaCare the law of the land, perhaps permanently? Did
foreigners in 2008 give Barack Obama North Carolina's 15 electoral votes in a state
Obama was never given much chance of winning, and where his margin of victory
ended up being only about 14,000 votes, or 0.32%? Political science professors
Jesse Richman and David Earnest of Old
Dominion University
in Norfolk, Va., think that may be the case. (This is a
timely and scary article about something that should concern everyone. Do we
want to allow non-citizens to vote in elections? That thought doesn't scare
Democrats because they assume, and correctly, that the great bulk of illegals
will vote for them. So of course Republicans are much more concerned about
this. But it shouldn't be a partisan issue for any sincere American. Allowing
noncitizens to vote is unheard of everywhere, no matter what their bias might
be, it is simply wrong for those not legal members of the society to take a
role in how the society will be governed. And when we see elections that swing
by truly tiny percentages of the total votes, when illegals make up a much
larger percentage of those living in the region, it becomes understandable that
they might constitute the swing vote that decides in the end who is elected. This
should be a concern for everyone. --Del)
Criminal alien:
Bloodthirsty MS-13 member gets 2 life sentences
Excerpt: A federal judge in Atlanta, Georgia, on
Wednesday sentenced a member of the ultra-violent, El Salvador-based
organized-crime gang MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) to two life terms in
federal prison for his participation in gang violence including
and attempted murder, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the
Northern District of Georgia. (I will always remember GW Bush's words spoken on
national TV in his last term: They're just good people looking for a better way
of life. I never trusted him -- or the GOP -- after that. --Don Hank. I would
have suggested a long drop on a short rope. ~Bob)
Making crime pay: Report: Immigration activists hearing
that Obama will go small on executive amnesty
Excerpt: Don’t get too excited. “Small”
this case means as many as three million illegals get legalized.
Amnesty shills wanted that number to be
million or more.
"You're Greener than Gore" News
Electricity Prices
Soaring In Top Wind Power States
Excerpt: Electricity prices are soaring in states generating
the most wind power, U.S. Energy Information Administration data show. Although
electricity prices rose less than 3 percent from 2008-2013, the 10 states with
the highest percentage of wind power generation experienced average electricity
price increases of more than 20 percent. ("Under my plan of a
cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket,"
Obama told the Chronicle . "Coal-powered plants, you know,
natural gas, you name it, whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was,
they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will
pass that money on to consumers." Promise kept. ~Bob)
Drainage Ditches
Aren’t Navigable Waters
Excerpt: When you think of a navigable water, you think of
the Mississippi or the Potomac River not a ditch or a puddle. However, the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a different viewpoint and is
attempting to burden major parts of our nation’s economy including our farmers,
realtors, engineers, builders, manufacturers, foresters, and even golf and
tourism professionals with intense regulations and stipulations. In April, the
EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers jointly released a proposed rule
called the “Definition of Waters of the U.S.”
Religion of Peace News
Why Obama Hates
Netanyahu. By Daniel Greenfield
Excerpt: The original plan was to sideline Israel by focusing on the Muslim
world. Instead of directly hammering Israel, the administration would
transform the region around it. The American-Israeli relationship would implode
not through conflict, but because the Muslim Brotherhood countries would take
its place. That didn’t work out too well. Instead of gracefully pivoting away,
Obama loudly snubbed Netanyahu. A photo of him poking his finger in Netanyahu’s
chest captured the atmosphere. Netanyahu delivered a speech that Congress
cheered. And Obama came to see him as a domestic political opponent. The
torrent of anti-Israel leaks from the administration is a treatment usually
reserved for political opponents.
Terrorists, Not U.S., Winning
War on Terror
Excerpt: The number of voters who think the United States
is winning the War on Terror continues to fall to new lows, and more than ever
they see a terrorist attack as the biggest threat to the nation. A new
Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 25% of Likely U.S.
Voters think the United
States and its allies are winning the War on
Terror, a new all-time low.
Excerpt: As many as 20 to 30 former Guantanamo
Bay detainees -- some of whom were
released within the last three years -- are suspected by intelligence and
Defense officials of having joined forces with the Islamic State and other
militant groups inside Syria,
Fox News has learned. (Show me your shocked face. I'd release all the Gitmo
inmates. from 100 feet up, 50 miles at sea. ~Bob)
Excerpt: The Heinz Foundation, headed by the wife of Heinz
heiress Mrs. John Kerry, AKA Teresa Heinz Kerry, has been caught having donated
$50,000 to the “Conflict Kitchen,’ a Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania soup kitchen that
serves up food on a platter of anti-Zionism. The soup kitchen recently came up
with the gimmick of serving “Palestinian food,” whatever that means, in
leaflets with quotes that support both terrorism and the idea that Israel should
not exists.
White House tries to
ease flare-up over Netanyahu insults
Excerpt: “ISIS is on a rampage through the Middle East, slaughtering innocents and committing mass
murder while plotting to kill more Americans,” Priebus said in a statement.
“The priority of the Obama administration should be defeating our enemies;
instead they are once again insulting our allies. It’s inexplicable and
dangerous. (Therein lies the problem. The O Regime does not view Israel as an ally; they view Israel and the US and its citizens with
contempt. They will not protect them and they disparage them. Remember that
"flexibility"? Wait 6 days. --Barb)
Excerpt: Police are hunting the former head teacher of a
private Islamic school accused of the sexual abuse and rape of two middle
school female students. Tariq Ahmad, 35, who worked at Nur-Ul-Islam Academy,
Florida, has been charged with five first degree counts after the alleged abuse
which left one student needing ‘substantial surgical repair’. (Now don't go all
Islamophobic. It's their culture based on Mohammad's perfect example. And as
any good Progressive will assure you, all cultures are equally valid. Except,
of course, rural, white, hillbilly/redneck culture. ~Bob)
Former Marine banned
from daughter’s school after dispute over Islam lesson
Wood's wife, Melissa, wondered how teaching about one
religion is considered a history lesson while teaching about Christianity would
be viewed differently. The three-page assignment asked questions including,
"How did Muslim conquerors treat those they conquered?" A homework
assignment obtained by MyFoxDC.com showed the correct answer was, “With
tolerance, kindness and respect." ("They have to be carefully
taught." Islam seems to be in the curriculum in various states.... Where
is the ACLU? --Barb. The ACLU is not interested in civil liberties for vets and
conservatives. ~Bob)
Reopens Contested Holy Site in Jerusalem
Excerpt: The decision to close the site, a step that a
Palestinian spokesman had
denounced as “a declaration of war,” came after Israeli forces shot and killed
a Palestinian man suspected of involvement in an assassination attempt
a leading agitator for more Jewish access to the site. The closing
prevented Muslims from worshiping at Al Aksa mosque, one of the three holiest
sites in Islam. (Like many Muslim holy sites worldwide, the Al Aksa mosque as
deliberately built on the holy site of another religion, to put it down. ~Bob)
Egypt has right to
build Gaza buffer zone: US
Excerpt: Egypt
began demolishing houses along its border with Gaza on Wednesday to set up a buffer zone to
prevent militants sneaking into the Sinai desert, and to curb arms smuggling
following a wave of deadly attacks. The move, which will see about 800 homes
razed, comes after a suicide bomber killed 30 soldiers on the Sinai
Peninsula, which borders the Palestinian territory, last Friday.
(Jews building homes on the West Bank, or destroying homes sheltering
terrorists in Gaza?
Outrage. Muslims destroying homes to stop Muslim terrorists? Perfectly okay.
Report says child
sexual exploitation ‘normal in parts of Greater Manchester’
Excerpt: Sexual exploitation of vulnerable children has
become the social norm in some parts of
Greater Manchester,
fuelled by explicit music videos and quasi-pornographic selfies, an MP has
warned. The systematic grooming of boys and girls remains a “real and ongoing
problem”, a year after Greater Manchester police (GMP) was forced to admit it
abuse victims in Rochdale, said Ann Coffey, a former social worker who
is now the Labour MP for
Stockport. “My
observations will make painful reading for those who hoped that
Rochdale was an isolated case,” she writes in a
significant report. (This
report doesn’t mention it (which in itself is telling), but
75%, and probably more (since it is so politically
unacceptable to report such things), of these rape and sexual exploitation
gangs are “Asian,” which is British Newspeak for “Muslim.” Despite the
continuing horror of these revelations, the British continue to take this with
equanimity, for to resist it would be “racist” and “Islamophobic.” --Robert
Spencer, JihadWatch.Org)
N.Y., Canada attacks
appear inspired by Islamic State exhortation
Excerpt: A spate of terrorist attacks in Canada and New
York City last week appears to have been inspired by
calls from Islamic State and other militants to launch lone-wolf attacks that
could signal the rise of a kind of DIY terrorism, sowing fear on a smaller but
more pervasive scale. (Reality is getting to be so unmistakable that even the
mainstream media can’t ignore or gloss over it as easily as it has done in the
past. And so now even mainstream outlets have to acknowledge truths that they
have excoriated Jihad Watch and other counter-jihad outlets as “Islamophobic”
for noting in the past. ----Robert Spencer, JihadWatch.Org)
Excerpt: Dear Sirs, while I stand before you today, the
earth of the Middle East is soaked with the
blood of Christians being killed daily. Do you know that at the start of the
20th century, Christians comprised 20% of the population of the Middle East? Today they comprise only 4%. Do you know
that over the past years some 100,000 Christians have been killed annually? And
why? Not for a crime they’ve committed, but only for believing in Christ.
Excerpt: A new report from the Swedish National Police Board
shows that the number of criminal networks are increasing. And now they are no
longer only in major cities, but in 55 areas spread across 22 cities. They are
especially in vulnerable areas where many immigrants live. It is very bad in
the southern suburbs of Stockholm, for example, Sodertalje (Muslim-dominated area), but also Northeast Gothenburg (Muslim-dominated area) is subject
to this phenomenon. Common for such areas is that the criminals are trying to
take control of or affect the citizens and the surrounding area.
Obama, Not Bibi,
Created U.S.-Israel Crisis
Excerpt: Since Barack Obama became president, The
Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg has been a reliable indicator of administration
opinion about foreign-policy issues. Like some other journalists who can be
counted on to support the president, he has been the recipient of some juicy
leaks, especially when the White House wants to trash Israel’s
government. But Goldberg and his “senior administration sources” reached a new
low today when piece in which those anonymous figures labeled Israeli
Prime Minister Netanyahu a “chickenshit” and a “coward.” The remarks are
clearly not so much a warning to the Israelis to stop complaining about the U.S. push for appeasement of a nuclear Iran and the
administration’s clueless approach to the conflict with the Palestinians.
Rather the story is, as Goldberg rightly characterizes it, a genuine crisis in
the relationship.
Ambassador: Obama
admin warned about ISIS, they did nothing
Excerpt: Former US ambassador to the Iraq the
latest to say Pres. Obama could have acted on the Islamic militants much
Kurdish convoy heads
to Syria to take on Islamic State
Excerpt: A convoy of peshmerga fighters from northern
Iraq headed across
Turkey on
Wednesday towards the Syrian town of
to try to help fellow Kurds break an Islamic State siege which has defied
U.S.-led air strikes.
Bangladesh Islamist party chief sentenced to death
Excerpt: A special tribunal sentenced the leader of Bangladesh’s largest Islamist party to death on
Wednesday for atrocities and multiple killings during the nation’s independence
war against Pakistan
in 1971.
Worth Reading: Most
Arab states share Isis’s ideology. They’re
trying to have it both ways. Brian Whitaker,
The guardian (Liberal UK
Excerpt: Compulsion in religion is the ideological
foundation stone of Isis and Islamist movements in general. Believing they have
superior knowledge of God’s wishes for mankind, such groups feel entitled –
even required – to act on his behalf and punish those who fail to comply with
the divine will. In doing so, of course, they do not claim to be seeking power
for themselves but merely trying to make the world more holy.
Bombing Isis and banning
Islamist movements may suppress such movements for a while but it does nothing
to address the ideological problem.
Blasphemy: Mob
attacks Ahmadis, kills woman, 2 girls in Pak
Lahore: A woman and
her two minor grand- daughters were killed when an angry mob set alight several
houses, shops in
Punjab province
belonging to the minority
Ahmadi sect in riots that
followed the alleged posting of blasphemous content on Facebook.
Interview with an Islamic State Recruiter: 'Democracy
Is For Infidels.' Interview Conducted by Hasnain Kazim
Excerpt: SPIEGEL ONLINE: You are
spreading fear and horror and are
killing innocents, most of them Muslim. You call that successful resistance? Abu
Sattar: We are following Allah's word. We believe that humanity's only
duty is to honor Allah and his prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. We are
implementing what is written in the Koran. If we manage to do so, then of
course it will be a success.
Robert A. Hall is a Marine Vietnam Veteran who served five
terms in the Massachusetts State Senate. He is the author of
The Coming Collapse of the American Republic.
http://tiny.cc/g02s4 For a free PDF of
Collapse, e-mail him at
tartanmarine(at)gmail.com. Hall’s eleven books are listed here:
http://tinyurl.com/o4nu65u. His blog of
political news and conservative comment is