FBI arrests five New Mexico compound suspects days after multiple charges were dropped
Friday, August 31, 2018
Kidnapped Nigerian Girl Who Refused To Renounce Her Christian Faith Pleads For Help
Kidnapped Nigerian Girl Who Refused To Renounce Her Christian Faith Pleads For Help
Dem flees scene
Beto O’Rourke Tried to Flee Scene of Drunk-Driving Crash
Excerpt: It has long been a matter of public record that Beto O’Rourke was arrested for driving while intoxicated in 1998, but a police report obtained by the Houston Chronicle reveals that the Democratic Senate candidate crashed and tried to flee the scene before his arrest.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
The School Shootings That Weren't
The School Shootings That Weren't
https://www.npr.org/sections/ ed/2018/08/27/640323347/the- school-shootings-that-werent
My Summer Vacation - with pictures!
Bonnie and I took out grandson Dale (6), granddaughter Britnye and her friend Kaitlyn (both 17) on our vacation August 7 to 20.
The first night we stopped at a Day's Inn in in Ohio (best motel of the trip). At the desk I met Rachel a Seminole Indian and her baby Pieo Pieo. The baby's father is Nez Perce, so the baby is too. I have long admired Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce, so it was cool to meet someone with a connection to the tribe.
The next night we stopped in Pittsburgh to visit Bonnie's son, also Dale. We went to the zoo and enjoyed the day.
Big Dale in the blue shirt. Brit in the white top. Then we went down to Baltimore to visit with Bonnie's 89 year old dad, Ted, also a Marine vet. He has not been doing too well.
We spent a day at the Inner Harbor. Toured the USCGC Taney, last survivor of Pearl Harbor, and the Constellation, a frigate launched in 1854. By which time it was obsolete, as steam was coming in. (The weird hat keeps the sun off my neck, as I'm at risk for skin cancer.)
Then we went to south Jersey where I grew up. My friends Bonnie & Mike (on the end at the Italian Affair Restaurant) put up the girls for two night in the lovely home that Mike has renovated in the country.
We saw my old stomping grounds, including the house I lived in in 3rd and 4th grade at Lake Gilman. I had my own rowboat to visit friends, no life jacket. dad was caretaker in the summer and the house was his pay. It's a nice lake, but it was bigger when I was a kid.
Next we went "Down the Shore" as Jersey folks say. we stayed in Absecon, west of Atlantic City, but spent three days on the Ocean City beach and boardwalk. We had great beach weather.
Dale had never gone swimming in an ocean, and we couldn't get him out. he loved the boogie board we got him, kept begging to go back in.
A family that goes every year built a huge sand castle.
We had dinner one night with the Honorable Peter and Julie Masnik. Peter was in the Massachusetts Legislature with me, now lives in NJ. History buff. Great people to talk to. Wish we could see them more often.
On Saturday, we went to Cape May, where I had to give the eulogy for my best friend from high school, Charles Hofmann, who dies from a fall in December of 2015.
I'm with charlie's sister Chris. (Now Ruby.)
Our grand kids with Charlie's grand kids, Sophie & Max.
The three teen girls hit it off.
and then it was time to come home. The credit card needed a rest. ~Bob
The first night we stopped at a Day's Inn in in Ohio (best motel of the trip). At the desk I met Rachel a Seminole Indian and her baby Pieo Pieo. The baby's father is Nez Perce, so the baby is too. I have long admired Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce, so it was cool to meet someone with a connection to the tribe.
The next night we stopped in Pittsburgh to visit Bonnie's son, also Dale. We went to the zoo and enjoyed the day.
Big Dale in the blue shirt. Brit in the white top. Then we went down to Baltimore to visit with Bonnie's 89 year old dad, Ted, also a Marine vet. He has not been doing too well.
We spent a day at the Inner Harbor. Toured the USCGC Taney, last survivor of Pearl Harbor, and the Constellation, a frigate launched in 1854. By which time it was obsolete, as steam was coming in. (The weird hat keeps the sun off my neck, as I'm at risk for skin cancer.)
Then we went to south Jersey where I grew up. My friends Bonnie & Mike (on the end at the Italian Affair Restaurant) put up the girls for two night in the lovely home that Mike has renovated in the country.
We saw my old stomping grounds, including the house I lived in in 3rd and 4th grade at Lake Gilman. I had my own rowboat to visit friends, no life jacket. dad was caretaker in the summer and the house was his pay. It's a nice lake, but it was bigger when I was a kid.
Next we went "Down the Shore" as Jersey folks say. we stayed in Absecon, west of Atlantic City, but spent three days on the Ocean City beach and boardwalk. We had great beach weather.
A family that goes every year built a huge sand castle.
We had dinner one night with the Honorable Peter and Julie Masnik. Peter was in the Massachusetts Legislature with me, now lives in NJ. History buff. Great people to talk to. Wish we could see them more often.
On Saturday, we went to Cape May, where I had to give the eulogy for my best friend from high school, Charles Hofmann, who dies from a fall in December of 2015.
I'm with charlie's sister Chris. (Now Ruby.)
Our grand kids with Charlie's grand kids, Sophie & Max.
The three teen girls hit it off.
and then it was time to come home. The credit card needed a rest. ~Bob
More on McCain
Excerpt from Richard Fontaine’s “The Death of Political Courage” in The Atlantic today re: John McCain:
The senator loved storytelling as much as having fun. On a visit to Canada’s Yukon Territory, an official mentioned offhand that the poet Robert Service lived nearby during the early 1900s. Within minutes McCain disappeared, having jumped into the car of a friendly local in order to see the old residence first-hand. Upon his return, McCain explained that while in solitary confinement during the Vietnam War, his neighbor taught him, through their shared wall, poems memorized while in school. Among these was Service’s “The Cremation of Sam McGee,” which McCain learned via the “tap code” American prisoners of war used to communicate. Now in Whitehorse decades later, the senator proceeded to recite the poem in full – both verbally and then by tapping out its code.
Fake Charge
Hugh Fitzgerald: A Suggestion for Nikki Haley
It was recently revealed that the photograph posted online by an Arab propagandist, Abdullah Alsaafin, of a two-year-old girl identified as Bayan Abu Khamash, supposedly killed by Israeli bombs, had in fact been taken from Instagram, where the girl was identified as an American two-year-old, Elle Lively McBroom.
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Iraqi Christians denied visas
Iraqi Christians denied visas, excluded from World Meeting of Families. Msgr. Warduni: 'Terrible'
Does Diversity Really Unite Us? Citizenship and Immigration
"Diversity, of course, marches under the banner of tolerance, but is a bastion of intolerance. It enforces its ideological liberalism with an iron fist that is driven by political correctness, the most ingenious (and insidious) device for suppressing freedom of speech and political dissent ever invented."
Outstanding article/speech that clearly describes the dangers associated with “diversity” and his historical roots. The below quote comes from the article and it succinctly describes what is behind diversity as a tool to force conformance. --GH
Monday, August 27, 2018
Islamic Europe
Saturday, August 25, 2018
The Left Is Actually Afraid Of Jordan Peterson Because He’s Leading A Revolt Against Their Corruption
Almost finished with his book, "12 rules for Life." it's excellent. ~Bob
Social Media
Social media companies are the real 'enemies of the people'
Remains found at 'extremist Muslim' New Mexico compound ID'd as missing 3-year-old boy
Remains found at 'extremist Muslim' New Mexico compound ID'd as missing 3-year-old boy
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Thanks to my Drill Instructors
54 years ago, on August 16, 1964, I left for Parris Island, SC to become a Marine, and meet my Drill Instructors, Sgt. W. Harris, Sgt. M. Martin and Sgt E.Owens. I was only with them three months, but thank God for them every day. they taught me to focus on the mission and get the job done. They taught me to accept responsibility for my actions.They gave me resiliency, tenacity and self discipline. Thanks to my DIs, I've had a long, happy and successful life.~Bob

Tuesday, August 7, 2018
More fake news
USA Today has an article about sexual assaults on college campuses, starting off with the estimates range from one in four to one in five, and then of course going on from there as if those were hard, statistically solid facts.
Apparently nobody there bothers to do the slightest research, since the article below was published in September 2016, almost two full years ago, and deals with the matter in some detail. It quotes the actual authors of the original report on campus assaults chastising media for using those figures as if they were valid and precise, when the conditions of the survey and the kinds of answers they got guaranteed they could not be so.
Common sense says that if one in four young women in college were subject to rape or anything close to it, the newspapers would be full of it, since at least some large fraction of them would be reporting it, complaining about it, forming protest groups every week, and their parents would be suing the schools, and all kinds of stuff would be going on.
And the definition of "sexual assault" turns out to be whatever any woman says, which ranges from perceived harassment (like getting looked at) to stupid comments by a guy to the slightest touch to more serious touch to real groping to actual rape.
Bottom line, it was a very limited study of small groups and had a low participation rate, all of which only demonstrates that at least some fraction of women in college have been or feel they have been sexually harassed or assaulted in some way. Is this still a problem? Of course it is, but throwing out numbers like that is seriously misinforming, it's not remotely responsible journalism, and it just feeds into more negativity in a society already oversupplied with negativity and divisiveness. When a national newspaper descends to this, we know more than ever how little we can trust the media.
Monday, August 6, 2018
Afghan migrant who sexually abused seven children in Germany released after only 7 months
Afghan migrant who sexually abused seven children in Germany released after only 7 months
Excerpt: An Afghan migrant who sexually abused at least seven children in Germany is released after only seven months in prison, the newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine reports.
Iraqi immigrant accused of shooting Colorado Springs cop remained in U.S. despite series of crimes
Iraqi immigrant accused of shooting Colorado Springs cop remained in U.S. despite series of crimes
Not PC to deport him. Tough for the cop, who at last report was in critical condition. ~Bob
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Killing an unborn child is homicide? Since when?
Man convicted of attempted homicide in girlfriend's miscarriage
Excerpt: A man accused of drugging a woman to kill her unborn child has been found guilty of an attempted homicide charge. On Aug. 1, Manish Patel pleaded "no contest" to a charge of Attempted 1st Degree Intentional Homicide - Unborn Child. (Since when is killing an unborn child a crime. The charge should have been "Impersonating Planned Parenthood"! ~Bob)
Saturday, August 4, 2018
The Next Ice Age By S. Fred Singer
The Next Ice Age By S. Fred Singer
Excerpt: While most people still worry about global warming, I am more concerned about the next Ice Age. A glaciation would present a serious problem for survival of our present civilization, akin to a nuclear winter that many worried about 30 years ago. Nuclear winter is all fantasy, of course; but ice ages are for real. Natural warming of the Earth reached a peak 65 million years ago. The climate has been generally cooling ever since. Antarctic ice sheets started growing 25 million years ago. In the last 2.5 million years, the Earth entered the period of Ice Ages [the geological name is The Pleistocene] and has been experiencing periodic glaciations where much of the land was covered by miles-thick ice sheets. There have been about 17 glaciations, each lasting approx. 100,000 years, separated by short inter-glacials lasting about 10,000 years. We are approaching the likely end of the present warm inter-glacial, called The Holocene. It’s time to prepare for the next glaciation to see how we can overcome it – or at least postpone its onset. (Warming has some winners. Increased food production, for example. In the medieval warm period, there were Norse farms with vineyards in Greenland, and grapes grew in northern Britain. Cooling has no winners. ~Bob)
What are Palestinian suicide bombers thinking?
What are Palestinian suicide bombers thinking?
These are chilling interviews with Palestinians who tried to blow themselves up in terrorist attacks or even succeeded and survived. “I will not feel sorry for any Israeli child, and I will not regret even if it is a nursery full of kids. It is enough that I will be a martyr and I will go in front of God representing my family – 70 people, my wife, my children, my sisters and all my friends – 70 people will go to Paradise on my merit. This is a big honor for me,” says one. “It is written in the Koran: when a martyr blows himself up it’s beautiful, it feels so good, he doesn’t feel any pain, only pleasure,” shares another. “I advise my fighting brothers to continue killing the Jews to the last one.”
On the Constant Hunt for Fresh Outrage.
On the Constant Hunt for Fresh Outrage. By JONAH GOLDBERG
Excerpt: This will leave everyone bald and bloodied. It’s a perfect mess befitting our imperfect age. The New York Times announced it was hiring Sarah Jeong to join its editorial board. A respected reporter on technology and the Internet, Jeong is Asian American. Nanoseconds later, a number of her objectively racist tweets emerged. “Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men,” reads one. “Are white people genetically predisposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically being only fit to live underground like groveling goblins,” she mused in another. Jeong issued a statement explaining that she was satirically “counter-trolling” at racists who attacked her. She says her comments were not intended for a “general audience.” As someone who’s been subjected to vicious anti-Semitism from trolls, I’m inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt. Meanwhile, the New York Times issued its own statement saying it would stand by its decision to hire her, but that this “type of rhetoric was not acceptable” at the Times. One reason this episode is difficult to look at in isolation is that it is just one episode in a long-running series, with any number of spin-offs. Roseanne Barr lost her hit TV show for posting something racist on Twitter. One of the people who led, or at least joined in, the virtual mob was Hollywood director James Gunn, who tweeted during that controversy: “Roseanne is allowed to say whatever she wants. It doesn’t mean @ABCNetwork needs to continue funding her show if her words are considered abhorrent.” Two months later, Gunn’s own past offensive tweets were unearthed and he lost his job directing the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise.
Friday, August 3, 2018
Why all the wildfires?
Forest Mismanagement Causing Increasingly Catastrophic Wildfires
Cal Fire Chief Blames Wildfires on Mismanaged Forests
Forest Managers: We're Just Making Wildfires Worse
Federal land management to blame for out-of-control fires, say critics
Past Forest Mismanagement Helps Spawn Megafires
Western Wildfires: Seeing the Forest Through Dense, Dead, and Diseased Trees
Devastating Fires Show Forest Management Reforms Are Badly Needed
Burning Up the West: Feds, Greens Cause Catastrophic Fires
Ben Shapiro
Ben Shapiro and the future of American conservatism
EXCERPT: The rise of Ben Shapiro points to a conservatism that embraces the communications technologies of the internet age, emphasizes the rights of life and speech and religion and self-defense, is familiar with and comfortable in the crazy blender of American popular culture, and is caustic in its opposition to socialism and bureaucratic control. A critic of Trump throughout the 2016 campaign, Shapiro has nonetheless come to occupy something of a middle position within the universe of conservative opinion: critical of President Trump's behavior, but also willing to applaud Trump when his policies advance constitutional freedom. Shapiro is someone that both Trump's right-leaning opponents and right-minded friends respect. Even a few liberals are willing to entertain his ideas—until they are shamed into denouncing him, of course.
Susan B. Anthony List Lobbying Red-State Dems to Vote for Kavanaugh
Susan B. Anthony List Lobbying Red-State Dems to Vote for Kavanaugh
There Are a Lot of Reasons to Feel Optimistic about America’s Future.
There Are a Lot of Reasons to Feel Optimistic about America’s Future. By JIM GERAGHTY
Excerpt: We groan that we’re governed by crooks, incompetents, and morons, but we’ve actually done a pretty good job of solving the problems that faced this country a generation ago. Crime rates? Way down from the 1990s. Drunk-driving rates? They hit a new all-time low a few years ago. Air travel keeps getting safer and cheaper. Teen-pregnancy rates? Steadily declining. The abortion rate? The lowest since Roe v. Wade passed. Our infant-mortality rate is low and getting even lower. High-school graduation rates? Highest level ever. With the exception of marijuana, teen drug use is down dramatically. Very few teenagers are succumbing to the national opioid-abuse epidemic. Teenage binge drinking is way lower than in the 1990s. Slightly more than a third of American adults have a four-year college degree, the highest level ever measured by the U.S. Census Bureau. College enrollment has dropped by 2.4 million since 2011 . . . but one might interpret that as a customer base rejecting an overpriced product. You’ve heard about the low unemployment rate. When Vice President Mike Pence boasts that more Americans are working than ever before, skeptics scoff that it simply reflects that the American population is larger than ever before. But there are now more job openings than unemployed workers. The all-time high in the employment-to-population ratio was 64.7 percent in April 2000; we’re currently at 60.4 percent. It got as low as 58.2 in 2010. (Census Bureau figures indicate that 4.4 percent of those 85 or older are still working!)
O'Keefe catches antifa teaching activists to inflict pain
O'Keefe catches antifa teaching activists to inflict pain
They have to be carefully taught.... Barb
I’m a Liberal Feminist Lawyer. Here’s Why Democrats Should Support Judge Kavanaugh.
I’m a Liberal Feminist Lawyer. Here’s Why Democrats Should Support Judge Kavanaugh.
Excerpt: Sometimes a superstar is just a superstar. That is the case with Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who had long been considered the most qualified nominee for the Supreme Court if Republicans secured the White House. The Senate should confirm him. I have argued 35 cases before the Supreme Court, more than any other woman. I worked in the Solicitor General’s Office for 13 years during the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations. Because I am a liberal Democrat and feminist, I expect my friends on the left will criticize me for speaking up for Kavanaugh. But we all benefit from having smart, qualified and engaged judges on our highest court, regardless of the administration that nominates them. What happened to Merrick Garland was a disgrace. His nomination was the Democratic equivalent of Kavanaugh’s. Garland, too, is brilliant, admired, experienced, sober and humane. Indeed, Kavanaugh himself called Garland “supremely qualified” for the Supreme Court. That he made that statement while Garland’s nomination was pending—and was the subject of intense partisan warfare—says a great deal about Kavanaugh’s character. (This is the kind of thing that keeps me hoping for better times. Here is a person who can rise above the super hot emotions of the current times, and stick with good principles. And I admire her courage, because this will get her flak by the ton. This is what we need, people on both sides of the aisle who can break away from the blind opposition and nastiness, and think about what's really best for the nation. I pray that her example will inspire people across the full political spectrum. --Del)
Now Collusion with China!
Details Surface About Chinese Spy Who Worked For Sen. Feinstein
OK, how about "collusion" with Beijing? I love this. Not that it'll get a lot of attention or screaming for an investigation..... Del
Coming soon to a city near you
Pro-Migrant Group Withdraws Aid From ‘Dangerous’ Paris Migrant Camp, Claims Operation too Risky
Excerpt: The pro-migrant association Solidarité Migrants Wilson will halt all operations in La Chapelle, Paris, in August due to their staff being subjected to rising levels of violence from illegals.
Visas for men who forced girls into marriage. Women and girls raped after being sent abroad, then Home Office lets illegal husbands settle in UK
Visas for men who forced girls into marriage. Women and girls raped after being sent abroad, then Home Office lets illegal husbands settle in UK
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Random Thoughts for August, 2018.
Random Thoughts for August,
By Robert A. Hall
Feel free to post or forward.
Political correctness or Freedom of Speech. Pick the one you
are for.
Some people believe “The Right Not to Be Offended” is in the
An old military axiom is, “Take the high ground, or they
will bury you in the valley.” Politicians of both parties should remember it.
Muslim shoots at Jew, Jew ducks. Islamophobia! Jew shoots
back…attempted genocide!
Everybody has an agenda. Everybody’s a partisan. When you
can’t trust the partisans of either side, including the media, to give you all
the facts, and facts without spin, then it becomes impossible to make an
objective decision about an issue, except by your own visceral partisan
reaction. And the public grows ever more cynical of politicians, pundits and
the media.
Saw a tee shirt: “Honesty is the best policy. Unless you’re
People say, “It’s the exception that proves the rule,” as
though the exception makes the rule true, which is inane. Back when the slogan
was coined, “prove” meant to test. So, it really means that the exception tests
the rule.
If the US is like Nazi Germany as progressives say, why are
so many trying to get in instead of out?
Education for poor black and Hispanic kids will never
improve until schools have the will and the power to permanently expel the
disruptive, the violent and the drug pushers, despite the fact that many of
them are also minorities.
Tee shirt at the VA: “Some people just need a high five. In
the face.”
If you have to resort to insults and name calling, your
arguments are pretty week. I know this has been said before, but with this type
of anti-civil behavior increasing on both sides, it needs to be repeated often.
Many people are still slaves. The greedy are slaves to
greed. Druggies to their drug. Alcoholics to their booze. Smokers to tobacco.
And smart phone or video game addicts to their screens.
The more government grows, the more private organizations (churches,
clubs, local associations, etc.) shrink. Ask a liberal what is the right size
for government to be, when it will need to expand no more? Government is now
24% of GDP. Imaging when it is 50%? 75%? 98%? Of course, the collapse will come
I won’t be here, but I bet in 30-40 years all those wind
turbines will be abandoned. The economics don’t work.
This must be tee shirt month. Saw a teen girl in a
restaurant wearing what I think was a sports tee shirt, maybe soccer: “Everyone
must under-go one of two pains. The pain of discipline or the pain of regret.”
Very true.
If someone steals our girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse away, you
should be grateful and thank them for getting someone unworthy out of your
From my Marine buddy Bill: "Life is not
the way it's supposed to be - it's the way it is. The way you cope with it is
what makes the difference."
the difference between legal abortion and infanticide? About five minutes.
ago I learned the old law: “Hard times make strong men. Strong men make good
times. Good times make weak men. Weak men make hard times.” Look around. The
strong men who won WWI, WWI and Korea are mostly gone. They gave us the good
times we have enjoyed for 60 years. Strong men fought in Vietnam, but they were
a minority. Strong men have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, but they are a tiny
minority. Look at the majority of weak men. And Women. And tell me that hard
times are not coming.
I rest and think, I feel 35, maybe 40. Then I get up and walk and I’m suddenly
aware that I’m 72.
you are young, you may think that time is your friend. It’s a lie.
are entitled to their own opinions. My opinion is that most of them should sit
down and shut up.
is as annoying as super-rich Hollywood celebs, who have mansions bigger than 20
of our homes combined, preaching that we need to take in more immigrants, when
they haven’t invited even one to live in all their wasted space.
reportedly said that Montenegro (with it’s 2000-member military) is strong and
aggressive and might start WWIII. The Montenegrins responded with how peaceful
and friendly they are. It would have been funnier if they had given Trump five
days to surrender!
you are driving and trying to keep a safe distance from the car in front of
you, someone is sure to cut in.
top advisors after things like the recent summit must feel like the guy with
the shovel and rolling barrel following the elephants in the parade.
Scriptures say man is made in the image of God. I suspect,
however, that many of them are actually cheap knockoffs.
In the 50s and 60s, the John Birch Society was raving about
Russian Communists (like Putin who wants to restore the USSR) infiltrating and
undermining the USA. Now the progressives are raving about Russian Communists
(Like Putin) infiltrating and undermining the USA. Maybe they should join the
John Birch Society. If it’s still around.
Good habits make life easier. Bad habits…
Sign on local liquor store: “Beer as cold as your ex’s heart.”
I was thinking again today of how many things you could say
in the office 30 years ago they couldn’t say on TV and how much they can
discuss on TV now that you can’t say in the office.
Years ago, “Man” was generic and meant both genders. So,
they put a stop to that at the expense of convoluted and inelegant language.
But now the young women say to other women, “You guys want to have lunch?”
Women have made “guy,” which used to be exclusively masculine, into a generic
word for both genders.
When I see signs that say, “Speed lime 20 MPH when children
are present,” I wonder what if you have a couple of kids in the back seat?
What they really need are signs that say, “Traffic doing the
speed limit, keep right.”
Note to Millennials: Life is not a video game, bad decisions
have real consequences. Often irretrievable consequences.
Would the world be poorer without you? Or better?
Since Joan Baez sang a hit song, “The Night They Drove Old
Dixey Down,” bemoaning the fall of the Confederacy (or “The slave Power,” as my
New England ancestors called it), does that make her an Alt-Right racist?
Get the collection! My
“Random Thoughts” from 2008 through July, 2013 are collected in this book: The Old Jarhead's Journal: Random Thoughts on Life, Liberty , and Leadership
by Robert A. Hall
The Old Jarhead’s
Journal is a collection of Random Thoughts on politics and life and
Conservative Political Essays, mostly published on the author’s blog, including
the essay “I’m Tired” which went viral on the Internet in 2009, “The Hall
Platform,” “This I Believe,” and “Why I’m a Republican.” While they will be of
interest to conservative thinkers, they are collected here in book form as a
service to readers who wish to give a copy to favorite liberals and watch their
heads explode. All
royalties are donated to the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund.
Robert A. Hall is a Marine Vietnam Veteran who served five
terms in the Massachusetts State Senate. He is the author of The Coming Collapse of the American Republic.
For a free PDF of Collapse, e-mail
him at tartanmarine(at)gmail.com. Hall’s eleven books are listed here: http://tartanmarine.blogspot.com/2010/07/new-book-published.html.
His blog of political news and conservative comment is www.tartanmarine.blogspot.com.
He currently works part-time as a writer-editor in the My Life, My Story
program as the Madison VA hospital, interviewing vets and writing up their life
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