Random Thoughts for December,
By Robert A. Hall
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I hope you and yours have a safe, happy holiday season and a
wonderful 2018.
I hope the person who invented blister packs for pills is
rotting in hell.
Voting is a no-brainer in America . Which explains a lot of
the results.
The medias believes it is their solemn duty to edit the news
so no one gets the right idea.
From my friend Andy, a retired USMC Colonel: "The left
defines diversity: Agree with us or we’ll violently attack you."
Cheering your favorite sports team may raise their morale a
bit, and make you feel good, but it's what they do on the field that determines
the outcome. Cheering the troops and thanking them for their service may make
you feel good and raise their morale a bit, but it's the people who put on the
uniforms, pick up the weapons and risk their lives who determine the outcome.
Brevity is a virtue. One I don't possess.
In my day, schools and society turned out workers, not
slugs. No, all millennials are not slugs. Some are industrious workers and millennials
make up the bulk of our great troops. But so many are drones as to make one
despair over the future of the Republic.
If you are outraged at the Israelis building homes on the
west bank, but not at Iran
building nuclear bombs while threatening to destroy Israel and us, you must be a
Organ transplants are not a good option for those lacking in
Many things are easy to lose but hard or impossible to get
back. Things like virginity, reputation, home, job, love. You can add to these
Freedom and your country.
A lot of folks think they want to be a boss until the try it
and discover the endless headaches and stress that goes with it.
Not only do my wife and I talk to the dog, but we sometimes
answer for it., Me, "No. I'm not taking you out again." Wife,
"But daddy, I have to go really bad."
Had a black cashier in a restaurant asked the black couple
who came in behind us, "How many in your party?" We were standing in
front of her at the counter. I said, "Two!" Blacks who display an
animus towards whites and whites who display an animus towards blacks based on
race only feed racism in the other group. Both sides are too stupid to
appreciate that.
We like the Janet Evanovich "Stephanie Plum"
detective series. Well written and funny suspense. But if you read any detective
series, you have to wonder how one person comes across so many murders in a
short period. I mean if I'm at a function and Angela Lansbury came in, I'm
outta there!
"I would argue the solution
for this is simply to stop seeing public figures — whether political figures or
celebrities — as role models and stop putting them up on pedestals. The ability
to win elections, perform well on camera, perform great athletic feats, or
other extraordinary traits is not synonymous with good character. (It is
entirely possible that good character is an impediment to ambition.)"
--Jim Geraghty, Morning Jolt
Saw a license plate that read; VIDIOT.
Saw a license plate that read; VIDIOT.
From Marine Bob Orazi on Bergdahl issue: “Maybe
Bergdahl should be ‘sentenced’ to marry Chelsea Manning.” (I'd send a present.
I have an uncanny ability to pick the slow lane in traffic.
It's a gift, really.
Some folks never have an idea without smothering it in an
avelaunch of words.
If television didn't exist, terror attacks and mass
shootings would be far less frequent.
"A truth that's told with bad intent, beast all the
lies you can invent." --William Blake
“If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens,
you can never regain their respect and esteem.” — Abraham Lincoln, speech at Clinton , Illinois ,
September 8, 1854
The government didn't outlaw theft, they just gave
themselves a monopole on it. And they use part of the take to buy votes to keep
themselves in power.
If someone says, "I tell it like it is," brace
yourself to be insulted or offended.
As regular blog readers know, I started boycotting the NFL
as the start of the 2016 season because of the players disrespecting the flag,
the country and veterans, and I'm still not watching or giving them a penny.
But you know what? I don't miss it. I enjoy having the extra time to read and
write. I doubt I'll go back to watching the NFL even if they knock that
anti-American stuff off.
When I was an active duty Marine, I was agile, mobile and
hostile. (That's Ad-Jile , Mo -Bile and Hos-Tile) Now, 50 years later,
I'm semi-agile, semi-mobile and semi-senile!
One day, there were 16 obits in the paper for people younger
than me. Guess I'm old, careful and lucky.
Only the "out" party cares about debt. The
"in" party cares about borrowing to buy votes from supporters. Making
eventual collapse inevitable.
When people comes weaving down the hall towards me studying
their smartphones, I'm tempted to call an alert: "Heads up. Live person
The media, Hollywood
and the universities now operate on the Red Queen's justice system: "Sentence
first—verdict afterwards."
I wonder how many employers are thinking, "The best way
to reduce the possibility of sexual harassment charges is to hire fewer
I answered a call, "Hello." Women on the other
end, "Who are you?" Me, "I'm Bob--Who are you?" Not a great
start to a conversation.
I wonder if Twitter doubled the number of characters
thinking, "Give him enough rope..."
The Kent State Football Team is the "Golden
Flashes." This is highly offensive to women in their senior years having
hot flashes and must be changed!
When your wife buys a 19-pound turkey, and equal amounts of
everything else for eight on thanksgiving, asking, "What's for
dinner" on Friday night is kind on unnecessary.
Party Platforms, 2018. Democrats: "Elect us and
everyone gets a free unicorn." Republicans: "Elect us, we're not as
bad as that other bunch and we'll do better this time."
When my dog doesn't like his dinner, he looks at me like he
expects me to send out for pizza.
Military power is much diminished if the enemy is more
ruthless than you are.
Some days, you're the bad spot in my banana.
Some folks think if they put up a pious front, Got won't
notice the anger, hate, and greed hidden deep in their hearts.
Get the collection! My
“Random Thoughts” from 2008 through July, 2013 are collected in this book: The Old Jarhead's Journal: Random Thoughts on Life, Liberty , and Leadership
by Robert A. Hall
The Old Jarhead’s
Journal is a collection of Random Thoughts on politics and life and
Conservative Political Essays, mostly published on the author’s blog, including
the essay “I’m Tired” which went viral on the Internet in 2009, “The Hall
Platform,” “This I Believe,” and “Why I’m a Republican.” While they will be of
interest to conservative thinkers, they are collected here in book form as a
service to readers who wish to give a copy to favorite liberals and watch their
heads explode. All
royalties are donated to the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund.
Robert A. Hall is a Marine Vietnam Veteran who served five
terms in the Massachusetts State Senate. He is the author of The Coming Collapse of the American Republic.
For a free PDF of Collapse, e-mail
him at tartanmarine(at)gmail.com. Hall’s eleven books are listed here: http://tartanmarine.blogspot.com/2010/07/new-book-published.html.
His blog of political news and conservative comment is www.tartanmarine.blogspot.com.
Most definitely agree with you regarding Janet Evanovich's "Stephanie Plum" detective series - especially the audio versions ( the reader has spot-on voices for each character ! ) . But, regarding the number of murders that Ms. Plum encounters, you have to remember, the series IS set in New Jersey !