FEV1 average (Litters of air I can expel in one second)
Monday was 1.74--highest since April 1. Getting better, if slowly. I credit the
Power of Prayer, Physical Therapy, my BiPAP and Marine discipline. But I've
seen too many fellow lung transplant patients who were doing well have
setbacks. Two are in rehab now were better than I am, now worse, back on
oxygen. So each day is a victory--and a gift.
We put up one of those "Little Free libraries" in
front of our condo today. I know a Kindle is more convenient and cost
effective. But we curmudgeons still love books! ~Bob
General News and Comment
The penalty for
refusing to vote for "the lesser of two evils"(or refusing to vote at
all), is to be governed by the "greater of two evils." ~Bob
Tweet from Matt Batzel @MattBatzel
Will Mary Burke Plagiarize Obama's targeting of Conservative
Groups? Wait, John Chisholm's already doing it
The Chicago Way :
Obama Administration Officials Convicted Of Voter Fraud
Excerpt: Chairman Butch Morgan Jr. from St. Joseph County
was convicted of felony conspiracy to commit petition fraud and forgery. Dustin
Blyth, who served on the Board of Elections, was charged with felony forgery
and several counts of making a false petition. Both men were charged and
convicted for submitting fake names and signatures on petitions that were
designed to get Obama and Hillary Clinton onto the 2008 primary ballots
Again: ‘Calibration issue’ pops up on Maryland voting machines
Excerpt: Voting machines that switch Republican votes to
Democrats are being reported in Maryland .
“When I first selected my candidate on the electronic machine, it would not put
the ‘x’ on the candidate I chose — a Republican — but it would put the ‘x’ on
the Democrat candidate above it,” Donna Hamilton said. “This happened multiple
times with multiple selections. (Odd how these errors--in Democrat controlled
areas--always benefit Democrats. ~Bob)
National Effort to
Bully Churches into Silence before Elections with IRS Threat
Excerpt: Many pastors have been cowed into inactivity by the
threatened loss of their tax-exempt status if they say anything remotely
political. (This would not include black churches and other pro-Obama pastors.
MA: Boston
Globe endorses Republican for MA governor
Excerpt: Maybe this would have meant more if the Globe
had endorsed Charlie Baker before the Republican
gubernatorial candidate had opened up a 9-point lead over Martha Coakley. The latest
Globe poll shows Baker as an inevitability, which gives this editorial
endorsement more of a flavor of a bandwagon effect than a heartfelt choice.
Even so, Baker’s team has to be as happy about this development as Coakley’s is
despairing of it:
Absolutely: Imposing a Single Subject Rule on Federal
Excerpt: Americans have become used to the laws that come
out of Congress -- bills are massive and can reach thousands of pages, making
reading them all but impossible. Plus, they seem to cover just about any topic,
with a number of unrelated riders and amendments that politicians squeeze into
larger bills in order to pass unpopular legislation or get benefits for their
own constitutions. But what if that weren't allowed? Brett Joshpe, an attorney
with Joshpe Law Group in New York City ,
suggests that federal legislation be subject to a "single-subject"
requirement, which would restrict logrolling and ensure that all of a bill's
provisions are relevant. (In the Massachusetts Senate, amendments to bills had
to be relevant to the bill's content, or were ruled out of order. Problem is if
it's a rule, the congress can suspend the rule. ~Bob)
Pro-Western Parties
Sweep Ukraine 's
Parliamentary Elections
Excerpt: Elections in Ukraine
are pointing to a new parliament that will be dominated by pro-Western parties,
a result that President Petro Poroshenko is hailing as a "course toward
Europe" but one that is likely to further anger Russia .
‘Big Three’ networks
ignoring possible GOP Senate takeover?
Excerpt; Video The Boston Herald’s Adriana Cohen
Obama’s post-election plans for a secret radical agenda
Excerpt: He’s the Staller in Chief — President Obama has
punted almost every hot-button issue past the key midterm elections on Nov. 4. Obama
has postponed decisions on a raft of contentious issues related to ObamaCare,
Gitmo, immigration and his Cabinet. This is partly to protect Democratic
candidates and hold onto the Senate. But it’s more than that. Obama plans a
number of radical moves later this year when the administration believes the
media, and the public, are paying less attention.
The Hell that is the
Obama White House
Excerpt: Every sentient human being whose brain isn’t
stuffed with ideological fairy dust can see that Obama is behind every major
scandal of his administration from Benghazi
to the I.R.S. disgrace. How can one know this? Because the culprits haven’t
been fired. Moreover, if they are serial liars like Susan Rice, they’ve
actually been promoted to posts where their loyalty to the criminal-in-chief
can do America
and its citizens even more damage, if that is possible
Excerpt: In the fall of 1991, the relatively small and quiet
university of Alfred University in New York State
was engrossed in controversy. Indignant professors led students in protests,
heated debates raged throughout the divided campus, editorials filled the
school and local papers. At the heart of the controversy was the
newly-installed statue of King Alfred, the medieval English monarch after whom the
town and school was named. Ten years prior, when the monument was
commissioned, no one could foresee the controversy it would eventually cause.
Yet, its placement offended the sensibilities of the university's history
professors. (This article is one of the most important ones I have seen in a
very long time. It explains, clearly, how the teaching of Western history
changed from being fact-based to ideologically based. Oh sure, the history
book writers refer to various facts, some of which are perfectly valid, some of
which are misinformation in varying degrees, the same way that politicians in a
campaign writing about their opponents will refer to some facts, but then
rumors, allegations, things out of context, slanted statistics, and
occasionally just plain false items. Because like the politician, they are
starting off with a conclusion in mind, for the politician it's that the
opponent is a very bad candidate for office, for too many historians it's that
Western Civilization has always been and still is loaded with more vices than
virtues. Everyone was imperialistic, and still is, everyone was racist,
misogynistic, corrupt, and they still are (if perhaps a bit less so now and
covering it up better), and above all, all those famous DWM (Dead White
Males) were great practitioners of all these vices and can hardly be held up as
paragons of virtue. Only those who have led the fight against the image of
corrupt imperialist capitalism (think Che Guevara, never mind he didn't just
murder people and rape his maids, or that he even slaughtered puppies) get to
be revered in any sense. Washington owned
slaves, Jefferson slept with his, Lincoln
was really a racist, and so on, so all these DWM really can't be lauded the way
our previously false history taught. Bill Ayers is the really true American
hero of this age. The facts of history are the facts, but freely laying
heavy moral judgments on figures from a different time using the particular
morality of some people today is not just inappropriate, it's both silly and
seriously counterproductive. That most changes in societies for good or ill
trace back to males is simply due to the millennia of male domination of
societies, something we in modern times have learned to move away from. But
refusing to acknowledge good accomplished by DWM just because they are DWM is
an error just as clearly as racism is. Acknowledging accomplishments by human
beings, irrespective of their age, gender, race, religion, or eye color and
seeing the good in those individuals is what is right and proper and
constructive. Cloaking ideology as valid history is a terrible kind of deceit,
but we see it all around us now, and those who try to write history going back
to the actual facts are called "revisionists" in a negative sense. We
need a revolt among people and scholars, to demand the abandonment of history
by ideology. --Del )
The highly
sophisticated hacking of Sharyl Attkisson's computers
Excerpt: From the moment that Sharyl Attkisson met a shadowy
source I’ll call Big Mac, she was plunged into a nightmare involving mysterious
surveillance of her computers. They met at a McDonald’s in Northern Virginia at the beginning of 2013, and the
source (she dubs him Number One) warned her about the threat of government
spying. During their next hamburger rendezvous, Big Mac told Attkisson, then a
CBS News reporter constantly at odds with the Obama administration, that he was
“shocked” and “flabbergasted” by his examination of her computer and that this
was “worse than anything Nixon ever did.”
Excerpt: What exactly has this country stooped to, when our
officials and public figures traffic in politicizing the end of human lives? We
are becoming not just a sick country, but an amoral one as well. What Ferguson wrought
will not end well.
Excerpt: Last week, Sarah posted
video of an interview-style web ad featuring Dennis O'Connor,
whose daughter was murdered in cold blood by a man named Nathan Dunlap in 1993.
Dunlap was convicted of the premeditated quadruple murder, the appeals process
was exhausted, and the convicted killer was scheduled for execution -- until
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper granted him a temporary, indefinite reprieve in
May of 2013. Hickenlooper, who campaigned as a "vocal"
proponent of capital punishment in 2010, recently told CNN that if he
loses his re-election bid, he'd consider granting Dunlap full clemency during
his waning months in office:
Foreign Powers Buy Influence at Think Tanks. By Eric Lipton, Brooke
Williams and Nicholas Confessore
Excerpt: The agreement signed last year by the Norway
Ministry of Foreign Affairs was explicit: For $5 million, Norway ’s partner in Washington
would push top officials at the White House, at the Treasury Department and in
Congress to double spending on a United States foreign aid program. But
the recipient of the cash was not one of the many Beltway lobbying firms that
work every year on behalf of foreign governments.
Random Thoughts. By Thomas Sowell
Excerpt: The great boxing champion Joe Louis once said about
one of his opponents, who was known for his speed: “He can run but he can’t
hide.” In the Congressional elections this year, many Democrats are running
away from Barack Obama, but they can’t hide their record of voting for Obama’s
agenda more than 90 percent of the time. -- Now that the Western democracies
have learned the hard way what the consequences are when you admit all sorts of
people into your country – including people who hate both the principles and the
people of your society – will that cause zealots for open borders and amnesty
to have some second thoughts, or perhaps first thoughts?
Worth Sharing Widely: Witness voter fraud? There's an
app for that. By Derek Hunter
Excerpt: According to the app’s website, the VoteStand
is “America’s first online election fraud reporting app. VoteStand provides you
the online tools and support you need to quickly report suspected election
illegalities as they happen.”
Excerpt: The lawsuit, filed Friday in U.S. District Court in
Baltimore , asserts that individuals who opted
out of jury duty because they were not legal U.S.
residents have cast ballots in at least three Maryland elections. Based on the number of
potential unqualified voters identified in Frederick
County , up to 7 percent of Maryland ’s registered
voters could be illegal immigrants, according to estimates.
Voter ID Myth Crashes. By Mona Charen
Excerpt: The Democrats have made a number of arguments
against voter ID laws. They argue a) that the problem of voter impersonation or
in-person voter fraud is nonexistent, b) that black and poor voters are more
likely than others to lack a valid ID and c) that Republicans are attempting to
“suppress” the votes of Democratic constituencies in a bid to revive Jim Crow. To
believe a), you must assume that Americans, who engage in widespread tax
evasion (an estimated $2 trillion in income goes unreported), insurance fraud
(an estimated $80 billion worth in 2006), identity theft (15 million victims
annually) and thousands of other deceptions and crimes large and small, are
perfect angels when they step into the voting booth. Vote fraud simply “doesn’t
exist,” pronounced Attorney General Eric Holder.
Excerpt: So the Democrats and all their many minions are
doing everything they can to win this election, just as they did in 2012. Sadly,
they are using voting fraud to win the day. Already this election season we
found voting machines in Illinois
automatically changing Republican votes over to the Democratic candidate. In California we found
election officials sending out mail in ballots with the Democratic candidate
pre-marked. In Georgia
last week they discovered 1400 illegal Mexicans who had registered to vote. When
discovered election officials were unable to tell how many more illegal votes
were already submitted by mail in ballots...or even if they can cull those
illegal votes out of the system. In Baltimore
and Detroit our
Democratic friends were filmed while going through trash dumpsters retrieving
mail in ballots that had been trashed, then filling out the ballots in the
Dems' favor. In Ohio a Black woman was found
to have voted for Obama seven times and Al Sharpton embraced her and laughingly
gave her a free Obamaphone for her efforts to swing Ohio into the Democratic column. And
finally, Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder has been death on any state that
might demand voter ID before casting a vote. Have you forgotten, dear reader,
how surprised we all were in 2012 when we woke up to find Obama had won the
Presidential contest going away? After all those polls that showed Mitt Romney
either ahead, or in a dead heat? Do you remember those Philadelphia voting districts that turned out
Obama voters by 115%, and no one ever investigated how you could record more
votes than eligible voters? Today I just read a new item that says Democrats
are mailing in more mail in ballots than Republicans, in some states with
ratios as large as two to one!
Worth Reading :
Populism Pays: What’s with rich liberals who blast other people
for being rich? By Victor Davis
Excerpt: In early October, Barack Obama went to a
$32,000-a-head fundraiser at the 20-acre estate of the aptly named billionaire Richie Richman.
The day before he charmed his paying audience of liberal 1 percenters,
Obama had sent out an e-mail alleging that Republicans were “in the pocket of
billionaires.” Does that mean that Republicans who accept cash from billionaire
supporters are always in their pockets, but that when the president does
likewise, he never is? And if so, on what grounds is he exempt from his own
Minimum Wage Leads to
Benefit Cuts, Unemployment
Excerpt: While many in the public may be in favor of raising
the minimum wage, Iain Murray, vice president at the Competitive Enterprise
Institute, explains why such legislation would harm the people it is alleged to
help. Seventy-nine percent of economists agree that the minimum wage increases
unemployment for young and unskilled workers, and numerous studies on the
effect of the wage confirm that view. For example: A 2007 study by economists
David Neumark and William Wascher analyzed 100 minimum wage studies, finding
that two-thirds of the studies showed negative effects of the wage on
employment. Most damage was to low-skilled workers and the young. Just
one-eighth of the studies found positive effects. A study by professor Aspen
Gorry showed how the minimum wage impacts youth because it affects a worker's
ability to gain job experience. He found that the 2007 federal minimum wage
increase raised unemployment generally by 0.8 percentage points but
unemployment for 15- to 24-year-olds by nearly 3 percentage points. France has a minimum wage of $12 per hour and a
youth unemployment rate of 24 percent -- twice the rate in the United States .
According to Gorry, the difference is entirely due to France 's wage
rate. (If low-info voters believed that arsenic was beneficial, democrats would
pass a law putting it in kid's milk. Votes count, not the outcomes for real
people. ~Bob)
Robbers didn't get the "no-guns" memo. 2
robbed at gunpoint after concealed carry ban at NC State Fair upheld
Excerpt: Two people were robbed at gunpoint Saturday night
as they left the North Carolina State Fair, which has been at the center of
controversy after a judge ordered the fair to remain a gun free zone, despite
expanded gun legislation. The victims told authorities that around 11:30 p.m.,
as they were walking to their vehicles after attending the fair, they were
approached by two armed men who demanded money, WATE reported.
Excerpt: “If we can get her elected do you think she is
going to do the right thing and she’s gonna try to wipe out that coal industry
and go for better resources?” asks an undercover videographer in one segment of
the video. “I absolutely think she is,” responds Fayette County Democratic
Party operative Gina Bess.
Tweet from David
Burge @iowahawkblog
We must stop the GOP campaign of fear, and also their plot
to lynch black people and enslave women in fundamentalist breeding camps.
Ebola and Enterovirus News
Risk? Only one person
in the US
has died of Ebola as I write. I personally know several folks killed by
pulmonary fibrosis or a PF-driven lung transplant in the past year. ~Bob
The Czar
Some people question Barack Obama’s competence, because he
appointed a man with no medical background to be the Ebola czar. But Obama is
not trying to solve a medical problem. He is trying to solve a political
problem, on the eve of an election – and a political partisan is the way to do
that. Expecting Obama to be concerned about a medical threat to the American
people is unrealistic, in view of the man’s whole history. --Thomas Sowell
Excerpt: New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D) on Sunday revised
a controversial policy to quarantine returning health-care workers from
Ebola-stricken nations, under pressure from the Obama administration and
medical experts over the aggressive measures.
Excerpt: Immigration Minister Scott Morrison announced
"strong controls" on arrivals from West African countries affected by
cases of the deadly disease. Telling Australia 's parliament during a
question time session Monday that his ministry was currently "not
processing any application from these (Ebola) affected countries," he said
that the government was also suspending its humanitarian program.
Doctor: NYC Case
Shows Ebola Could Transmit By Air
Excerpt: There have been studies, including one conducted by
scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, that found
strains of aerosolized Ebola were transmitted to monkeys...Frager explained
that in West Africa, Spencer was likely not wearing a Level 3 respirator mask,
which, he said “does not allow the particles of air to enter into a person’s
mucous membranes.” Instead, Frager surmised, Spencer was most likely utilizing
Level 2 gear, which is designed for moderate protection against fluid
penetration and does not fully protect against vapor.
Document Shows Feds
Fear Airborne Ebola: Quietly seeking tools to kill 'aerosolized' virus
Excerpt: In a lengthy document that received nearly no media
attention, a U.S. government agency has warned preliminary data shows Ebola is
aerostable, meaning it can survive in the air and potentially be transmitted
via airborne means. ...The information was contained in a 33-page report
released Oct. 24 by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the Department of
Defense’s Combat Support Agency for countering weapons of mass destruction. The
agency report states “preliminary studies indicate that Ebola is aerostable in
an enclosed controlled system in the dark and can survive for long periods in
different liquid media and can also be recovered from plastic and glass surfaces
at low temperatures for over 3 weeks.”
CDC Says Ebola
Droplets Can Only Travel 3 Feet … But MIT Research Shows Sneezes Can Travel Up
To 20 Feet
Excerpt: CDC (like the World Health Organization) admits
that Ebola can be spread through sneezing or coughing. But the CDC itself
admits that flu droplets can travel 6 feet. Mythbusters demonstrated that
sneezes can nail people some 17 feet away: But engineers at MIT show that
sneezes can actually travel up to 200 times farther than previously thought.
Race Card News
The Real Racists
Oppose Voter ID
Excerpt: There is no intellectually sound argument against
having proper ID to vote – which is quite predictably why the American Left
must resort to emotional demagoguery to fight it. Equally unsurprising, playing
the race card is their most reliable vehicle for doing so. Yet stunning
testimony against North Carolina ’s
election laws reveal that it is leftists themselves who are willing to
disparage black Americans and Hispanics to pursue their agenda. According to
expert witnesses retained by the Justice Department (DOJ) and, yes, the NAACP,
it is racist to assume minorities can be treated like everyone else – because
they are “less sophisticated.”
Obamacare/Government Healthcare News
Ed Gillespie, the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate
from Virginia has proposed a substantive plan
to reform U.S.
health care. The Washington Post called it
“the most sensible GOP alternative.” An economic consulting firm estimates the
plan, which was developed by the 2017
Project, would
reduce the federal deficit by $1.3 trillion over 10 years. There is
significant overlap between the 2017 Project’s proposal and the NCPA’s: They
both rely on individual tax credits for individually-purchased insurance as a
building block for a new, consumer-driven health system.
New York Times: The Obamacare Rip-off. By Mark Horne
Excerpt: Thus, the New York Times story tells
us: “As Insurers Try to Limit Costs, Providers Hit Patients With More Separate
Fees.” Cindy Weston of the American Medical Billing Association, an industry
group, said it was up to physicians to decide what to include in their
principal payment and what merited an extra charge. She said they now “may be
forced to charge” for new services because the
Affordable Care Act “has shifted so much responsibility for payment from
insurers to patients” and patients do not pay as reliably as insurers.
The Facts Behind
ObamaCare's Numbers: Many enrollees had coverage before the health care law
forced them out. By Edwin J. Feulner
Excerpt: A new report from health care expert Ed Haislmaier
– one based on actual enrollment data, not surveys – illustrates two facts that
should give us pause. One is that the decline in the number of people who are
uninsured isn’t as high as it may seem at first glance. The other is that more
than two-thirds of the gain in coverage is a result of an increase in the
number of people in Medicaid, the federal government’s health care program for
the vulnerable poor.
Undocumented Democrat News
Man Accused Of
Killing Two California
Deputies Friday Was Deported Twice, Gave False Name
Excerpt: Marcelo Marquez, the man accused to killing two
sheriff’s deputies in California was in the country illegally and had
been deported
twice to Mexico — once in 1997, and again in 2001. ... And Marcelo
Marquez is not even his real name, it’s actually Luis Enrique
Monroy-Bracamonte, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. (Show me your shocked
face. --Barb)
President Obama never met with Janet Napolitano prior to
halting deportations in 2012. By Philip Bump. Washington Post
Excerpt: Former Department of Homeland Security head Janet
Napolitano never met with President Obama as the White House debated the
agency's 2012 proposal to suspend deportations for certain groups of
undocumented immigrants. Instead, she defended the Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals (DACA) idea to Obama advisers, suggesting that -- contrary
to the public perception the administration sought to bolster -- immigration
reform was not a top priority for the president as his reelection approached.
"You're Greener than Gore" News
Video: Watch The Co-Founder
of The Weather Channel Talk About How Global Warming is a Myth. By Katie Pavlich
Excerpt: During the segment Coleman takes on everyone from
Al Gore to the scientists who refuse to present both sides of the climate
change debate at universities across the country.
GOP Senators: Admin Being ‘Wholly Misleading,’ ‘Belittling’ Critics to
Push Through EPA Water Rules. Lawmakers also contend that the EPA
may be running afoul of the Anti-Lobbying Act in drive to regulate all waters
with downstream connections.
Excerpt: “A request for a regulatory clarification does not
provide a license to run roughshod over the property rights of millions of
Americans. Yet the Obama Administration has used prior rulemaking requests as
an excuse to unilaterally advance a regulatory agenda that defies the
jurisdictional limits established by Congress when it enacted the Clean Water
Act in 1972,” they wrote. “In fact, the proposed rule would harm the very
landowners, small businesses, and municipalities that expressed interest in
working with EPA and the Corps to address Clean Water Act jurisdictional
Developing world embracing coal despite Obama’s efforts to
limit use. By Patrice Hill
Excerpt: Coal is more popular than ever as the cheapest fuel
for generating electricity in the developing
despite efforts by the Obama administration and
environmentalists to limit its use.

Poster girl for
Kurdish freedom fighters in Kobane is 'captured and beheaded by ISIS killers' who posted gruesome pictures online
Excerpt: A female Kurdish fighter who became a poster girl
for the Kobane resistance movement after a picture of her making a peace sign
was retweeted thousands of times on Twitter has reportedly been beheaded by Isis . The woman, known by the pseudonym Rehana, was
celebrated as a symbol of hope for the embattled Syrian border town after a
journalist tweeted a picture of her making a 'V-sign', claiming that she'd
personally killed 100 Isis militants. (What
can you believe from there? ~Bob)
Excerpt: Nigeria 's
militant Islamist group Boko Haram has forced abducted women and girls to go to
the front line to help fight the military, a new report says. The group has
taken more than 500 women and girls hostage since it began its insurgency in
2009, the Human Rights Watch (HRW) report adds. Suspected militants seized
about 30 children on Thursday, despite government claims of a truce.
Leaked DHS Report
Reveals 13 Foreign Suspected Terrorists Illegally Entered Canada from US
Excerpt: At least 13 men from Africa with terrorist-related
records illegally entered Canada
from the U.S. since 2010,
according to a leaked Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Intelligence
Information Report exclusively obtained by Breitbart Texas . The data pertains only to one small
region of the vast U.S.-Canadian border.
RCMP have video
Parliament Hill terrorist made before deadly attack
Excerpt: "The RCMP has identified persuasive evidence
that Michael Zehaf-Bibeau's attack was driven by ideological and political
motives," Paulson said. "Zehaf-Bibeau had prepared a video recording
of himself just prior to conducting this attack." (They don't say what the
ideology might have been. But at least they had more courage than Obama, didn't
call it "workplace violence." They do mention the other Islamist
terrorist attack in the last sentence. ~Bob)
Worth Reading :
Salon: Qur’an
“backs up jihad, suicide attacks…beheadings,” sex slavery. By Robert Spencer,
Jihad Watch.org
Excerpt: Salon has suddenly discovered that the Qur’an
sanctions jihad, suicide attacks, beheadings, and sex slavery, and that Islamic
law also allows for female genital mutilation, wife-beating, stoning, etc. —
after having excoriated me for years as an “Islamophobe” and a “bigot” for
saying just such things. To compound the heresy, they’re publishing this in the
context of a takedown of media darling Reza Aslan, whose every pronouncement,
no matter how ridiculous, is ordinarily greeted with breathless adulation from
media types. To be sure, the author of this piece, Jeffrey Tayler, makes it
more palatable to his Leftist audience by claiming that Jewish and Christian
Scriptures contain material that is just as hateful and violent as that which
is in the Qur’an — and he doesn’t explain, of course, why we don’t see Jewish
or Christian terrorists committing acts of violence and justifying them by
reference to their Scriptures. (I strongly suggest that you follow
JihadWatch.org and subscribe to their free e-newsletter. Info you won't get
elsewhere. ~Bob)
Egyptian Salafi
party defends Islamic State from “secularists who never fail to distort
everything connected to Islam.” By Raymond Ibrahim, JihadWatch.org
Excerpt: Further demonstrating its true face, Egypt’s
National Salafi Party recently refused to
count the Islamic State as a “terrorist” organization, or even that it had
misinterpreted Islam.
Excerpt: The self-radicalized madman who attacked four
rookie Queens cops with a hatchet had more
than just jihad on his mind — he also wanted to kill white people.
... “He Googled the words ‘jihad against police,’ ” the source said of
Thompson’s more recent activity. “He also looked up [news stories on] the two
Canadian attacks” last week, the source added, referring to so-called “lone
wolf” jihadist shooting of a ceremonial guard in Ottawa and a fatal attack on a
soldier in Quebec.
Video Teaches Fifth
Graders That America
Was Responsible for 9/11 [VIDEO]
Excerpt: While the majority of Americans view 9/11 as a
deliberate attack by radical Islamic terrorists and remember the tragic event
with somber
reflection and renewed determination, not everyone feels that way. Those
who hate America
and all that it stands for make jokes about 9/11, or “celebrate”
the successful attacks by radical Islamic terrorists.
Your tax dollars at work: VIDEO: How Many Wives Can a
Muslim Have on Welfare in Michigan ?
Excerpt: Although polygamy is illegal in the United States , it is apparently acceptable in Michigan , as an
informative video explains how Muslim men are able to claim up to four wives as
dependents while on welfare. According to the video, Muslim men can claim up to
three additional wives on their welfare application as “extended family,” and
they will qualify for additional benefits.
Afghan newspaper’s
‘blasphemy’ causes protests after rebuking Isis and Islam. Comment piece in Afghanistan
Express launched ‘by technical error’ also attacked Taliban and said Islam is
parochial religion
Excerpt: A newspaper columnist condemning Islamic State
(Isis) and the Taliban triggered demonstrations in several Afghan cities on
Friday, with protesters denouncing the article as blasphemous and calling on
the government to punish the publication.
Sweden: “Youths”
in Muslim-dominated area beat up old, half-deaf, half-blind man; they thought
his hearing aid was police radio. By Nicolai Sennels
Excerpt: The gang started beating the older man, and when he
tried to defend himself, he was attacked with kicks from a couple of other
youths. He found it difficult to keep balance during the attacks, because
besides his hearing loss, he is also completely dependent on his lenses in
order to see, and the lenses were knocked out of his eyes because of the blows
and kicks… (Ignorant savages trying to become barbarians. ~Bob)
Excerpt: Back in 2009-10, then Turkey 's Prime Minister (now
President) Recep Tayyip Erdogan was greeted like a rock star in every Arab
capital. He was presumably the darling of the Arab street, including Damascus , Beirut and Egypt -- all of which are today Turkey 's
regional nemeses. In 2011, an Egyptian columnist wrote a commentary in which he
"begged the Turks to lend [them] their prime minister." To which this
columnist replied: "By all means. Take him, and you need not return
Excerpt: The Change.org petition, which had gathered nearly 2,000
signatures by Monday afternoon, was authored by Marium Navid, a senator with
the student government group Associated Students of the University of
California, with the support of Khwaja Ahmed, a member of the campus advocacy
group Middle Eastern, Muslim and South Asian Coalition, the campus’ Daily
Californian reported Sunday. “Bill Maher is a blatant bigot and racist who has
no respect for the values UC Berkeley students and administration stand for,”
the petition reads. (An Apostate from the Great Progressive
Church . Stone him! I
suggest they send a delegation to Iraq
to invite the head of ISIS to be the speaker.
Excerpt: Earlier this month, Kurds in Germany clashed with radical Muslims in the
northern city of Hamburg and elsewhere in street
clashes fueled by the conflict involving the jihadist group Islamic State in
northern Iraq and Syria .
Europe is different from the U.S.
in which political activism either takes on extremist left wing or ultra
conservative right wing forms. The media on the left says that these groups end
up uniting with neo-Nazis and fascists while others say that the German media
is demonizing the movement with the usual “Nazi” slur. ((at least some people
have balls. --JB)
Landmark case:
Islamic cleric who raped girl, 11, inside mosque sentenced
Excerpt: In what's being hailed by human rights groups as a
landmark court case, an Afghan mullah was sentenced to 20 years in prison for
raping a young girl in his mosque in Kabul ,
Afghanistan ,
according to Middle Eastern news reports on
Monday. While the defenders of the Muslim cleric attempted to persuade the
court that the cleric's sex with the 11-year-old girl was consensual, the judge
was not sympathetic to the religious leader, Mullah Mohammad Amin.
Marines End Mission In Afghanistan
After 13 Years
Excerpt: Officials also said in September that the Afghan
Ministry of Defense was still determining how to best use the massive
1,600-acre Leatherneck. Brig. Gen. Daniel Yoo, commander of Regional Command
Southwest, said the Afghan National Army’s 215th Corps planned to use the
airfield at Bastion to connect with Kabul
and to support its aviation operations in the meantime. (My guess is that it
will be turned into a recruiting station for the Taliban within six months. Note
the misspelling of "Leatherneck" on the sign. --MasterGuns)
IPT Exclusive: Qatar 's
Insidious Influence on the Brookings Institution. By Steven Emerson, John
Rossomando and Dave Yonkman
Excerpt: The Brookings Institution bills itself as "the
most influential, most quoted and most trusted think tank in the world,"
but should it be? Brookings' long-term relationship with the Qatari government
– a notorious supporter of terror in the Middle
East – casts a dark cloud over such a lofty claim to credibility. A September New York Times exposé revealed Qatar's
status as the single largest foreign donor to the Brookings Institution.
Excerpt: It's hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys
anymore. You've seen it in the news. It has shocked and horrified the civilized
world. Christians and Yazidis, by the thousands, are fleeing for their lives in
Iraq, Syria and elsewhere as devout
followers of the "prophet" Muhammad, aka, the "Islamic
State," continue to brutally slaughter these "infidels" on
the run, even torturing, dismembering
and beheading children as their parents are forced
to watch. (Maybe Obama could offer asylum to these Christians, [if he truly
is one] rather than the thousands of illegals he plans to bring here. --JB. He
wouldn't trust Christians to vote Democrat. ~Bob)
Kerry's "Real Islam": Jerusalem Terrorist's Mother: 'Praise Allah
He's a Martyr': Rioting and family refusal highlight burial of Hamas terrorist,
after he 'brought honor to family' by murdering baby and 22-year-old. By Shimon
Cohen, Ari Yashar
The Obama administration called the baby's murder a
"traffic incident." That's like calling the KKK a "social
club." ~Bob
Excerpt: Just after last week's terrorist attacks in Ottawa, the city's police chief
Charles Bordeleau reached out to various Muslim leaders and organizations with
questionable ties to radical organizations including the Muslim Brotherhood and
Hamas, according to a report produced by the Canadian website Point
De Bascule Sikhander Hashmi, the imam at the Kanata Muslim Association (KMA),
acknowledged that Bordeleau contacted him to reassure the Muslim community in
case of "backlash" from the terrorist attack. (After every
Muslim terrorist atrocity, the liberals always hope for a backlash against
Muslims, that will prove how benighted everyone but they are. And they are
always disappointed, but hope springs...~Bob)
The Crisis in U.S.-Israel Relations Is Officially Here. The
Obama administration's anger is "red-hot" over Israel 's settlement policies, and the Netanyahu
government openly expresses contempt for Obama's understanding of the Middle East . Profound changes in the relationship may be
coming. By Jeffrey Goldberg
Excerpt: The other day I was talking to a senior Obama
administration official about the foreign leader who seems to frustrate the
White House and the State Department the most. “The thing about Bibi is, he’s a
chickenshit,” this official said, referring to the Israeli prime
minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, by his nickname. This comment is representative
of the gloves-off manner in which American and Israeli officials now talk about
each other behind closed doors, and is yet another sign that relations between
the Obama and Netanyahu governments have moved toward a full-blown
crisis. (there is no one in the Obama Administration who could have gone
into combat as Netanyahu has without wetting his panties. ~Bob)
Robert A. Hall is a Marine Vietnam Veteran who served five
terms in the Massachusetts State Senate. He is the author of The Coming Collapse of the American Republic.
http://tiny.cc/g02s4 For a free PDF of Collapse, e-mail him at
tartanmarine(at)gmail.com. Hall’s eleven books are listed here: http://tinyurl.com/o4nu65u. His blog of
political news and conservative comment is www.tartanmarine.blogspot.com.
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