Guest Post: Another Scandal Brewing?
Mossad's licence to
Excerpt: The Mossad assassins could have felt only
satisfaction when the news broke that they had succeeded in killing Mahmoud
al-Mabhouh, a top Hamas military commander, in Dubai last month. The Israeli government's
refusal to comment on the death has once more gained worldwide publicity for
Mossad, its feared intelligence service. (W`e will come to this...or we will
lose. ~Bob)
Census Bureau:
Means-Tested Gov't Benefit Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Year-Round Workers
Excerpt: Americans who were recipients of means-tested
government benefits in 2011 outnumbered year-round full-time workers, according
to data released this month by the Census Bureau. They also out-numbered the
total population of the Philippines .
Obamacare too costly for rich Coloradans, Democrat
congressman says. By Tori Richards
Excerpt: One of President Obama’s most ardent liberal
supporters has defected from Obamacare. Rep. Jared Polis, D-Boulder, told a
Colorado health policy think tank that Obamacare premiums will be too expensive
for some of the wealthiest addresses in America – ski resorts like Breckenridge
and Keystone. He says he’s asking the feds to let them sit out the president’s
national health system. (My rep in PA also had similar horror stories from his
constituents. No matter how many such reports we distribute, they will only be
the tip of the iceberg. The Left will be forced to distance itself from Obama
en masse at this critical time (elections coming). --Don Hank)
The White House’s
Smear Strategy
Excerpt: Apparently, Obama's deputy Chief of Staff Rob
Nabors told top Senate Democrats Harry Reid, Dick Durbin and Patty Murray that
during a White House meeting, a senior House Republican leader had said to the
President, "I cannot even stand to look at you." Senator Durbin then
repeated the story on his Facebook page, where it
came to the attention of House leaders, who denied it. As it turns out, it was a lie. Jay Carney himself has confirmed that
the incident never took place.
Excerpt: Cornerstone
University promotes building
“a life that matters” — which to them does not include supplying
employees with birth control, sterilization, and abortifacients. The Michigan school filed jointly against Obamacare's HHS Mandate Wednesday
alongside of Iowa ’s Dordt College.
CBS News: Obamacare's Entire Financial Model is In Danger
of Collapsing. By Guy Benson
Excerpt: With so much of the media's
attention fixated on Obamacare's technological
meltdown, some important storylines have gone under-explored. CBS
news, to its credit delved into one of them today, noting that of the people
who have successfully obtained coverage under the new law, it appears
that the vast majority of
them are new Medicaid enrollees. And that poses a mortal threat to
the entire structure of the law:
Excerpt: News came out this week that the U.S. Air Force
Academy is bowing to an anti-religious extremist group who are demanding that
cadets be excused from saying "so help me God" when being sworn into
their oath of office. The pressure group is the fine sounding "Military
Foundation For Religious Freedom", an anti-religious group, run by a
pseudo RINO conservative named Mikey Weinstein, and promoted by former MASH
actor Mike Farrell who has spent his post MASH decades campaigning for every
liberal cause dreamed up by California
liberals. Part of their motto is "their is no God in the U.S.
Military." The organization is funded by liberals, and thanks to Valerie
Jarrett on Obama's White House staff, they are now included in the Combined
Federal Campaign, and allocated a portion of the charity to divorce the soldier
from God.
Police, Islamic
Extremists in Pakistan
Hunt for Christian Accused of 'Blasphemy'
Excerpt: Police and a banned Islamic extremist group in Lahore , Pakistan
are searching for a young Christian accused of blasphemy – with the extremist
group calling for his death – after he sought to correct misconceptions about
Christianity in a Muslim book, sources said. ... How dare someone use
derogatory language against our beloved prophet … Don’t they know that the
Koran orders us to slit the throat of whoever is disrespectful to Allah’s
beloved prophet?” (Didn't get the "Islam is a Religion of Peace":
memo. ~Bob)
Armenian ‘orphan rug’
is in White House storage, as unseen as genocide is neglected
Excerpt: If you can read a carpet’s cues, the plants and
animals depicted on the rug may represent the Garden of Eden, which is about as
far removed as possible from the rug’s origins in the horrific events of 1915,
when the fracturing and senescent Ottoman Empire began a murderous
campaign against its Armenian population. Between 1 million and 1.5
million people were killed or died of starvation, and others were uprooted from
their homes in what has been termed the first modern and systematic genocide. ...
But on Sept. 12, the Smithsonian scholar who helped organize the event canceled
it, citing the White House’s decision not to loan the carpet.
Christian book
burning in Raqqa
Excerpt: The militia of the Islamic State of Iraq and the
Levant (ISIL), the faction that in several regions of Syria monopolized the
armed insurrection against the regime in Damascus in recent days have organized
a book burning of Bibles and Christian books in front of the Greek - Catholic
church of Our Lady of the Annunciation in Raqqa, the Syrian city which has been
for months under the control of anti-Assad militias. (Good thing it wasn't a
Qur'an being burned--there would have been violence. ~Bob)
Husband forces wife
to drink acid
Excerpt: A man in Sheikhupura district forced his wife to
drink acid after she gave birth to a babygirl, reported a private TV channel on
Sunday. (Meanwhile, feminists are worried about the GOP's "war on
women" since they don't want to force people to pay for birth control for
yuppie college students. ~Bob)
Taxpayers foot £350k
legal bill for Muslim pubic hair battle
Excerpt: Taxpayers have been left with a legal bill of
£350,000 after Muslim parents went to court to win right to shave their
disabled daughter's pubic hair.
New columnist for New
York Times is anti-Israel conspiracist
Excerpt: For instance, notes
Trager, Al-Aswany declared earlier this year on Egyptian television that
President Obama is prevented from “go[ing] against Israel ’s
desire” by a “massive Zionist organization” that “rules America .”
Al-Aswany also holds the bizarre conspiratorial view that the United States supported the virulently
anti-Semitic and anti-Israel Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
in order to help Israel .
(Good fit for the Times. ~Bob)
Excerpt: Four Iranian Christians were reportedly sentenced
to 80 lashes for drinking wine for communion, a shocking punishment meted out
even as a new United Nations report blasted the Islamic republic for its systematic
persecution of non-Muslims.
Owner says deadly
Hopkinton explosion caused by burglars using torch to open safe of fireworks
Excerpt: A safe full of fireworks and an acetylene torch
caused an explosion that took the lives of two men who police said were
attempting an early morning burglary at a landscaping company. Lucas Burke, 21,
of Allenstown and Ethan Keeler, 20, of Epsom died in a blast at New Yard
Landscaping at 67 Farrington
Corner Road . ... "The whole thing went up and
blew their bodies apart," Komisarek said.
Excerpt: For years conservatives have use the words
“Personal Responsibility” in reference to people getting off of government
assistance programs and being self reliant. Many in the African American
community have an instant reaction to these words. As an American of African
decent myself, I have seen first hand the anger these words elicit, especially
when I speak them.
Excerpt: Elderly New Yorkers are in a panic after getting
notices that insurance companies are booting their doctors from the Medicare
Advantage program as a result of the shifting medical landscape under
ObamaCare. That leaves patients with unenviable choices: keep the same
insurance plan and find another doctor, pay out of pocket or look for another
plan where their physician is a member.
10 Senate Democrats sign Shaheen letter pushing for open
enrollment extension, By Aaron Blake
Ten Senate Democrats have signed on to a letter crafted by
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) urging the Obama administration to extend the open
enrollment period for the recently launched health-care exchanges. (Delay
Obamacare? Must be a bunch of racist,terrorist, hostage-taking Tea Party
wackos. Obamacare is the law of the land--including the parts Obama changed
without a vote of Congress. ~Bob)
Tweet from Ed @EDinCali
Do you realize? 5 years of Obama/Hillary foreign policy
results our friends no longer trust us and our enemies no longer fear us
Tweet from Brad Thor @BradThor
Irony: #Obama's new top
economics adviser charged w/ fixing
is from same Bain Capital Romney helmed & was vilified 4
Woman who helped UK
Soldier Murdered by Muslims, Targeted by Muslims and Police. By Daniel
Excerpt: No good deed goes unpunished in Eurabia and
Londonistan. The media used Ingrid Loyau-Kennett’s courage to put a positive
spin on the brutal Muslim murder of Lee Rigby. But the police who stayed away
from the scene while the butchers ranted and raved from theKoran were quick to
go after her.
Handout Recipients Now Outnumber Full-Time Workers in USA .
Reestablishing America is not going to be easy, now that we have passed the tipping point,
with more people collecting means-tested handouts than there are working full
time: "There were 108,592,000 people in the United States in the fourth
quarter of 2011 who were recipients of one or more means-tested government
benefit programs, the Census Bureau said in data released this week. Meanwhile,
according to the Census Bureau, there were 101,716,000 people who worked
full-time year round in 2011. That included both private-sector and government
However, their £608-a-week B&B room is paid for by the taxpayer, and makes
up a £53,000-a-year benefits handout on top of income support and child
benefit. The pair now want want the council to give them a bigger house for
their brood. They argue they would be able to work if they weren't bullied
about their sexuality - and afford a house themselves. [I lived once in a West Yorkshire town that turned out to be Lesbian Mecca.
These two don't look like lesbians to me. Kate]
To Bob
from Kate: One for us girlie-girls, please:
VIDEO: What a difference
a half century makes (Jackie vs. Mooch)
That Donkey: Expand Jobs Footprint with Coal. By John Ransom
Coal means cheap energy; coal means more jobs; coal means America 's energy independence.
Every year I celebrate Earth Day with tips and ideas on how readers can expand
their carbon footprint. Now, below, you’ll find the newest, top ten ways I
recommend to expand your carbon footprint on October 29th, 2013 Anno Domini, to celebrate Count on Coal
Political Fallacies Too Many Americans Embrace. By John Hawkins
Excerpt: As Benjamin Franklin
once said, "Democracy is
two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch."This is why
our Founding Fathers made this country a republic, not a democracy. They
believed that the people should have their say, but also that certain
underlying rules should remain in place that should take precedence over the
will of a simple majority.
Regulations Threaten Freedom of Press in United Kingdom . By Mike McNally
Excerpt: In a move that would be unthinkable to most Americans, politicians inBritain are on
the brink of introducingstatutory regulation of the press in a bid to curb what
they see as the excesses of the nation’s newspapers. Those behind the proposals are taking advantage of the lack of
explicit free speech or press freedom protections in the UK ’s piecemeal
constitution, which is partly written and partly based on convention. At the
end of the day, what Parliament says, goes.
Excerpt: In a move that would be unthinkable to most Americans, politicians in
Krauthammer, revealed. By Thomas Lifson
Excerpt: One of the great
delights of that show is watching Krauthammer disagree with Williams, and
observing the facial expression of Juan as he reacts. Like most intelligent
liberals, Williams realizes that Krauthammer's mind is extraordinarily
penetrating, and his views cannot be dismissed idly. Often there is more than a
hint of dismay in the visage of Williams after Dr. K has spoken. hile I was aware that Charles
Krauthammer suffered a severed spinal cord in his early 20s, after diving into
a swimming pool and hitting his head on the bottom, and was wheelchair-bound
ever since, I did not know the details of his amazing response.
For some time, in contempt of Israeli law and the agreements signed between Israel and the PLO, the EU has been financing
illegal building by Arabs in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem . What was new
in last month’s incident was the deployment of European diplomats at the scene
to provide diplomatic cover for Palestinian law-breakers, and of course their
willingness to physically assault Israeli security forces. In recent months,
there has been a palpable escalation of European hostility toward Israel .
Yorkers are about to elect a Left-wing extremist--Bill de Blasio--as their
mayor. Why? By Robert Wargas
His answer to every question is to harangue a vague income category known as
“the rich”. The only thing a socialist hates more than poverty is affluence.
His only concrete policy ideas are tax raises on those making over $500,000 per
year and universal pre-kindergarten for children.
Excerpt: Manchester United have issued an unreserved apology and launched an
internal investigation following the publication of a Swastika-style club logo
on a weekly email sent to supporters. The United Uncovered email, which bears
the offending image, also carries the heading of New Order - a term linked to
Nazism following Adolf Hitler’s call in 1941 for a European New Order - above
images of several players, including Adnan Januzaj, David de Gea and Danny
Not Fecundophobia, It's Family Phobia. By Daniel Greenfield
The left has few children. It’s quite aware of the Idiocracy paradigm. It’s
afraid of being “outbred”. It compensates by controlling education and pop
culture, reproducing through influence rather than genetics, the DNA of ideas,
and importing large numbers of dependent groups who will vote reliably for them
along with their many children (also not weird or a problem). But it still
seeks to lower the birth rate for those it considers its enemies.
in America
Sympathize With Somali Pirates, Not Americans. By Daniel Greenfield
Clearly this is a problem that only can be solved with more Somali settlers
moving out of the Midwest and into coastal
states. And then Americans can finally experience Somali piracy without going
anywhere near Africa . These people are not
Americans. They have no interest in being Americans. They’re sponging off America while
sympathizing with Somali pirates. They’re no different than the Muslim terrorist
supporters who move to Jersey City
and send money to the Taliban. (Los
Angeles all over again. Angelenos never say,
"I am an American." They always say, "I was born in this
country." Kate.)
Gangs are preventing victims of Hurricane Manuel in southern Mexico from
receiving desperately needed assistance, the Latin American Herald Tribune reported.
The Tribune, citing an account in the Mexican newspaper Reforma, reported that
some of the worst problems occurred in Guerrero state, where gunmen stole
relief workers’ SUVs, forcing workers to return to headquarters on foot.
Police Chief Narrowly Avoids Carjacking. By Daniel Greenfield
Excerpt: Welcome toDetroit . Keep your hands inside the vehicle.
Never slow down unless it’s to
fire off a few rounds into the air.
Excerpt: Welcome to
A black box in your
car? Some see a source of tax revenue: The devices would track every mile you
drive —possibly including your location — and the government would use the data
to draw up a tax bill.
Excerpt: As America 's road planners struggle to
find the cash to mend a crumbling highway system, many are beginning to see a
solution in a little black box that fits neatly by the dashboard of your
car. The devices, which track every mile a motorist drives and transmit that
information to bureaucrats, are at the center of a controversial attempt in
Washington and state planning offices to overhaul the outdated system for
funding America's major roads….In Nevada, where about 50 volunteers' cars were
equipped with the devices not long ago, drivers were uneasy about the
government being able to monitor their every move. (Progressive and Allstate
insurance offering tracking for “discounts if qualify.” --Barb)
Obama’s Valerie
Jarrett: Often Whispered about, But Never Challenged
Excerpt: He was not fired for revealing any secrets, but for
making disparaging comments about thin-skinned administration players ranging
from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Secretary of Defense Chuck
Hagel. What apparently intensified the campaign to identify the “snarker”
was a comment about Valerie Jarrett, the senior Obama adviser who has her own
Secret Service detail and appears to exercise an inordinate amount of power
behind the scenes. Joseph tweeted “I’m a fan of Obama, but his continuing
reliance and dependence upon a vacuous cipher like Valerie Jarrett concerns
me.” (Article notes Jarrett referred to as “Rasputin.” --Barb)
'revolutionary hijacker' in Cuba dreams of return to US: Almost three
decades after hijacking a plane to Cuba and serving 13 years in jail,
William Potts wants to go home
Excerpt: William Potts burned with a desire to change the
world, but nothing turned out the way he planned. Dreaming of helping the
struggle to uproot global oppression, he dropped out of college, became a
Muslim and went to join the Namibian freedom movement…So he returned to the US
and, in 1984, concealed a .25-calibre pistol in a plaster cast and hijacked a
plane to Cuba, among the last of dozens of self-styled revolutionary
hijackings. (Happy to chip in for his ticket home...if I can serve on the
firing squad. I'll bring my own rifle and ammo. ~Bob)
Capitol Police investigating Navy Yard ‘stand down’ claim
Excerpt: “Norton spoke with Capitol Police officers at the Navy Yard and she understands their frustration that the tactical team was not allowed to proceed,” her office said in a statement.
Excerpt: “Norton spoke with Capitol Police officers at the Navy Yard and she understands their frustration that the tactical team was not allowed to proceed,” her office said in a statement.
“Norton believes
an investigation is necessary to determine whether other tactical police forces
were on the scene or available, whether lives could have been saved by Capitol
Police without putting the Capitol at risk, and if there was proper
coordination of police forces.” Dine said that the review would be led by
Michael Strenger, assistant sergeant at arms for protective services and
continuity. The review is due to be completed by Oct. 21. (Oh, gee, so many more
fires/smoke/scandals/things to stress about, these 12 folks are under the bus
with the 4 from Benghazi and
Lord knows how many more…. WHO CARES? --Barb)
Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate
is executive at company that built Obamacare website
Excerpt: Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate
is a top executive at the company that earned the contract to build the failed
Obamacare website. Toni Townes-Whitley, Princeton class
of ’85, is
senior vice president at CGI Federal, which earned the no-bid contract to build the $678 million Obamacare
enrollment website at CGI Federal is the U.S. arm
of a Canadian company. Townes-Whitley and her Princeton classmate Michelle Obama
are both members of
the Association of Black Princeton Alumni. (Since site does not
work, is there any recourse to recoup the taxpayer $$ or sue for false business
practices? A “no bid contract”???? They’re either totally inept (racist,
racist) or it is deliberate, folks. Supposed to crash the entire system and
cause chaos. Let ‘s go campaign. Forward. Change. --Barb)


As this mess (Obamacare) unravels, people become more and
more frustrated, and the truth about Obamacare starts to sink in, it will be
time for Obama and his minions to step forward and offer to simplify everything
and make it easy for everyone. No more insurance companies, no more hassle, the
government will make it all better with single payer. That was the
goal all along. And I guarantee you; at that point, websites and phone banks
will work flawlessly, just like magic. --Morgan Brittany
Excerpt: Each morning we wake up, open up the newspaper,
turn on the television, or fire up the computer, and we will surely read about
something that shakes our world a bit...something that goes against the old
values we've held for a lifetime. Too many times we ponder that even in
isolation; we say that doesn't make sense! We question how the vilest of acts
could have been perpetrated in the world we knew so well! I am as guilty of
looking at things with too much simplicity as anyone else. But when you really
take a step back, when you think about how that vile crime, or that monstrous
attack on human dignity, or that variation on moral behavior, you can more
easily understand the world we are living in today. Sometimes, we must step
back from the trees in order to see the whole forest. And having stepped back,
and having pondered today's ever evolving world, I would argue that we are
living through the total collapse of our institutions, the code of law and the
code of conduct that makes us civilized.
So how's that "Soft power, international reset
going" Mr. President? ~Bob. Excerpt: A new report that says Iran may need as little as a month to produce
enough uranium for a nuclear bomb is further evidence for why Israel will
take military action before that happens, an Israeli defense official said
Excerpt: Recently, a tenured UNC professor was forced to
retire early because of offensive remarks he made in the classroom. Had he not
retired early, he might have been stripped of tenure altogether. Or he might
have simply been disallowed to teach and instead assigned to handle various
administrative tasks. He was already serving a temporary suspension from the
classroom when he decided to avoid further embarrassment by taking his early
retirement. It’s worth taking a few minutes to discuss what he did in order to
land in such hot water with the university administration. It speaks volumes
about the current cultural climate in higher education.
4 Teens Charged in Death
of WWII Veteran, Hot Tamale King
Excerpt: Assistant police chief Andrew Kaho tells the Delta
Democrat Times Terrance Morgan and Edward Johnson, both 19; and Leslie Litt and
Geblonski Murray, both 18, were arrested in connection with the incident. Each
of the four is charged with capital murder, robbery and conspiracy to commit
robbery. (If Obama had a son, who in this story would he look like? No word
from the WH. ~Bob)
News Anchor
Completely Loses It For The Best Possible Reason
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