Government reopens
after shutdown; Obama urges Congress to resist ‘extremes’
Excerpt: The agreement struck by Senate Majority Leader
Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) funds
agencies through mid-January, calls hundreds of thousands of civil servants
back to work and raises the $16.7 trillion debt limit. (Winners: Democrat/Media alliance. Loser: Fiscal
sanity. One strep closer to the collapse. They were resisting fiscal extremes.
Yesterday's 'Deal' Is a Win for the
Washington Establishment. By Katie Nielsen
Excerpt: The Senate announced a deal yesterday to protect
the status quo in Washington .
As pundits debate the political winners or losers of this deal, one thing is
clear: The American people are once again on the losing end.
Obama Has Failed to Follow His Own Example. By Victor Davis Hanson
Excerpt: Yet if both sides would agree to just follow the
earlier advice of President Obama, tempers might cool and a deal could still be
reached. And had President Obama himself just listened to earlier guidance from
Barack Obama, his opponents might have had no cause for either a government
shutdown or another debt-ceiling crisis. In 2006, Obama rightly called for an
end to the Bush administration's intemperate deficit spending that had resulted
in an annual deficit of $250 billion that year. Accordingly, Sen. Obama voted
to shut down the government rather than automatically to extend the debt
Guest Post: Borrowing Into Oblivion
The problem is the
debt, not the debt ceiling. By Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe
Excerpt: The predictions of doom have been hysterical.
Bloomberg reported that a US
default would be the first by a major Western government “since Nazi Germany 80 years ago.” Warren Buffett compared
debt-ceiling politics to weapons of mass destruction — “like nuclear bombs,
basically too horrible to use.” President Obama, saying he was quoting “CEOs
and economists,” told a White House news conference that failing to raise the
debt ceiling would be “insane, catastrophic, chaos.” And the Treasury Department
issued a grim warning that a default could prove calamitous:
“Credit markets could freeze, the value of the dollar could plummet
. . . and there might be a financial crisis and recession that could
echo the events of 2008 or worse.”
President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it.
By Chris Cillizza
Excerpt: A visibly
frustrated President Obama delivered a blunt message to Republicans
with whom he had feuded over the government shutdown and the debt ceiling over
the past month on Tuesday: Elections matter. I won, you lost. Deal with it. That’s a paraphrase — obviously. Here’s what Obama actually said: (But
Republicans won the House in 2010. Deal with it. ~Bob)
Important: The Unraveling of ObamaCare
Excerpt: Advocates marketed the Affordable Care Act (ACA or
"ObamaCare") to the American public as a way to "bend the cost
curve" of soaring health care costs downward. But despite its supporters'
hopes, the 2010 legislation was fiscally reckless, markedly increasing the
government's already-unsustainable health spending commitments at a time of
record deficits. Three years later, the fiscal harm stemming from the ACA is as
bad as -- and even worse than -- many experts predicted. The problem lies with
the nature of the law itself, promising trillions in new government benefits
while relying on dubious financing mechanisms. These problems were not only
foreseeable, they were indeed widely foreseen, says Charles Blahous, a senior
research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
Navigating the
ObamaCare Maze: The government is the worst vendor possible for managing
health-insurance exchanges. By John C. Goodman
He predicted the current mess in May. ~Bob
WH: Why Of Course We Stand By Kathleen Sebelius, Despite
Obamacare's Historic Failures. By Guy
Anyone surprised? I mean, this guy still has his job, as does everyone who dropped the ball overBenghazi . Not to worry,
Kathleen -- the program you're overseeing may be a trainwreck of epic proportions, but your job is safe:
Anyone surprised? I mean, this guy still has his job, as does everyone who dropped the ball over
From Mother Jones,
on the left: Just How Bad Is the Obamacare
Website, Anyway? By Kevin Drum
Excerpt: And while I'm at it, I have to add my voice to all
those who are sort of agog over the missed chance on this from Republicans.
Under normal circumstances, this stuff would be front-page news, with the Obama
administration hunkered down and taking hailstorms of flak from all directions.
Instead, the shutdown has sucked all the oxygen out of the room and has even
provided a built-in excuse for all the website problems. For a party that has
dedicated nearly its entire existence to trashing Obamacare, Republicans sure
have scored an own goal here.
Obamacare enrollees
become urban legend
Excerpt: Nearly two weeks after the federal government
launched the online Health Insurance Marketplace at, individuals
who have successfully used the choked-up website to enroll for a subsidized
health insurance plan have reached a status akin to urban legend: Everyone has
heard of them, but very few people have actually met one. The Miami Herald
searched high and low for individuals who completed enrollment for a subsidized
health plan through the marketplace, also called an exchange, launched by the
federal government on Oct. 1 in 36 states, including Florida .
The Horror Stories of Obamacare's Rate Shock. By Kevin
Excerpt: Obamacare would "bring down premiums by $2500
for the typical family," President Obama boasted during the debate
over his signature health legislation. While the veracity of that promise
is up for debate, it's also
important to parse out that when President Obama said "typical
family," he also left out who he doesn't mean by "typical
family." These are the stories of those left behind by Obamacare. They
won't see their premiums fall. Instead, their insurance
will double in price.
Obama says he’ll veto
bill that mandates Obamacare for himself, Congress
Excerpt: President Barack Obama is reportedly
telling congressional officials he will veto any debt-ceiling bill from Congress
that includes the so-called Vitter amendment, which would make
the Affordable Care Act applicable to senior executive branch
officials, including the president and vice president. The amendment, offered
by U.S. Sen. David Vitter, R-La., and supported by House Republican leaders,
would also apply to Congress, according to Politico. You might call the
Vitter amendment the “eat the food you cooked, sleep in the bed you made”
A Look into Canadian
Health Care
Excerpt: Addressing the naïve and misleading allusion to the
idea of timely access to "free," high quality health care in Canada,
is important -- especially for those relying on it for support of the status
quo in Canada or in support of arguments to adopt a Canadian-style health care
system elsewhere, says Bacchus Barua, a senior economist with the Fraser
Institute. To begin, health care in Canada is anything but free.
The average Canadian family of two parents with two children pays approximately
$11,320 in taxes for hospital and physician care through the country's tax
system. Next is the question of the scope and timeliness of medical services
provided in exchange for this substantial expenditure.
Excerpt: Just as there are timeless truths, there are also
timeless falsehoods. Here are a few of the latter that I’ve recently
encountered, but there are, of course, plenty more. Some libertarians may not
agree with me (at least at first) on all of them. 1) The free market
creates scarcity and higher prices. In any economic system—socialist,
interventionist, or free market—the quantity of a good will typically not be
enough to satisfy demand when the price is zero. In a free market, in which
people trade their legitimate claims to those resources, prices will tend to
rise or fall to the level where the quantity supplied equals the quantity
demanded, and in that way prices help us to cope with scarcity. Not only that,
the free market, via a system of profit and loss, gives entrepreneurs an
incentive both to supply more of scarce resources and to discover alternatives
to them. ... Sandy Ikeda is an
associate professor of economics at Purchase
College , SUNY, and the
author of The Dynamics of the Mixed Economy: Toward a Theory of
NATO Ally Reportedly
Exposed Israeli Spies in Iran
Excerpt: Turkish Prime Minister
Tayyip Recep Erdoğan's hostility toward Israel and embrace of Hamas
terrorists is well established. He
has called Zionism, the
belief in a Jewish state, "a crime against humanity." But a report published Wednesday evening
by Washington Post columnist David Ignatius raises the question of
whether Erdoğan, head of a NATO state, deliberately
sabotaged efforts to stop Iran's nuclear weapons program out of spite for
Israel. (Where is Ataturk when we need him? ~Bob)
The Growing Terror
Threat From Radical Women Converts. By Abigail R. Esman
Excerpt: In a photograph, the girl looks back with casual
curiosity, her face scrubbed, her hair pulled a bit untidily behind her ears,
her collar crisp, her tie askew, a charming and timeless portrait of the young Catholic schoolgirl in her teens. Barely more than a decade
later, she is called the world's most dangerous woman, the Muslim terrorist
known as the "white widow," thought to have helped mastermind last month's terrorist
attacks in Nairobi in which 72 people, including several children,
were massacred in a popular shopping mall.
10 Ways to Know that
Black America Has
Lost Its Mind Under Obama
Excerpt: The Your Black World team had a meeting and decided
upon a few ways that we could tell that black America has lost it’s mind
under President Obama. We don’t know which way is up or down, and it seems that
good politics has been thrown out the window. So, here’s a list of ways that we
know that black people have lost their minds over the last five years.
Trey Gowdy Goes Off
On National Park Service Director For Treating Occupy Protesters Better Than
Nation’s Veterans
Excerpt: Jarvis then claimed that the veterans would have
been permitted to enter the war memorials if they “declared” they were
exercising their First Amendment rights.
“Who were they to declare it to? A barricade?” Gowdy
responded sarcastically. “Mr. Chairman, I want the record to reflect that no
statute or code of the federal regulation was cited to justify the erection of
Obama’s Tax Thugs. By Daniel Greenfield
Excerpt: There are always plenty of Caplins and Lois Lerners
around to do the dirty work of the men on top, but what truly matters is the
abuse of power by the chief executives who give them their marching orders. Obama’s
IRS scandal is not the first abuse of the system. But it should be the last
one. Like JFK’s IRS scandal, it comes down to a White House worried about the
impact of “right wing organizations” on its political agenda and lists being
drawn up in order to intimidate and sabotage conservative organizations.
IRS, White House
officials that shared confidential taxpayer info had 155 White House meetings
Excerpt: Of Ingram’s 165 White House meetings with White
House staff, a staggering 155 of them were hosted by deputy assistant to the
president for health policy Jeanne Lambrew, according to a June Watchdog.Org analysis of White House visitor
records….The White House recently took down visitor logs recording details of
these meetings, citing the government shutdown. Ingram headed the
scandal-plagued IRS office that oversaw tax-exempt organizations between 2009
and 2012, when she left to take over the IRS office in charge of Obamacare
Obama’s Secret Collaboration with ACORN Bosses. By Matthew Vadum
Excerpt: Former officers of the disgraced radical group
ACORN are still advising the Obama administration and guiding its catastrophic
far-left policies almost three years after the group filed bankruptcy.
Democrats’ Peculiar Definition of ‘Settled Law.’ By Ann Coulter
Excerpt: No major legislation has ever been passed like
Obamacare — and I’m using the word “passed” pretty loosely. It became law
without both houses ever voting on the same bill. (Say, is the Constitution
considered “settled law”?) Not one Republican voted for it — and a lot of
Democrats immediately wished they hadn’t. (Immigration Law, the Defense of
Marriage Act and Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Slavery and Jim Crow in it's day were
all "settled law." ~Bob)
No Surprise: Where Do Public School Teachers Send Own
Kids? By Larry Elder
Excerpt: One study found that in Philadelphia a staggering 44 percent of
public school teachers send their own kids to private schools. In Cincinnati and Chicago ,
41 and 39 percent of public school teachers, respectively, pay for a private
school education for their children. In Rochester ,
New York , it's 38 percent. In Baltimore it's 35 percent, San Francisco is 34 percent and New
York-Northeastern New Jersey is 33 percent. In Los Angeles nearly 25 percent of public
school teachers send their kids to private school versus 16 percent of
Angelenos who do so.
Mitch McConnell gets
nearly $3 billion for Kentucky
dam project in congressional deal
Excerpt: Most experts agree that there were no real winners
in the government shutdown debate. And many political forecasters say the brunt
of fallout from the debate over the shutdown and the debt ceiling is likely to
hurt Republican lawmakers. However, the nation’s
leading Republican senator came out of the deal far from empty handed. That’s
because it’s been reported that Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell secured language in
the new government funding bill that includes nearly $3 billion for a dam
project in his home state of Kentucky .
Thousands of additional
troops urged for force in Somalia
Excerpt: U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is calling for a
surge of thousands of African troops in Somalia
to stem the threat of terrorism posed by Islamist insurgents and ensure the
survival of a U.N.-backed government, whose success Washington believes is crucial to defeating
extremist groups in the region, according to a previously undisclosed appeal.
(The UN will be fighting the same people they are helping against Israel .
Cory Booker wins New Jersey Senate race
Excerpt: Newark Mayor Cory Booker, a rising national Democratic star,
was elected to the U.S. Senate Wednesday and will become New Jersey 's first ever African American
senator. (No surprise. Watch for a scandal with this one, given his looseness
with the truth in the past. I hope he appoints his imaginary friend chief of
staff. ~Bob)
Excerpt: Documents reveal the National Security Agency’s
extensive involvement in the targeted killing program that has served as a
centerpiece of President Obama’s counter-terrorism strategy. In the search for
targets, the NSA has draped a surveillance blanket over dozens of square miles
of northwest Pakistan .
The drone campaign – often depicted as the CIA’s exclusive domain — relies
heavily on the NSA’s ability to vacuum up enormous quantities of e-mail, phone
calls and other fragments of signals intelligence, or “SIGINT.” (The drone
program making red mush out of terrorists and anyone standing nearby is one
Obama policy I support. ~Bob)
40 year since the Vietnam
POWS--some of them--came home
Federal Workers
During the last decade, compensation of federal employees rose faster than
compensation of private-sector employees. As a consequence, the average federal
civilian worker now earns 74 percent more in wages and benefits than the
average worker in the U.S.
private sector. A job-to-job comparison found that federal workers earned
higher wages than did private-sector workers in four-fifths of the occupations
Excerpt: As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, the
Republicans DID compromise to avoid a shutdown. They were going to keep the
government open, but asked that Obamacare be delayed. … Senate Democrats under
Harry Reid said no.
SNAP Benefits Will Be Cut for All
Participants in November 2013
Excerpt: The 2009 Recovery Act’s temporary boost to
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits is scheduled to end
on November 1,
2013, resulting in a benefit cut for every SNAP household. For families
of three, the cut will be $29 a month — a total of $319 for November 2013
through September 2014, the remaining months of fiscal year 2014.[2]… In response to the economic downturn,
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) increased
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits across the board as a
way of delivering high “bang-for-the-buck” economic stimulus and easing
This Massive Discovery
Has Put The Saudi’s Into a Panic
It is 6 times larger than the Bakken, 17 times the size of
the Marcellus formation, and 80 times larger than the Eagle Ford shale. All
told what was recently discovered outside a sleepy Australian town contains
more black gold more than in all of Iran , Iraq , Canada ,
or Venezuela .
With current estimates at 233 billion barrels its just 30 billion shy of the
estimated reserves in all of Saudi Arabia .
Here is a feel good story for the day. For anyone out there
who has not heard of the megalith construction of a building being
built to house everything and anything about each and every one of us, the
story and an update of the so-called “data center.” Looks like a delay for
a year.
Dr. Ben Carson joins
Fox News
Excerpt: On Wednesday afternoon, Fox News Channel
announced that former Johns Hopkins
neurosurgeon Ben Carson would be joining the network as a contributor. “Dr.
Carson is a brilliant neurosurgeon who has dedicated his life to healing
others,” Roger Ailes, chairman and CEO of Fox News
said in a statement. “He also has a
broad perspective on what’s going on in the country and his wisdom and
provocative viewpoints will make a major contribution to our network.”
(Liberals don't agree with him because he's black. ~Bob)

Shutdown news that was delayed by e-mail glitch:
Liberals Blame
Government Shutdown on…George W. Bush?
Excerpt: MRCTV’s Dan Joseph hits
the streets to ask people if the government shutdown is more the fault of Obama or former President George W. Bush. The results are
Excerpt: Earlier this week someone commented on Campaign Spot, asking how I could
complain about the shutdown leaving “800,000 bureaucrats” out of work. The
800,000 folks not reporting to work this morning aren’t all bureaucrats, and
you don’t help the cause of the Right if you run around insisting they are. Dave from
Garfield Ridge, a contributor at Ace of Spades, offered some
perspective on what “essential” and “nonessential” really means:
Excerpt: Just when you thought the intentional infliction of
public pain during the partial government shutdown
could not possibly get any worse, the Obama administration is now threatening dead people: Each national
cemetery will conduct a reduced number of burials each day. This could cause
some families to pay for storage of their loved ones’ remains until burials can
be scheduled….In addition, the VA may not be able to provide “headstones,
markers, medallions and outer burial receptacles to Veterans and
eligible family members.” And maintenance operations will cease.
Park Service losing
$76 million a day in shutdown
Every day that America’s national parks remain shut down,
$76 million is lost at the “Barrycades.” …In addition to the $76 million in
lost daily visitor spending, $450,000 in daily campground fees and boat rentals
has also dried up, according to data compiled by a Park Service
organization….Magnanimously, the NPS said barricades will come down at other
national sites, too — if states cough up enough money. (Sounds like
national treasures kidnapped, held hostage for ransom by Regime. --Barb)
Utah families on food stamps could be cut
off soon
Excerpt: States across the country are
being told to stop the supplemental nutrition assistance program for the month
of November, pending further notice. That’s according to a letter from the U.S.
Department of Agriculture….The local pantries
are already feeling the pinch because WIC, a federal program which provides
baby formula and food to families in need has been affected by the shutdown.
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