For the Holidays Charities I support
Marine: Slain Nevada
teacher Michael Landsberry calmly gave others time to escape
Excerpt: Almost everyone on the playground sprinted away
from the boy who had just fired a pistol at his schoolmate. Not Michael
Landsberry. The 45-year-old math teacher calmly walked toward the gunman as he
crossed the basketball court. ... Reggie Landsberry said caring for others was
something he and his brother learned from their father, who served in the
Marines for 22 years. Michael Landsberry, also a veteran of the Corps, was
"just a good all-around individual," his brother said.
Great Column: Hating
Government Is the Real Hate Crime. By Daniel Greenfield
Excerpt: Chris Matthews, MSNBC’s own Wise Latina, began his
latest attack by denouncing Ted Cruz’s racism against “Browns.” Cruz had told a
San Antonio audience that it was good to leave
D.C. and come back to America .
“This isn’t a casual reference,” Matthews declared. Like Freudian
psychoanalysts, MSNBC psychoracialists know that there are no such things as
casual references. A misplaced comma can reveal unspeakable hidden depths of
racism and does every time Rachel Maddow or Chris Hayes run short of material.
Good Column: Black Mobs And The Coming Race War. By
Thomas Sowell
Excerpt: One of the reasons for being glad to be as old as I
am is that I may be spared living to see a race war in America . Race wars are often wars
in which nobody wins and everybody ends up much worse off than they were
before. Initial skirmishes in that race war have already begun and have in fact
been going on for some years. But public officials pretend that it is not
happening, and the mainstream media seldom publish it at all, except in ways
that conceal what is really taking place.
Race-Hustling Results: Part II. By Thomas
Excerpt: Among the reasons why they should not is the fact
that being offended is one of the tactics of a race hustling industry that is
doing more harm to Indians and other minorities than any name is likely to do.
Some people are in the business of being offended, just as Campbell is in the business of making soup.
Evolving Threat of Terrorism: Is an “Armed Citizenry” Now Necessary?
Excerpt: "Ask yourself," he added, "If that
[mall attack] was Denver , Colorado ,
if that was Texas ,
would those guys have been able to spend hours, days, shooting people randomly?
What I'm saying is it makes police around the world question their views on gun
control. It makes citizens question their views on gun control. You have to ask
yourself, 'Is an armed citizenry more necessary now than it was in the past
with an evolving threat of terrorism?' This is something that has to be
the Eloi: Head of Interpol Says, "Arm civilians." By Michael Walsh
It used to be only right-wing nuts who argued
that an armed society is a polite society.
Now it’s the head of Interpol: Interpol
Secretary General Ronald Noble said today the U.S.
and the rest of the democratic world is at a security crossroads in the wake of
last month’s deadly al-Shabab attack at a shopping mall in Nairobi , Kenya
– and suggested an answer could be in arming civilians.
Tweet from John Hayward @Doc_0
Obama gave $400M to the B-team of incompetent bunglers that
created HealthCareDotGov. But he'd know EXACTLY who to arm in Syria .
Tweet from Mike Lee @SenMikeLee
Americans are spending more time reading health plan
cancellation notices than Democrats spent reading #Obamcare
Americans Losing Faith in Obamacare: New polls suggest it's
not just tech glitches endangering the health-reform law, but also a crisis of
confidence. By Kate Pickert,
Excerpt: The recent government shutdown may have distracted
some Americans from the bungled rollout of Obamacare, but a new Pew survey shows
many people are well aware of just how bad things are for the law’s new
insurance websites. Forty-six percent of Americans polled on Oct. 9 to 13,
while the shutdown was in full swing, said the Affordable Care Act’s online
insurance exchanges were working “not too well” or “not working at all.”
Doctor choice in
Obamacare? Not so much. By Tami Luhby, CNN
Excerpt: Premiums and deductibles may not be the only
surprises awaiting Americans shopping for health insurance on the Obamacare
exchanges. Some folks looking for coverage may find themselves restricted to
more limited doctor and hospital networks than their peers outside the
state-based exchanges enjoy.
Ingredients to
Successful Health Care Reform
Excerpt: Medicare currently requires huge intergenerational
wealth transfers to stay afloat, yet it still teeters on the edge of
insolvency. The Affordable Care Act will greatly expand these transfers. These
laws demand that younger, healthier Americans overpay for insurance so that
older, sicker (and often wealthier) Americans can underpay. Programs must be
structured to assure long-term viability and must not impoverish the young to
pay for the old.
Study: 15 Percent of
US Youth out of School, Work. By Philip Elliott, Associated Press
Excerpt: Almost 6 million young people are neither in school nor working, according to a
study released Monday. That's almost 15 percent of those aged 16 to 24 who have
neither desk nor job, according to The Opportunity Nation coalition, which
wrote the report.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Man in the White House. By Robert Spencer
Excerpt: When the State Department
announced early in October that it was
cutting hundreds of millions in military and other aid to Egypt , it was yet another manifestation of
Barack Obama’s unstinting support for the Muslim Brotherhood, a
support that has already thrown Egypt
back into the Russian orbit. The aid cut was essentially giving the Egyptian
people a choice between Muslim Brotherhood rule and economic collapse. Nothing
else could have been expected from Obama, who has been a Brotherhood man from
the beginning.
Murdered Christian Children: The Price of Obama’s Pro-Brotherhood
Jihad. By Raymond Ibrahim
Excerpt: Last Sunday, the Church of the Virgin Mary in Waraq
near Cairo was
attacked during a wedding ceremony, leaving four dead
and many wounded. According to Dr.
Hisham Abdul Hamid of forensics, two of those who were murdered were
Christian children—two girls; two Marys: 12-year-old Mary Nabil Fahmy, who took
five shots in the chest, and 8-year-old Mary Ashraf Masih (meaning “Christ”),
who took a bullet in the back which burst from the front. (Like Jews in Iraq , Christians in Egypt are not on the approved
liberal victim list of people they are supposed to care about. ~Bob)
Important: A Miracle and an
Outrage in Washington .
By Caroline Glick
Excerpt: The immediate victims of Iraq ’s unyielding rejection of
Jewish national liberation were the Jews of Iraq. In 1950, the exodus began. By
the end of 1952, when the government shut the remaining Jews in, 124,000 Jews
had fled Iraq , mainly to Israel . Forced
to abandon their private and communal property, their possessions became
hostage to the regime.
Good Column: The Book of
Lies Tour by Privileged Bill Ayers. By Mary Grabar
Excerpt: After admittedly bombing police stations and
government buildings and spending a decade in reasonable comfort on the run
from the law, Bill Ayers earned two graduate degrees in education in record
time, immediately obtained a teaching position in his hometown of Chicago , and swiftly rose
up the tenure ladder to “Distinguished Professor.”
Documentary Shines a Light on Honor Killing. By Bruce Bawer
Excerpt: Banaz wasn’t so lucky. At age seventeen, her
parents married her off to an illiterate chap, Ali, who was “literally just off
the plane from Iraq ”
and whom she’d only met once. From the beginning, he routinely beat and raped
her. When she complained to her parents, they took his side.
Excerpt: Last week Deadspin ran six sentences and a picture
under the headline “Philip Rivers Is An Intense Weirdo.” The final
two sentences about the San Diego Charger quarterback were blunt:
"And he’s also about to have his seventh kid. There are going to be eight
people with Rivers DNA running around this world." Ah yes. How “intensely
weird” it is for an NFL player to be having his seventh kid. Except that it
isn’t weird at all for an NFL player to have his seventh kid. It’s only weird
for an NFL player to have seven kids with his one wife.
Suicide bombers,
gunmen kill 28 in Iraq
Excerpt: Gunmen and suicide bombers driving
explosives-rigged vehicles launched a wave of coordinated attacks in Iraq ’s
Anbar province overnight, killing 25 police and three civilians, officials and
medics said on Wednesday.
One killed in Bahrain
explosion -police
Excerpt: A teenager was killed late on Tuesday in Bahrain when a
bomb he was holding exploded in his hands while he was trying to carry out an
attack, police said. (Allah Akb...oops! BOOM! ~Bob)
Obamacare Snake Oil: As broken promises
pile up — “Lower rates for all!” — the Left rolls out new sales
pitches. By Charles C. W. Cooke
Excerpt: Obamacare, recall, was sold with a specific set of
political promises: The new regime, advocates insisted, would reduce the
deficit, cover the needy, and reduce total health spending — all while lowering
the premiums of those who were already insured. Back in 2007, when Obama
was running for the Democratic nomination, he introduced what was then an
embryonic proposal with the quixotic assurance that, “if you already have
health insurance, the only thing that will change for you under this plan is
the amount of money you will spend on premiums.” Then
he adumbrated what would happen to the “amount of money” that
Americans would “spend on premiums.” “That will be less,” Obama told anybody
who would listen. (Some of us were smart enough to know it was a lie. Alas,
less than 50%. ~Bob)
Must Read: Top Ten Obamacare Disasters to Come: Obamacare’s
digital issues are just the beginning. By Grace-Marie Turner
Excerpt: But eventually, software can be fixed. Obamacare’s
epic policy flaws can’t. The problems increasingly are going to be up close and
personal, as people see for themselves the impact it has on their lives and
pocketbooks. The top ten debacles to come:
Liberal Denial on Climate Change and Energy: A
new poll reveals conservatives are the open-minded ones. By Jeremy
Excerpt: While politics affects both parties’ prescriptions
for energy and the environment, a look at the data suggests that Democrats and
liberals are far more likely to have their ideological blinders on. In our poll
of 1,000 Californians, Democrats and liberals were more likely to give
incorrect, highly unlikely, or intensely ideological responses to a set of
basic questions about energy and environmental policy than were independents,
conservatives, and Republicans.
Excerpt: Most of these concerns were not about whether
digital technology is a good thing. Of course it is, or can be, a very good
thing. But the track record of top-down, politically imposed solutions is
abysmal. And when you add vast amounts of money to the mix, chaos is
inevitable. Great Britain
went through a similar, though more modest, exercise and recently concluded
that the whole thing was a failure, but only after spending some $12 billion.
Don't Forget Obamacare's Electronic Medical Records Wreck.
By Michelle Malkin
Excerpt: Dr. Nicholas DiNubile, a Philadelphia orthopedic surgeon, has a timely
reminder for everyone encountering the federal health care exchange meltdown:
"If you think signing up for Obamacare is a nightmare, ask your doctor how
the EMR mandate is going." ... But distracted doctors are seeing
"more pixels than patients," Dr. DiNubile observes, and the EMR edict
is foisting "dangerous user-unfriendly technology" on physicians and
Syrian Christians
turning to Russia
for protection
Excerpt: About 50,000 Syrian Christians want to apply for
Russian citizenship. In a letter to the Russian Foreign Ministry, they said
that they were not planning to flee Syria ,
but if threatened with physical elimination, they would pin their hopes on Russia as the
guarantor of their survival. Analysts think that despite the difficulties their
request may involve, it won’t go unheeded. (Obama and the rest of the Western
criminocracy is holding a gun to their heads. Putin is going to bat for them. I'm talking about
Christians, a group once persecuted in the USSR . Yes, Putin was a KGB
agent. He may even have killed people in the past. We don't know. But recently,
the US
has been very hesitant to take asylum applications of one particular group:
Christians. Yet the entire Western world has been importing Muslims at an
alarming rate under the flimsy pretext that they are in danger in their
homelands. Then they settle in enclaves throughout the West and collectively
raise the rates of rape and violent crimes, organize Sharia enforcer groups,
organize marches demanding that Europeans or Americans accept their religion
and some even return to their homelands to commit horrendous jihad attacks on
innocent people. Think about it: If you were a Syrian Christian and had
seen your fellow Christians butchered, and you had been denied a visa
to the US , would you not
consider requesting asylum in Russia ?
--Don Hank)
Excerpt: Nigerian troops killed 37 Boko Haram Islamist
militants in combined air and ground strikes on one of their bases in the
northeast, the military said on Tuesday. The offensive on Monday targeted a
camp in the remote area of Alagarno, a military statement said.
Suspected pirates
caught in joint naval operation
Excerpt: A counter-piracy task force commanded by a Royal
Navy officer has caught a group of Somalis believed responsible for two attacks
in the Indian Ocean . Pirates had exchanged
gunfire with a super tanker on Friday 11 October before attacking a Spanish
fishing vessel three days later. (Better story if there had been a drum head
trial followed by hanging nd burial at sea. ~Bob)
Excerpt: Undercover American narcotics agents have laundered or smuggled millions of dollars in
drug proceeds as part of Washington’s expanding role in Mexico’s fight against drug cartels, according to current and former
federal law enforcement officials. The agents, primarily with the Drug Enforcement Administration, have handled
shipments of hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal cash across borders,
those officials said, to identify how criminal organizations move their money,
where they keep their assets and, most important, who their leaders are
Philanthropist on
trial for laundering cartel money
Excerpt: An ex-Carnegie Mellon University trustee was
accused Monday by a Texas federal
prosecutor of conspiring with a romantic interest to launder half a billion
dollars for a Mexican drug cartel. Marco Antonio Delgado is being tried
in El Paso on
money laundering charges. Prosecutor Debra Kanof said in her opening statement
that Delgado discussed a deal with Lilian De La Concha, an ex-wife of former
Mexican President Vicente Fox, at a meeting in Mexico City . (Just doing a charitable deed
for say, 5%. --Barb)
Old but interesting: Top Mexican Drug Lord: I Trafficked Cocaine For The U.S.
Excerpt: “The indictment pending against Zambada Niebla
claims he served as the “logistical coordinator” for the “cartel,” helping to
oversee an operation that imported into the U.S. “multi-ton quantities of cocaine … using various means, including but
not limited to, Boeing 747 cargo aircraft, private aircraft … buses, rail cars,
tractor trailers, and automobiles,” writes Narcosphere’s Bill Conroy. (From
April 2011, but back to 2004 (and assuredly, before that); political
party does not matter. --Barb)
Dems to go on offense
on taxes
Excerpt: Congressional Democrats want Republicans to sign off on $50 billion worth of tax increases to eliminate the sequester’s automatic spending cuts. …Democrats say they would not accept any budget deal unless it includes tens of billions in new tax revenue. Their opening bid is $1 in new taxes for every $1 in spending cuts to offset the cost of ending sequestration for domestic and defense discretionary spending programs.
Excerpt: Congressional Democrats want Republicans to sign off on $50 billion worth of tax increases to eliminate the sequester’s automatic spending cuts. …Democrats say they would not accept any budget deal unless it includes tens of billions in new tax revenue. Their opening bid is $1 in new taxes for every $1 in spending cuts to offset the cost of ending sequestration for domestic and defense discretionary spending programs.
Sebelius: Obama didn’t know about
website problems beforehand
Excerpt: Kathleen Sebelius said Tuesday that President Obama had no prior knowledge of the problems that HealthCare.Gov would face upon its rollout.Speaking on CNN’s AC360, Sebelius was pressed on when the president learned about the technical issues surrounding the ObamaCare website. The Health and Human Services secretary said it “became clear" to the president "in the first couple of days,” but that Obama didn't know about the problems until after the Oct. 1 rollout. (So if the person that the taxpayers pay to lead the country “Knows nothing” a la Sgt Schulz from TV fame, where does the buck stop? Nowhere? That’s why they are unlimited now after puttingAmerica in chains, oh, until February, right?
--Barb. She's paid to give him deniability. ~Bob)
Excerpt: Kathleen Sebelius said Tuesday that President Obama had no prior knowledge of the problems that HealthCare.Gov would face upon its rollout.Speaking on CNN’s AC360, Sebelius was pressed on when the president learned about the technical issues surrounding the ObamaCare website. The Health and Human Services secretary said it “became clear" to the president "in the first couple of days,” but that Obama didn't know about the problems until after the Oct. 1 rollout. (So if the person that the taxpayers pay to lead the country “Knows nothing” a la Sgt Schulz from TV fame, where does the buck stop? Nowhere? That’s why they are unlimited now after putting
Excerpt: The phrase "speaks with a forked tongue"
means to deliberately say one thing and mean another or, to be hypocritical, or
act in a duplicitous manner. In the longstanding tradition of many Native American tribes, "speaking with
a forked tongue" has meant lying, and a person was no longer considered
worthy of trust, once he had been shown to "speak with a forked
tongue" We knew of his duplicity as early as January 2009. He had
campaigned on establishing a government built on honesty and immediately hired
cabinet members and staff who had cheated on their taxes. He vowed to steer
his administration toward leading a government of transparency, free of Washington lobbyists. He
vowed lobbyists would never enter the White House grounds. Then, we learned
that lobbyists were visiting the President on a regular basis, and to cover it
up, the White House was maintaining two sets of visitor log books.
Piers Morgan: Press
'Quite Soft' on Obama
Excerpt: The financial crisis was inherited by the
president, but he's been there long enough to try to work it out himself.
Unemployment's still comfortably over 7 percent — really completely
unacceptable," said Morgan, 48…..Issues like Benghazi have exposed some of
the limitations of his leading from behind on foreign policy and a lack of
attention to detail in protecting the American ambassadors and serviceman
around the world. There needs to be more clarity from the president about what
he really stands for, what he really wants to achieve." (Look for the
4 Horsemen in the sky…Barb)
Schweizer: Eric
Holder Like ‘Squeegee Guy Holding The Brick’
Excerpt: Schweizer said these extortion schemes begin with
Obama and the facts, supported by hundreds of footnotes, "are
undeniable." In his book, Schweizer said there is documentation that
the Obama campaign and political committees associated with Obama solicited
donations from companies after the Justice Department filed civil and criminal
charges against them. Schweizer said this is a "huge problem"
and there is "statistical evidence" in the book that proves the
chances of going to jail are lessened if political contributions are made. (As
Bob would say, ‘The Chicago Way,’ protection. Where is Eliot Ness when you need
him? --Barb)
Peter Morici to Malzberg: AG 'Shaking
Down' JPMorgan
Excerpt: The
Obama administration is "shaking down" JPMorgan Chase, using Attorney
General Eric Holder as the "sheriff of Nottingham" in making the bank
fork over a $13 billion civil settlement, says Peter Morici, a University of
Maryland professor who teaches international business.
Allen West: Obama
doesn’t share the racial experiences of me and other African-Americans
Excerpt: Because obviously what we are seeing now is the
party, the Democrat Party that created the Ku Klux Klan and also created that
symbol of the burning cross, is obviously still proud to have that symbol being
displayed,” he continued. “And you know, to all of us in the black community
and those of us also as constitutional conservatives in the tea party — we have
to be outraged. And this hypocrisy cannot continue to stand.” (Anti-Steve
Southerland ads run by Dem slush fund since shutdown; consider the source.
Obama using Obamacare
meltdown to raise cash
Excerpt: President Barack Obama is using the disastrous
crash of his Obamacare website to extract cash
and volunteer hours from his
supporters. “By now, you’ve probably heard that the website has not worked
as smoothly as it was supposed to,” Obama told his
supporters sent out late Tuesday. “That’s why I need your help,” he said,
in a pitch that links to an online fundraiser.

Emails: White House,
State Department coordinated with journalist on national security leaks
Excerpt: Hillary Clinton and State Department officials
“intimately participated in leaking highly classified national security
information concerning U.S. cyber warfare capabilities and sources and methods,
war plans against Iran should their nuclear program have to be militarily
removed, and other top secret information,” Freedom Watch founder Larry Klayman
told The Daily Caller. “The reason for this was obviously to make President
Obama and his administration look strong against terrorism in the lead up to
the 2012 elections,” Klayman said.
Excerpt: Watch this video. Norway Muslim leader Fahad
Qureshi asks the assembled Muslims if they're "extremists," or just
ordinary Muslims. They affirm that they're all just ordinary Muslims. Then he
asks them if they support Sharia punishments -- stonings, amputations, the
execution of gays, etc. -- and they all affirm that as well. This is an
audience of Salafis, to be sure, but the problem is that we do not see Muslims
who reject this perspective standing up and countering it in any significant numbers.
"Kill them all.
Kill the Shia." Shia Muslims from Detroit
attacked at hajj
Excerpt: Some of them were cast members of the reality TV
show "All-American Muslim." Why didn't they just explain to the
attackers that they were twisting and hijacking the Religion of Peace, and
feeding the narrative of greasy Islamophobes? That would have ended the
incident in a jiffy. Note that they were also called insulting names such as
"kafir," which the hopelessly compromised Niraj Warikoo helpfully
tells us means "infidel" or "non-Muslim." Why didn't they
explain to the attackers that Islam respects non-Muslims, particularly the
"People of the Book"? They would have retreated abashed! Will
Hamas-linked CAIR issue a statement denouncing the Sunni attackers for their
"Islamophobia"? If only Warikoo had the wit and honesty to do
some realreporting!
Obama’s Manufactured
Excerpt: The White House and its press corps have come to a
consensus that the recent shutdown/debt limit debate was a “manufactured
crisis”–the implication being that it was manufactured by Republicans. That is
untrue–first because President Barack Obama and the Democrats could easily have
averted a crisis if they had been willing to compromise, and second because
forcing such confrontations has been their strategy since 2011.The White House
and its press corps have come to a consensus that the recent shutdown/debt
limit debate was a “manufactured crisis”–the implication being that it was
manufactured by Republicans. That is untrue–first because President Barack
Obama and the Democrats could easily have averted a crisis if they had been
willing to compromise, and second because forcing such confrontations has been
their strategy since 2011.
Some data on
education, religiosity, ideology, and science comprehension. By Dan Kahan
The sad thing is that the writer is going to go right on
believing he knows what the Tea Party stands for. I doubt that severely. Simply
being in favor of going back to careful accordance with what's in the
Constitution, and looking for lesser government rather than more, are not what
I would bet my house he thinks the Tea Party is about. Like so very many
people, he probably thinks it's about racism, holding down the poor, favoring
big corporations, etc. All of which have total zip to do with all the Tea Party
people I know or have ever seen. Of course, the media aren't exactly helpful when
it comes to factual portrayal of an conservative movement. --Del. Kahan needs
to read The Righteous Mind, by Obama-supporter
Jon Heidt. ~Bob
Obama leaves American
POW Sgt. Bowe Robert Bergdahl to Rot in Afghanistan – Provides Only Excuses
Excerpt: According to our President, the United States
is still on schedule to hand over security to the Afghan government authorities
in 2014. Many Americans do not know, or have forgotten, American POW Sgt. Bowe
Robert Bergdahl. Sgt. Bergdahl's capture was not the media event we experienced
like the highly publicized rescue of Jessica Lynch during her 30 day
capture/imprisonment. However, it has been over four years since Sgt.
Bergdahl's June 30, 2009 capture and imprisonment in Afghanistan by a Taliban-affiliated
insurgent group. It is time America
demanded his release and return to his family.
French roads hit by
farmers 'ecotax' protest
Excerpt: Drivers in France might be advised to leave
their cars at home on Tuesday as farmers and truck drivers hold a day of action in
protest against a new “ecotax” on heavy goods vehicles.
New Report: UK Crime
Statistics Fudged to Justify Gun Ban
Excerpt: How many times have we heard Piers Morgan rant and
rave about crime rates in his home country? He claims gun violence is virtually
nonexistent thanks to the Brits doing the “responsible” thing and taking
everyone’s guns away in 1997. Sure, there was an acknowledged, initial spike in
crime shortly thereafter, but then it began to fall and has since plummeted. Or
so they say.
The Coming Collapse: Potemkin Parliament: Washington ’s governing systems are in a bad
way. By Mark Steyn
Excerpt: "We are on course to becoming the first nation
of negative-millionaires. ... In Australia, each citizen's share of the debt is
$12,000; in New Zealand, it's $15,000 per person; in Canada and Spain, $18,000;
in the United Kingdom, $28,000; in Germany and France, $38,000; Italy, $44,000.
And in the United States
it's $54,000 per person -- twice as much as Britain ,
thrice as much as Canada ,
closing in on five times as much as Oz. On this trajectory, America is exiting the First
World .
LAPD ‘Special Order 7′ a Godsend for
Unlicensed Illegal Alien Drivers: No license? No insurance? No
Excerpt: Appointed by former mayor
Antonio Villaraigosa, Chief Beck was and remains a willing servant in
Villaraigosa’s effort to make Los Angeles more friendly to immigrants, legal or
not. Special Order 7 has been challenged in court, both by the police officers
labor union and by Judicial Watch, and in August a Superior Court judge ruled that it was
preempted by state law. This forced Beck to rescind the order,
but last week an appeals court set aside that ruling,
allowing Beck once again to implement his order.
Why I
would not Join the Military Today
Excerpt: The presidents of my era—Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford—as well as many members of Congress had served in the military and, as a result, had a level of respect for the military that is missing in President Obama and Congress today. (Obama's, "My military..." -- Not our military, notAmerica 's
military and not just the military but Obama's military. He owns the
military? I wonder? --MM)
Excerpt: The presidents of my era—Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford—as well as many members of Congress had served in the military and, as a result, had a level of respect for the military that is missing in President Obama and Congress today. (Obama's, "My military..." -- Not our military, not
Politics Vs Theology: Beginning A
Debate With David Swindle: Why we should not frame political issues
as a matter of Good versus Evil.
Excerpt: A few weeks ago I was wearing my New Media
Troublemaker hat and decided to provoke a discussion when Mike submitted
another of his posts for the group’s consideration. I responded, critiquing his
whole approach in fundamental ways and explaining how I had continued to change
in both my ideas and tactics while he seemed to still be repeating the same
stuff over and over. And we went back and forth for a bit and finally it
occurred that the discussion might be appreciated and perhaps even joined by
Secular Political Ideology Vs.
Biblical Moral Values: Continuing a Debate with Michael Lumish:
Why I don't care much about Left vs. Right anymore. And four more points of
disagreement in part two of an ongoing discussion.
Excerpt: My position: with Judeo-Christian values as one’s
base then all of the world’s religions become de-fanged and their practices and
ideas of potential value can be utilized in conjunction with traditional Jewish
and Christian religious practices. For those of a more secular lifestyle, the
founders’ philosophy of classical liberalism that forms the foundation of our
government is just the political expression of Biblical values. This is my
response — part 2 — of a debate with my friend Mike Lumish about political
ideology, the Left-Right contest, Biblical values, and the battle of Good vs
Excerpt: Rand Paul is pushing for a new Constitutional
amendment stating “Congress shall make no law
applicable to a citizen of the United States that is not equally applicable to
Congress.” The amendment “also contains two provisions that
apply that same principle to the Executive Branch and Judicial Branch of the
federal government,” according to a press release put out by the office of
the Kentucky senator on
Monday. Paul is of course responding to the unconscionable opting-out from the
Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, by the members of the U.S. Congress.
Excerpt: Switzerland 's
first sex drive-in, which opened two months ago in a bid to take prostitution
off Zurich 's
streets, has been a success, the city said Tuesday following an initial
evaluation. (No, I don't want fries with that. ~Bob)
White House official
fired over anonymous tweets
Excerpt: A senior White House official who was helping
negotiate nuclear issues with Iran has been fired after being unmasked
as the acidic voice behind a Twitter account known for its insults of public
figures at the White House and on Capitol Hill, a government official said on
Tuesday. Jofi Joseph was director of nuclear non-proliferation on the White
House National Security Council staff, but for more than two years sent hundreds
of anonymous and abrasive tweets using the handle @NatSecWonk.
The Coming Collapse: The
Real Reasons We Have a Public Pension Crisis. By Caleb O. Brown
Excerpt: But public pension funds have been flocking to
alternatives because fund officials want to believe the bold promises
of hedge fund managers. They are in a frantic search for high returns, having
been led to a desperate state by the actions of politicians and the rules that
typically govern public pension actuarial methods. And the demographics of the
populations they are supposed to serve don’t help either. Most public pension
funds across the United
States were on an unsustainable course long
before the financial crisis hit.
FBI agents search
office of Florida
doctor known as Sen. Menendez's donor
Excerpt: Melgen, his wife Flor and his daughter Melissa have
been generous donors to Menendez, his fellow Democrats and related causes in
recent years. Yet in an interview last spring with Bloomberg, Melgen insisted
that he "did not ask Sen. Menendez or any public official to
intervene." (Tweet said he's a donor to McAuliffe in VA governor race as
well. ~Bob)
Is this the proper American Muslim response to jihad in America ?
By Pamela Geller
Excerpt: This is hardly new or unique. We see these reports
daily. Muslims and converts to Islam wage jihad in the cause of Islam. They
cite the Quran, chapter and verse. Muslims worldwide continue the
1,400-year-old war to impose Islam across the world -- all citing the same
Islamic texts and teachings. There is a problem in Islam. So what is the
response of the Muslim community?
“I told the police that there were only two Muslims I knew of who hung around
the group of friends,” the friend told the paper. “Because of the 9/11 date,
the fact that Tamerlan and Brendan’s last girlfriend were Muslim stood out.”
But the police didn’t choose to follow up on that until the Muslim terrorists
had already bombed the Boston Marathon.
Welfare Costs More than Iraq
and Afghanistan
Wars Combined. By Daniel Greenfield
isn’t a warmonger. It’s a welfare-state monger. Liberals like to talk about how
much money we could spend on welfare if we weren’t fighting all those wars. The
good news is we’re already spending more on welfare than war.
Announce They're Going to Arm Al Qaeda. By Daniel Greenfield
The Saudis are not happy that the infidel American mercenaries have yet to be
deployed in Syria .
The House of Saud has gotten used to assuming that the United States
will jump when their fattest member tells them to. Unfortunately for the
Saudis, their buddy Barack got a case of cold feet about bombing Syria when the UK
pulled out and the American public appeared to be slightly more enthusiastic
about naming Somalia
the 51st state than invading yet another country for the Saudis.
Tammy Baldwin and Ron
Kind Flip Flop - Will Take Pay During Shutdown
Excerpt: During the heat of the October government shutdown,
all of Wisconsin 's
Senators and Representatives in Congress except Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI-04) said they would
donate their pay to charity or refund it to the U.S. Treasury. But now, one
week after the shutdown concluded, Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI-03) have quietly
decided to keep their pay in a brazen flip flop.
Obamacare Debacle: American Media Misses Yet Another Scandal. By John Nolte
Excerpt: The Washington
Post's Ezra Klein now admits that weeks before the disastrous
ObamaCare launch, he heard "some very ugly things about how the system was performing[.]"
We also now know that a few hundred people were involved in a test that crashed
the site days before the launch and that insurance
companies were complaining about the site before the launch. On top of all that, we are
now seeing story after story about the red flags
ignored by the Administration. But it isn't just the White House claiming to be
caught off guard by The Obvious, it is also a useless American media that seems
incapable of breaking stories embarrassing to this president.
Excerpt: Results from the 15th annual Arkansas Poll,
conducted by the University
of Arkansas , found
respondants blaming President Barack Obama and the Democrats for the partial
government shutdown. The poll, conducted from Oct. 10-17, also showed
declining approval ratings for Arkansas '
two Senators, Republican John Boozman and Democrat Mark Pryor, who faces a
tough re-election challenge by U.S. Rep. Tom Cotton, R-Ark.
Excerpt: Pretend you’re shocked.
Feds ask Blue Cross
Blue Shield not to release exchange numbers
Excerpt: The Obama administration asked North Dakota ’s largest health insurer not to
publicize how many people have signed up for health insurance through a new
online exchange, a company official says. (Ask? Or told? "The Most
Transparent Administration in History"! ~Bob)
Tweet from Sharon @gbmegafan
Leno: ‘Easier to Join Al Qaeda Using Their Website Than it
is to Sign Up for ObamaCare’
Tweet from Ken Gardner @kesgardner
OCare will be dead by March. RT @jimgeraghty: Keep Sebelius. No
delay in individual mandate. Keep all deadlines in place. Full speed ahead.
Excerpt: Some of the headaches of a president’s second term
stem from the “don’t blame me” stories in which administration officials seek
to use the press to wipe their fingerprints off of their boss’s policy
failures. It’s their way of updating their resumes; unlike the president,
they’ll need a job in the near future. Sometimes that means trying to bury old
hatchets, and sometimes that means anonymously leaking details of their
unheeded prophecies to the New York Times, as “dozens of current and
former members of the administration, foreign diplomats and Congressional
officials” did for today’s deep
dive into the administration’s feckless and confused Syria policy.
White House denies
Durbin’s allegation of a GOP insult
Excerpt: The White House has denied an account of bitter
negotiations during the recent government shutdown published by Sen. Dick
Durbin (D-Ill.), perhaps President Obama's closest ally on the Hill. (Which
liar to believe. ~Bob)
the butter every time," says cardiologist. Should I ditch my statins?
By Andrew M. Brown
The evidence is pretty persuasive. The essence of it is: recent studies have
failed to support any significant association between saturated fat intake and
cardiovascular risk. Indeed, saturated fat has actually been found to be
protective – though it should come from natural sources, not processed food
where it's mixed with harmful chemical additives. That is to say, steak is all
right, but an Ulster Fry – sausage slice, black pudding, bacon etc – should be
for special occasions only.
accuses environmentalists of 'greenmail'--telling lies to further their 'noble
cause'. Ring any bells? By James Delingpole
Here's some good news – via Bishop Hill – from America . A Big Oil company – Chevron
– is taking legal action against a group of environmentalists for fraud and
extortion: aka greenmail. The sums involved are eyewatering: $19 billion.
(That's billion, note, not million).
Boston Bombing
Suspect Tied to Gruesome Triple Murder. By Alena Semuels
It was one of the biggest unsolved crimes in recent Boston memory: three men, killed on Sept. 11,
2011, their throats slit, their bodies reportedly covered with marijuana. But
now, a suspect has been named in the lengthy court documents being filed before
the trial of suspected Boston
Marathon bomber
Dzokhar Tsarnaev: his deceased brother, Tamerlan
will appeal to save its stadium lease on veterans' land. By Gale Holland
The development came in a class-action lawsuit on behalf of four homeless
veterans that seeks to invalidate leases on the 387-acre property, which had
been used for veterans' housing until the 1980s. Otero ruled the land could be
used only for healthcare for veterans. The Veterans Affairs is renovating one
of several derelict buildings on the site for housing, but advocates who have
battled with the VA for decades hoped the decision striking down UCLA's lease
would spur negotiations for more extensive rebuilding.
Blaze Sources: Obama Purging Military Commanders. By Sara
Excerpt: Nine senior commanding generals have been fired by
the Obama administration this year, leading to speculation by active and
retired members of the military that a purge of its commanders is underway.
(Worked well for Stalin--until Operation Barbarossa. ~Bob)
Excerpt: Qari Dawat, a Taliban commander in the northeastern
Afghan province of Kunar who has been hunted by US forces for years and
has vowed to avenge the death of Osama bin Laden, is reported to have been
killed in a US
airstrike two days ago.
Theft Russian Roulette: Refers Users to UNCERTIFIED Navigators
and Assisters. By David Steinberg
Inexplicable. Obamacare reps confirm to me: it's "buyer beware" when
contacting their recommended application helpers. ("If you like your
identity, you can keep your identity..." ~Bob)
Fail: New Obamacare Website Snag 'Dramatically
Underestimates' Health Costs. By Guy
Excerpt: A lot of people may be in for a rude awakening if
they foolishly trust the new-and-improved government website to accurately
estimate their monthly premiums. What are the actualpremiums people will
have to pay if and when they're ever able to sign up for Obamacare? Someone
unearthed this
spreadsheet earlier today, and it's been making the rounds for a few
hours now.
Tweet from Razor @hale_razor
Obama admin paid more attention to tweets critical of WH
than cables from Amb Stevens begging for security.
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