The Collapse gathers
About four years ago, I wrote The
Coming Collapse of the American
Republic : And what you
can do to prevent it. The royalties go
to the Semper Fi Injured Marine Fund,
not to me. Of my 11 books, it has sold the most copies--not that it is close to
a best seller. Or a fair seller.... But we must all do what we can.
In the book, I postulate that, if not curbed, four trends
will lead to fiscal, political and social collapse, chaos, riots and violence
in the United States .
They are: 1. The enormous growing debt and much worse unfunded liabilities of
government at all levels, federal, state and local, 2. The continued unchecked
growth of illegal immigration which threatens to bankrupt the system and change
the culture in ways that neither citizens nor immigrants will like, 3. The
growth of China as a military and economic power determined to dominate Asia
and bring the countries around her under her control as vassal states, and 4.
The growing threat of Political Islam challenging Western values, freedom and
culture. Since it was published, each of these threats has grown exponentially
worse. And if I were to write a new version today (I'm cannot due to health and
time) I would add two more threatening trends. 5. The rise of Putin and a
militant Russia determined
to recreate the old Soviet Empire, and aware that the US and Europe
cannot project enough power to stop her if it comes to war. We do not have the
fit, patriotic population today, nor the industry, to fight WWII. 6. The
accelerating collapse of our culture among native-born Americans with the
pathologies of increasing non-marital births, crime in the cities, drugs,
domestics violence, lack of education and declining civic participation,
membership in religious and civic organizations and the declining marriage
rate. And lest you attribute the pathologies in our cities to race, you should
read Life at the Bottom by British
Psychiatrist Anthony Daniels, writing as Theodore Dalrymple. The same
culture-destroying pathologies are growing in British cities--and they are
growing among the white, native British, much more than among black or brown
immigrants. It's not race, it's culture and a system that rewards bureaucrats
for making people helpless dependents of the government. If you would like me
to email you a free 80-page PDF of The
Coming Collapse to read on your computer, write to me at
Pray for Global
It was 8 degrees when we went to church this morning, wind
chill -2. Tonight supposed to get to -11 with the wind chill down to -30--not
that I'm going out to check! ~Bob
General News and Comment
Lucy and Ethel Take Foggy Bottom. By Ian Tuttle
Excerpt: Never in the history of public relations have an
institution and its representatives been so mismatched as at the current U.S.
Department of State, where, tasked with articulating America’s position toward
Middle East terror outfits, Russian aggression, and the world’s other
vicissitudes, are Jen Psaki and Marie Harf, currently in the midst of an
interminable Lucy-and-Ethel routine as Foggy Bottom’s spokesperson and deputy
spokesperson, respectively. In an administration that has always given the
distinct impression of being directed by second-year poli-sci majors from the
University of Wisconsin–Madison, Psaki and Harf are the only two under the
impression that Legally Blonde was a documentary — one that they are apparently
trying to re-create, with little success, at Foggy Bottom.
Video: Silver & Gold Dealers To Be Shut Down? Update On Operation Chokepoint. By Mike Maloney
Video: Silver & Gold Dealers To Be Shut Down? Update On Operation Chokepoint. By Mike Maloney
Giuliani says Obama
had 'communist' influences at an early age. By Tristan Lejeune
Excerpt: “He doesn’t talk about America
the way John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan did, about America ’s greatness and
exceptionalism,” Giuliani said in an
interview with The New York Post published Saturday. “He was
educated by people who were critics of the U.S. And he has not been able to
overcome those influences.” The former GOP presidential candidate walked
through Obama's life, "from the time he was 9 years old," when
Giuliani says "he was influenced by Frank Marshall Davis, who was a
communist," to his "17 years in the church of Jeremiah Wright … the
guy who said 'God damn America, not God bless America," a critique Obama
faced during his first presidential campaign.
Here Are The
‘Science’ Questions Reporters Should Ask Politicians. By David Harsanyi
Excerpt: As useless and distasteful I find these gotcha
questions, I would concede that it wouldn’t hurt for GOP candidates to have
some succinct answers that reconcile their faith and science. Me? I’d be happy
to vote for a proselytizing creationist, if that candidate believed in basic
economics and individual liberty. The real problem is that these episodes feed
the bogus
notion that Democrats are less prone to ignore settled science than
Republicans. And the same journalists who fixate on “science” that makes the
faithful look like slack-jawed yokels almost inevitably ignore science that has
genuine moral and policy implications. So in other words, any science that
isn’t “climate change.” And since we’re on the topic, I’d love for informed
science-loving liberals to be asked questions such as:
The Fake Warrior
Tweet from Aleister @AmericanGlob
Remember that time the media held all Democrats accountable
over something one Democrat said? Me either. #RudyGiuliani
Says Obama Is A ‘Drop Dead Atheist.’ By Jamie Weinstein
Excerpt: During an appearance last
June on Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show,” liberal comedian and
mega-Obama campaign donor Bill Maher said he was confident that the president
was really an atheist. “He’s a drop dead atheist,” Maher, who himself is
an atheist, said of Obama. Maher went on to argue that Obama joined Reverend
Jeremiah Wright’s church in Chicago only
“because it was politically necessary.”
U.S. weighs more sanctions
against Russia over violations in Ukraine
Because sanctions worked so well against Iraq , Iran
and Russia
so far. ~Bob
The making of Hillary
5.0: Marketing wizards help re-imagine Clinton
Excerpt: Is Hillary Rodham Clinton a McDonald’s Big Mac or a
Chipotle burrito bowl? A can of Bud or a bottle of Blue Moon? JCPenney or J.
Crew? As she readies her second presidential campaign, Clinton has recruited consumer marketing specialists
onto her team of trusted political advisers. Their job is to help imagine
Hillary 5.0 — the rebranding of a first lady turned senator turned failed
presidential candidate turned secretary of state turned likely 2016 Democratic
presidential nominee.
Marine sniper is saluted as more than the video scandal
that defined him. By Greg Jaffe and Matt
Excerpt: His three combat tours in Afghanistan had
been boiled down to a 38-second video clip, played and replayed on YouTube more
than a million times. In it, Rob Richards and three other Marine Corps snipers
are seen urinating on the bodies of Taliban fighters they had just killed. “Total
dismay” were the words then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton used to
describe the video when it surfaced on the Internet in January 2012. “Utterly
deplorable,” agreed then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. Richards’s career in
the military was finished. More than two years later — long after the rest of
the country had moved on to other scandals — Richards, 28, died at home and
alone from an accidental painkiller overdose. (And there you have it. Men
compelled to serve in the midst of a demonically controlled populace; to parse
"good from bad" when all evidence and gut level sense tell you none
can be trusted. Witnessing friends and fellow Warriors, decimated by the crude
and most inhumane means who then, having properly defined the cretins for who
they are, urinate on their corpses to punctuate their disdain for the horror
they perpetrate and for the perpetrator...are then judged by lesser men, with
the most vile of intention, to seek political "High Ground" and
at the cost of these men they simply dumped, in Hell. I hold out hope that if
not in this life, they will be forced to pay, eternally, in the next.
Gov. Scott Walker’s newfound visibility has exaggerated
impact. By Dan Balz
Excerpt: The rapid rise of
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker as
a top-tier contender for
the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 is one of the more surprising
stories of the opening months of this year. Whether he was prepared for this
sudden emergence is an open question.
The second-term governor is in an
unusual position today. Only a few months ago, his prospects of winning
the Republican
nomination were judged somewhat equivocally. Today he is touted
in the media and Republican circles as a serious long-distance runner in the
presidential marathon.
If Obama Loves America , Why
Did He Transform It?
Excerpt: Leadership: "We are five days away from fundamentally
transforming the United
States of America ," candidate Barack
Hussein Obama said on Oct. 30, 2008, just before his election as our 44th
president. Was it just rhetoric? Many no doubt thought it was, chalking it up
to boilerplate election-eve hot air. But now are we seeing — some would say
tragically — what he meant.
Tweet from Michael Johns @michaeljohns
Studies have shown repeatedly that conservatives are more
prone to philanthropy than progressives. Also true on a policy level.
WPRI Poll:
Wisconsinites Support Right-To-Work Legislation
Excerpt: A majority of Wisconsinites approve of labor unions
and believe they have a positive effect. But nearly twice as many state
residents would vote for a right-to-work law as would vote against it,
according to a survey of 600 adults conducted for the Wisconsin
Policy Research Institute by University
of Chicago Professor and
Pollster William Howell. “Though there are important partisan disagreements,
Wisconsinites on the whole are pro-labor and see value in unions,” said Howell.
“What’s interesting here is that, at the same time, most state residents —
Republicans and Democrats alike — support right-to-work legislation. The
argument that workers should not be obligated to join a union in order to hold
a job resonates broadly.”
Gun News
Man who shot escaped
convict Roy Bieluch: "You don't mess with Marines"
Excerpt: Then, Thursday night, 38-year-old Wallace homeowner
Brian Becker heard something that would change everything: his dog started
barking. Becker lives in the Placer Creek area, just south of Wallace. He's a
marine and former member of law enforcement. Becker says when he heard his dog
Jasmine barking, he grabbed a gun and flashlight, then went to check it
out. Becker says when he went outside, he saw escaped convict Roy Bieluch
standing in his yard. "You don't get to pick where violence happens,"
says Becker. "It happens all over the place. The only thing you can do is
be ready if it does. ... He says he told Bieluch to stay put and put his arms
up. "He finally says, I'm not going to do it and I says oh yes you
are," Becker says. "He stepped toward me and that's when I shot. He
went down immediately.
Race Card News
Blacks’ Loyalty to
First Black President Got Blacks Nothing. By Chrystal Wright
Excerpt: Obama is proof that when blacks elected a black
Democrat to the White House based only on his “blackness,” blacks get ZERO! In
the past six years Obama has been president blacks have lost economic ground.
The unemployment rate remains in the double digits and since the black
president came to town, black wealth came down. Way down! (Wright is black-I
follow her on Twitter. ~Bob)
Tweet from Keeping It 100 @JamesRitch1
FYI #Muhammad
captured slaves, sold slaves, bought slaves as gifts of pleasure, received
slaves as gifts, and used slaves for work. (During the period when 500K blacks
were brought to North America as slaves, 1M
white European slaves were kidnapped to Muslim N. Africa. ~Bob)
Obamacare/Government Healthcare News
How Obamacare Is Destroying Health Insurance. By John C. Goodman
Excerpt: The health insurance market is changing. And the
changes are not good. Even before there was Obamacare, most insurers most of
the time had perverse incentives to attract the healthy and avoid the sick. But
now that the Affordable Care Act has completely changed the nature of market,
the perverse incentives are worse than ever.
Undocumented Democrat News
"You're Greener than Gore" News
The Climate Con Goes On. By Paul Driessen
Excerpt: Nearly 200 countries may sign a modest Kyoto II
climate treaty, say December 2014 media reports from Lima , Peru .
But will they agree to stop using coal to generate electricity? No. Curtail
their economic growth? No. Cease emitting carbon dioxide? Maybe, but only a
little, sometime in the future, when it is more convenient to do so, without
any binding commitments. Then why would they sign a treaty? Primarily because
they expect to get free energy technology transfers, and billions of dollars a
year in climate “mitigation, adaptation and reparation” money from Western
nations that they blame (and which blame themselves) for the “dangerous climate
change,” rising seas and “extreme weather” that they claim are “unprecedented”
and due to carbon dioxide emissions during the 150 years since the Industrial
Revolution began.
Too funny: Inverness
To Insanity. By Tim Blair
Excerpt: Roger Lewis reviews the life
and times of Dylan Evans, a global warming fanatic whose demented beliefs
led him to abandon civilisation: Evans couldn’t wait to create his retrograde
society, where waif-like girls ‘with long, tawny dreadlocks’ would be doling
out ‘bowls of bean stew from a steaming cauldron’. He sold his house, gave up
his academic career and moved to a field near Inverness .
He looked at an adjacent waterfall and thought it could ‘generate electricity’.
He gazed at an acre of scrubland and believed he could ‘keep a few pigs and
chickens’. He spotted a deer and, though he had no butchery or tanning
training, imagined turning its hide into shoes and gloves.
Excerpt: The federal government predicts that trains hauling
crude oil or ethanol will derail an average of 10 times a year over the next
two decades, causing more than $4 billion in damage and possibly killing
hundreds of people if an accident happens in a densely populated part of the U.S.
Religion of Peace News
Excerpt: “We can not win this war by killing them,” Marie
Harf said on MSNBC. Reversing thousands of years of battlefield experience in
which wars were won by “killing them”, the State Department spokeswoman argued
that you can’t defeat ISIS by killing its
fighters. "We can not kill our way out of this war,” she said. “We need in
the medium and longer term to go after the root causes that lead people to join
these groups, whether it is lack of opportunity for jobs." War is one of
the few things in life we can reliably kill our way out of. The United States
has had a great track record of killing our way out of wars. (I agree, but
note that there are many other aspects to war as well as killing. In Vietnam , we
killed a million Communist fighters, they killed 58,000 of us [counting
accidental deaths], and our people, led by left wing politicians, Communist
support groups and the progressive media, gave up. ~Bob)
Excerpt: CNN reports
that the Department of Homeland Security is back to warning law enforcement
about the threat of “sovereign citizens” as terrorists.
A new intelligence assessment, circulated by the Department
of Homeland Security this month and reviewed by CNN, focuses on the domestic
terror threat from right-wing sovereign citizen extremists and comes as the
Obama administration holds a White House conference to focus efforts to fight
violent extremism. Some federal and local law enforcement groups view the
domestic terror threat from sovereign citizen groups as equal to — and in some
cases greater than — the threat from foreign Islamic terror groups, such as
ISIS, that garner more public attention.? The Homeland Security report,
produced in coordination with the FBI, counts 24 violent sovereign
citizen-related attacks across the U.S. since 2010. (If someone shouts
"Allah Akbar" and begins shooting, count on Obama or Kerry to pop up
and say, "Look over there! A gun and bible clinging rightwing red-necked
sovereign citizen!" I'd like to review those 24 cases. ~Bob)
DHS intel report warns
of domestic right-wing terror threat. By Robert Spencer, JihadWatch.org
Excerpt: In the middle of this story on the CNN page was a
link to another CNN story that shows just how ridiculous this is: “ISIS burned up to 40 people alive in Iraq, official says.”
Have “right-wing sovereign citizen extremists” burned anyone alive? Have these “right-wingers” kidnapped large numbers of left-wing women and pressed them into sex slavery?
Boasted that they would conquer the United States and ultimately the world, and that they had sleeper cells in place in the U.K. ready to start
killing? Have they actually killed anyone beyond the two officers mentioned in
this report? Do “sovereign citizens” give children weapons training and severed heads to play with? Do they burn musical instruments, murder left-wingers for the sole crime of being left-wingers,
crucify people as children watch, chop off women’s hands for using cell phones, and behead people for smoking cigarettes? Yet “some federal and
local law enforcement groups view the domestic terror threat from sovereign
citizen groups as equal to — and in some cases greater than — the threat from
foreign Islamic terror groups, such as ISIS, that garner more public
attention.” Yeah, sure. This is just more of the Obama Administration’s
unstinting efforts to deflect attention away from Islamic jihad terror.
500 Muslims attend
funeral of Copenhagen
jihad murderer. By Robert Spencer, JihadWatch.org
Excerpt: Can we get 500 Muslims anywhere to gather together
and protest against Omar El-Hussein’s murders, and all killing for blasphemy?
Can we get 500 Muslims anywhere to gather together and protest against Omar
El-Hussein’s murder at the synagogue and denounce Islamic anti-Semitism?
Aussie jihadists were
on the dole
Excerpt: ALMOST all of the wannabe terrorists who have snuck
out of Australia to join
jihadist armies in Iraq and Syria were on
the dole or some form of welfare payment, The Saturday Telegraph can reveal. A
federal investigation into the welfare status of Australian foreign fighters,
prompted last year by revelations in The Telegraph, shows 96 per cent had been
on welfare benefits when they fled to the Middle East .
Most had continued to collect payments from Australian taxpayers while training
with Islamic State to become terrorists intent on wanting to kill Australians.
Excerpt: Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper didn't
charge a Detroit man with a hate crime after it's suspected he stabbed two
people at a Southfield bus stop, possibly motivated by religious hate. Nick
Loussia, Deputy Chief of Police for the Southfield Police Department, said the
suspect, 39-year-old Terrence Lavaron Thomas, "is Muslim, and asked the
victims what religion they were" before allegedly attacking them. (But a
left-wing atheist who said he preferred Muslims to Christians, before killing
three of them over a parking dispute, is being investigated for a hate crime.
Journal-Constitution Falsely Claims Detroit
Muslim ‘Targeted Muslims,’” by Warner Todd Huston
Excerpt: On Tuesday news went national of a Muslim man who was
arrested in Detroit
for stabbing two non-Muslims at a bus stop after asking their religion. But the
next day the Atlanta Journal-Constitution falsely claimed that the
“attacker targeted Muslims” when in fact it was a Muslim who targeted two
Obama: 'Islam Woven
Into the Fabric Of Our Country Since Founding'
Excerpt: In his bloviating speech on Thursday at
his summit on countering violent extremism, President Obama bent over backwards
to make nice with Islam. Not only were terrorists not Muslim, President Obama
stated, but Islam played a crucial role in America ’s founding. “Here in America ,” Obama
stated, “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its
founding.” (Well, we owe a lot to George al-Washington and Thomas bin Jefferson . But name two more. ~Bob)
Twitter can’t tame
terrorism. By George F. Will
Excerpt: The Obama
administration’s semantic somersaults to avoid attaching the adjective “Islamic” to the noun
“extremism” are as indicative as they are entertaining.
Progressives who believe that dialogues, conversations, engagements,
conferences and summits are keys to pacifying the world have a peculiar
solemnity about using certain words that are potentially insensitive. This
mentality is perhaps especially acute in digitally drenched people who believe
that Twitter and other social media have the power to tame turbulent reality. The New York Times reports that the Obama administration
is preparing to go toe-to-toe with the Islamic State using, among other
munitions, “more than 350 State Department Twitter accounts.”
Indian millionaire
accused of murdering guard over delay in opening gate
Excerpt: Muhammad Nisham allegedly pinned victim to wall
with his Hummer and beat him with iron rod
Sorry Obama, Harvard
study says poor Muslims are LESS likely to be terrorists!!
Excerpt: While the State Department keeps saying that all we
need to do is get ISIS terrorists jobs at
McDonalds flipping burgers, the rest of us who reside in the real world know
otherwise, and a Harvard study lends support to the counter opinion. Watch

Nationals Carried Out Mogadishu Hotel Suicide Bombings
Excerpt: Twin suicide bombings at a Mogadishu hotel popular with government
ministers and officials that killed 25 people were carried out by Dutch-Somali
nationals, Somali intelligence sources said on Saturday. Somali intelligence
believe both bombers - a man and a woman - were Dutch-Somali citizens who
infiltrated the Central Hotel close to the presidential palace to carry out the
attack on Friday.
Worth Hearing: Rubio To Colleagues: Don't Boycott Netanyahu Speech , Israel Deserves Our Support
Excerpt: All of you, I mean ALL OF YOU, must listen to this
extraordinary speech by Senator Marco Rubio. The speech is remarkable and so is
the man. For the Israelis among you, it is doubly important to listen to these
sentiments in the Congress. Rubio represents the sentiments of the overwhelming
majority of the US Congress, both parties, but how many times have you
seen or heard him on Israeli media? --Sheila R.
True: It Doesn’t Matter One
Bit What Obama Thinks ‘True Islam’ Is. There may well be a civil war going on
within Islam, but it will be Muslims, not American politicians, who settle it.
By Andrew McCarthy
Excerpt: In Egypt ,
the president is Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, a pious Muslim. Having grown up in the
world’s center of sharia scholarship and closely studied the subject, he has
courageously proclaimed that Islam desperately needs a “religious revolution.”
In the United States ,
the president is Barack Obama, a non-Muslim. His childhood experience of Islam,
which ended when he was just ten, occurred in Indonesia
— the world’s most populous Muslim country, but a non-Arabic one where the
teaching and practice of Islam is very different from what it is in the Middle East . While Sisi sees a dangerous flaw in Islam,
Obama believes America
needs to be “fundamentally transformed” but Islam is fine as is. You see the
problem, no?
Pakistan braces for a long and deadly war in tribal areas on Afghan border. By
Tim Craig
Excerpt: When 10 Pakistani soldiers tried to dislodge
Taliban militants from a madrassa near the Afghan border this summer, their
advance was crippled by relentless gunfire. Within minutes, two soldiers were
dead, and Imran Ali had so many bullets in his legs he couldn’t tell whether
they were still attached. For 22 agonizing hours, Ali said, he curled up on the
floor waiting for other soldiers to fight their way in to rescue him. After he
was finally flown to safety, his left leg was amputated at the knee, and he
became another victim of the Pakistani army’s latest offensive against Islamist
militants in the restive tribal area of North Waziristan .
Christianity Is To Terrorism What Rosie O’Donnell Is To Sports Illustrated’s
Swimsuit Edition
Excerpt: Man, don’t you love how Obama and his soft-brain
disciples have made Christians out to be fish-stickered, bug-eyed equals to
incensed Islam? If you were to accept what the White House says about
Christians you’d think the Church is chomping at the bit to chop off some heads
of unbelievers.
[VIDEO] This
Peshmerga Warrior Needs A Dump Truck For His Balls Of Steel
Guy holding the camera must be nervy too! From the UXB teams
in Britain in WWII to our
road-clearing teams in Iraq
and Afghanistan ,
the guys who deal with booby trapped ordinance have courage in spades. ~Bob
Al Shabaab calls for
attack on Mall of America in new video
Excerpt: A new video from Al Shabaab purportedly shows the
terror group calling for an attack on Mall of America, in Bloomington , Minn.
According to Fox 9, the mall is one of three similar targets the terror group
specifically names, including West Edmonton Mall in Canada
and the Oxford Street
shopping area in London . (This
wouldn't stop me from going. By naming the malls, they terrorize people and
impose costs on us in increased security and lower economic activity at almost
no cost to us. In Vietnam ,
the month I was with the CAC unit in Khe Sanh Ville, intelligence would pick up
a rumor the NVA was going to hit our compound that night. We'd sit up all
night, while they slept soundly, those imposing a cost on us that was cost-free
to them. We cannot stop this, nor block every attack if they have the assets
here, as we have millions of very soft targets. But they are more likely to hit
a target they haven't threatened in advance. ~Bob)
Excerpt: The ISD study, which examined the social-media
postings of Western women who joined ISIS, found the women
“celebrate the violence of ISIS , unequivocally.”
One woman called the beheading video of US Army vet and aid worker Peter Kassig
“gut-wrenchingly awesome,” while others called the beheadings “beautiful.”
See What Happened When Hundreds of Muslims Surrounded a
Synagogue to Show the ‘True Face’ of Islam. By Sharona Schwartz
Excerpt: A large group of Muslims made a powerful and
symbolic gesture showing they want to protect Norway ’s Jewish community,
gathering hand-in-hand Saturday to form a “ring of peace” around a synagogue. Muslim
youths organized the peace vigil in solidarity with the Jewish community
following deadly shootings at a free speech event and at a synagogue last
weekend in neighboring Denmark .
The English-language website the Local reported that more than 1,000 Muslims and
Jews formed a symbolic, defensive ring around Oslo ’s main synagogue.
Media Hoax: 20 Muslims Holding Hands Become
1,000-Strong ‘Ring Of Peace’ At Oslo
Excerpt: The weekend’s feel-good story about a Muslim “ring
of peace” formed to “protect” Jews at an Oslo
synagogue turned out to be a complete fabrication by the mainstream media,
according to an eyewitness report, local officials, and attendees’ photos.
According to a local eyewitness, only about 20 or
so Muslims formed the “ring of peace” around the Oslo synagogue.
Fake Islamophobia: Man arrested following business,
mosque bomb threats
Excerpt: A man in his 50s is accused of making bomb threats
at a Muslim business and the community center where he was staying Tuesday,
according to a Travis
County arrest affidavit.
According to the Austin Police Department, 54-year-old Azzam
Ahmed Baytie made two bomb threats at a North Austin Muslim Community Center
and a Middle Eastern-style food truck near the Arab Cowboy Cafe and Hookah
Lounge. The community center is in North Austin ,
and the cafe is located in West Campus. (So, Mr. President, is this a
"Hate Crime"? ~Bob)
The Real Islam: Kuwait court hands down two years
jail sentence for insulting emir
Excerpt: A Kuwaiti appeals court on Sunday sentenced an
opposition politician to two years in jail for insulting the country's ruler,
local media reported.
Tweet from Rufus Kings @RufusKings1776
Obama did not seek congressional approval for his 2011
assault on Libya .
Vacuum he created was his own personal bizarre pet project.
Robert A. Hall is a Marine Vietnam Veteran who served five
terms in the Massachusetts State Senate. He is the author of The Coming Collapse of the American Republic.
For a free PDF of Collapse, e-mail him at tartanmarine(at)gmail.com. Hall’s
eleven books are listed here:
His blog of political news and conservative comment is www.tartanmarine.blogspot.com.
Re the historic influence of Islam. Was Dear Leader referring to Arabs who sold blacks into slavery?