Old Jarhead's
Political SitRep for December 17, 2012
Robert A. Hall
I've been out of town. Just returned, and my Comcast
Internet service is still down. I'm using a SLOW AT&T card from the office
and having trouble opening links. I bet the Comcast bill will come on time,
though. Will post what I can. ~Bob.
The unspeakable
horror in Newtown
From the moment I heard about the mass murder of children at
Sandy Hook Elementary School , I tried not to think
about it, because I could do nothing, and it doesn't bear contemplation. But,
like everyone in out grieving nation, I could not help thinking about the
horror. Words are useless to capture how sad and sick my heart is, and yours as
well, I'm sure. We know those families will never have a Merry Christmas again,
and our hearts hurt. That night, every time I woke up, it came to mind like a
black cloud, making getting back to sleep difficult.
Conservatives will note that if a teacher or custodian had
been armed, many of the deaths could have been prevented. Gleeful liberals will
see it as a golden opportunity to create more gun-free zones like Sandy Hook , giving psychopaths a safe shooting gallery to
do their evil work. That both sides think
first of the political implications is also a mark of the tragedy that is overtaking
our divided nation, when we should be thinking of the families, and reaching
out to the grieving parents.
Twenty dead children is, of course, only a fraction of the 260
kids who were murdered in Chicago
in 2011. But those dead Chicago
kids get little notice in the national press. First because they die in ones
and twos, not all at once. Second because they die from gun violence in a city
with very restrictive gun laws, so their deaths do not provide fodder for more restrictive
gun laws. (Last year an elderly black man in Chicago saved his life, and the lives of his
wife and grandson by shooting and killing an armed black intruder. Then the
debate was over charging him for
owning a gun. He was lucky to be black, and got off.) Third, most of the dead kids
in Chicago are
black kids murdered by black thugs, so to widely report their deaths might be
considered racist--the truth often is. But their families grieve as much as the
families of Sandy Hook , just far more
We could greatly reduce gun violence, but we do not have the
political will. Here's how: Five years in prison, no appeal or parole, for a
felon possessing a gun or for anyone selling a gun illegally to a felon. One
year in prison for a felon attempting to buy a gun. Ten years in prison for using
a gun to commit a crime. The death penalty for using a gun to commit a murder,
carried out rapidly and surely. No, this would not have stopped Sandy Hook . Only armed people who could fight back could
might have. But it would cut the violence in the cities greatly.
Of course, the "deinstitutionalization" of mental
health facilities and the liberalization of mental health commitment policies back
in the 1970s means that psychotics like Lanza get to walk the streets until after they harm someone, in most cases. We
would rather risk dead kids than violating their rights, or a lawsuit.
This, of course, challenges our faith as well. I pray daily
for my granddaughter, but I know these families prayed for their kids as well.
I think if you could look into most people's hearts, they
would have been grateful to not have been at the school when Adam Lanza came
storming in. And I think if you could look into the hearts of most Marine
veterans, in fact of most military veterans and cops, they would wish they had
been there. Preferably armed, to have a hope of stopping the psychotic before
so many kids died. But even unarmed to at least have died trying. Rushing an
active shooter unarmed has a low probability of success. But faced with such
evil, death is preferable for a man than living with yourself afterwards if you
didn't try.
A Jihad Christmas
Photo of the season.
The Great Progressive
Church . By Robert A. Hall
This piece has produced over 50 requests for PDFs of The Coming Collapse of the American Republic, dozens of folks saying they are buying the book, and a large number of comments on American Thinker. One response from a blog reader: "I loved this article, but didn't at first realize it was you. I don't usually look at the tagline; only the title and header. So I read it and kept saying "yes!" and "ABSOLUTELY". Then I get to the bottom and saw your name and said, of COURSE Mr. Hall wrote it! Your daily sit-reps are one of the very first blogs I read on a daily basis."
This piece has produced over 50 requests for PDFs of The Coming Collapse of the American Republic, dozens of folks saying they are buying the book, and a large number of comments on American Thinker. One response from a blog reader: "I loved this article, but didn't at first realize it was you. I don't usually look at the tagline; only the title and header. So I read it and kept saying "yes!" and "ABSOLUTELY". Then I get to the bottom and saw your name and said, of COURSE Mr. Hall wrote it! Your daily sit-reps are one of the very first blogs I read on a daily basis."
Worth Reading :
Minding 'Ps' - and a 'Q'. By Andy Weddington
Excerpt: The comics are also known as the funnies. But
there's nothing funny about what's happening in America these days. Any comedy,
though laughable, is mostly tragedy and so flow the tears, and anger.
No, Mass Shootings
are Not on the Increase
Excerpt: Demands for bans on assault weapons in a shooting
that did not involve an assault weapon, or for greater gun control laws in
response to a shooting in a state with gun control laws which were complied
with, are based on emotion, not analysis.
Dem Lawmaker: Obama
‘Must Exploit’ School Shooting To Get Gun Control
Excerpt: In his statement to the country yesterday, while he wasn't
specific about what action he intended to take, President Obama did make clear
that action would be forthcoming. Obama also hinted that this action would be
politically divisive when he warned that "meaningful action" would
need to be taken "regardless of the politics." As we all know this is
a "never let a crisis go to waste" president and party. (Why not
examine mental health care provisions? Or stop brainwashing children to kill
with video games where the winner kills the most. Duh! Sorry, that wouldn’t go
along with Agenda 21.--Barb.)
Excerpt: We’ll hear lots of bluster about how to prevent
more school house murders. Nearly all of it is meaningless. The only way to
prevent such horror is to choose to love your neighbor as yourself, to respect
the dignity of human life, and to follow familiar laws thousands of years old.
Obama’s Use of
Gangster Tactics in Politics
Excerpt: Saul Alinsky based his methods on the doctrine of
Al Capon’s mob. Barack and Michelle Obama both said that he intended to use
these methods in politics. We have probably never had a politician in the United States ,
who uses such tactics of a criminal mob of murderers to advance his personal
Report: Ahmadinejad
to Cancel Turkey
Trip After 'WWIII Threat'
Excerpt: After threatening that Ankara
could set off “World War III” if it allows the U.S.
to deploy Patriot missiles on its border with Syria ,
a report Sunday said that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would not be visiting Turkey , as had
been scheduled. Turkey 's
Hurriyet daily newspaper said that the cancellation of Ahmadinejad's visit had
raised Turkish-Iranian tensions to new heights.
Obamacare and My Daughter “In two years, the surgery will
cease to be available for the insured due to Obamacare.”
Excerpt: Knowing the risk and the history of government
healthcare in places such as wartime Germany
and peacetime United Kingdom ,
I was opposed to the implementation of a similar system in the United States .
While our government mocked the concept of death panels, we read of "death
pathways” for sick children and seniors in England today. I worked with
conservatives across the country to battle the health bill prior to passage.
Excerpt: Speaking at a private meeting this week, Jordan ’s King
Abdullah warned that he had “bargaining chips” to use against the Muslim
Brotherhood, which he denounced as a “new extremist alliance” in the Arab
world. … “The Jordanian monarch was full of reproach for Egyptian President
Mohammed Morsi, who hails from the Muslim Brotherhood,” al-Hayat wrote. “The
king added that the Egyptian leadership had
‘marginalized the Jordanian role during the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations to
stop the recent aggression on the Gaza Strip.’” The Muslim Brotherhood has targeted Jordan’s monarchy as the next domino to fall after Egypt .
Hillary Clinton
Concussed; Not Expected To Testify At Benghazi
Excerpt: As a result, Clinton
is not expected to testify next Thursday at the congressional
hearings on the terrorist attack in Benghazi
that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens.
State Department spokesperson Phillipe Reines said Clinton "became dehydrated and fainted, sustaining a
concussion" while suffering from a stomach virus that caused her to also
miss a scheduled trip to Mexico
last week. "She has been recovering at home and will continue to be monitored
regularly by her doctors," Reines said. (Americans soon will wait
months for doctors but the elite in the Party get house calls. USSR here we
come! Best comment on site: RURALDELIVERY: Well, faking it worked for Jesse
Jackson Jr. Catching a Clinton
is like catching a greased pig. Aren't these Democrats real pieces of work??
Marine Double Amputee
‘Humiliated’ to Point of Tears on Delta Flight Gets Helping Hand From Fellow
Excerpt: “I have been flying with Delta for a gazillion
years and this crew treated Chris worse than you’d treat any thing, not
even any body.” That was the opening line of retired Army Lt. Col. Keith
Gafford, during a phone interview about the egregious treatment on Delta
Airlines of fellow veteran, Marine Lance Cpl. Christian Brown, who is now a
double amputee following severe injuries acquired while serving in Afghanistan .
(This is one of those things you read and think "No, it can't be true. No
one is that STUPID, not to mention that heartless". But here it is. Time
for a call or card to Delta mentioning you're unhappy with this horrible event,
and won't be booking on them any more. --Del )
FBI Figures: Still No
‘Wave of Islamophobia’
Excerpt: Hate crimes reported to U.S. law enforcement agencies
declined six percent from 2010 to 2011, according to the Federal Bureau of
Investigation’s annual statistics. The 6,222 reported hate crimes were the
fewest since 1994. (You have to feel bad for CAIR and the Muslims. They want so
badly to be victims. They should convert to Judaism--most hate crimes are
against Jews. ~Bob.)
Critics savage
Depardieu's new role as tax exile
Excerpt: French politicians reacted with dismay on Monday
after it emerged the country's leading actor, Gerard Depardieu, has taken up
the role of tax exile in neighbouring Belgium. (The rich find ways to avoid
taxes. Duh. ~Bob. Depardieu is the first celebrity of his calibre to leave France and the
Left wants him punished. After all, why wouldn't a rich guy like him be
delighted to fork over 75% of his earnings to the French government under
François Hollande's socialist tax regime? Pourquoi, Monsieur Depardieu? Anyway,
the suggested punishment, stripping the actor of his citizenship, is lenient in
comparison with what the first leftists under Robespierre wanted to do to their
expats: guillotine them. The panther (pink, that is) never changes its stripes.
--Don Hank)
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad,
Mad ObamaCare: The law's implementation is turning into one pratfall after
Excerpt: For sheer political farce, not much can compete
with ObamaCare's passage, which included slipping the bill through the Senate
before dawn three Christmas eves ago. But the madcap dash to get ready for the
entitlement's October 2013 start-up date is a pretty close second. The size and
complexity of the Affordable Care Act meant that its implementation was never
going to easy. (Remember, we had to pass the Bill to find out what's in it?
Well, every week another shoe drops and the complexities and problems of actual
implementation reveal themselves. This is not going to go well. (And some of us
predicted that quite a while back.) --Del )
Excerpt: Many are part of the Hollywood crowd that espouse
far-left, socialist and communist causes, like Jane Fonda, Robert Redford,
Danny Glover, Jack Nicholson, Gene Hackman, Ed Asner, Peter Weller, the late
Jack Lemon, Woody Harrelson, Leonardo di Caprio, Frances McDormand, Naomi
Campbell, Francis Ford Coppola, Oliver Stone, Steven Spielberg, Joel Coen, etc.
The War on Poverty: $15 Trillion and Nothing to Show for
It. By Michael Tennant
Excerpt: Fifteen trillion dollars: That’s how much American
taxpayers have forked over in the name of helping the poor since 1964. And what
do we have to show for it? A poverty rate that has barely budged, an entrenched
bureaucracy, and a population — like that of Greece and Portugal, two
welfare-state basket cases — increasingly dependent on government handouts.
(This is six months old, but not really outdated in any significant sense. The
Bible says the poor will always be with us, and depending on the definition
applied, that seems to be a valid statement. However, in an affluent society,
the number of the poor could be expected to be minimized, and how low that
number might be would be the base for a lot of discussion and even argument.
And how to best provide aid to the poor, and help them improve their lives and
move into the Middle Class is certainly a subject that brings on a variety of
views and a good deal of argument. --Del )
You’re Going To Do
This To Her?’: Wheelchair-Bound Child Sobs As Tsa Detains Her For Nearly 1 Hour
— Then Released With No Explanation
Excerpt: It was frightening. I kinda got mad.” That’s how
12-year-old Shelbi Walser explains her experience going through a TSA
checkpoint at the Dallas DFW airport on Sunday. Shelbi, who is
wheelchair-bound, was held for nearly an hour after an agent said she tested
positive for bomb residue. The young girl was on her way to Florida for a rare medical treatment because
she lives with a genetic bone disorder.
The overlooked plight of black males. By Michael Gerson
Excerpt: A president’s first term is a fresh track in the
snow. His second term moves on a set of rutted paths. The shiny cause has
become a vast machine, its wheels spinning on internal impulses unrelated to
presidential priorities or pressing needs. (A subject that is often mentioned,
but not constructively. Gerson brings a constructive view into play. --Del )
The Voodoo Cult among
Negro Migrants in Detroit
Excerpt: This article provides some original evidence
regarding the foundation of the Black Nationalist movement on Gnostic occult
principles and other occult influences, which has never changed. Black
Nationalism, including all of its branches, remains today an occult movement
based on hatred of whites, hatred of America and hatred of traditional
Christianity. The goal described in NOI literature is ultimately the
destruction of America
and the white race. (This was passed to me. I do not vouch for the site. Read
critically, as will all posts. ~Bob.
Cellphone Taxes
Continue to Rise
Excerpt: In fact, a recent study by economist Scott Mackey of KSE Partners shows that the
average American wireless consumer now pays more than 17% (17.18%, to be exact)in
monthly wireless taxes and fees. That’s up from 16.26% since the last time he
looked at these numbers in 2010. That means that for your wireless service
every month, you’re paying a tax rate nearly two and a half times higher than
the average general sales tax rate (7.33%) that you’d pay if you bought another
taxable good or service. (Doesn't bother me. Only the rich have cell phones and
need to pay their fair share. ~Bob.)
Excerpt: Rick Snyder, who is hardly a human cactus, warned Michigan 's labor
leaders. The state's mild-mannered Republican governor, currently in his first
term in his first public office, has rarely been accused of being, or praised
for being, a fire-breathing conservative. When unions put on Michigan 's November ballot two measures that
would have entrenched collective bargaining rights in the state Constitution,
Snyder told them they were picking a fight they might regret.
Gov't: Chavez
suffered complications in surgery
Excerpt: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez suffered bleeding
during his cancer surgery in Cuba
that required "corrective measures" to stanch the flow, his
government said Thursday.
Man-made global warming: even the IPCC admits the
jig is up. James Delingpole
Excerpt: Breaking news from theUS
– h/t Watts Up With That? – where a leaked draft of the IPCC's
latest report AR5 admits what some of us have suspected for a very long time:
that the case for man-made global warming is looking weaker by the day and that
the sun plays a much more significant role in "climate change" than
the scientific "consensus" has previously been prepared to concede.
Here's the killer admission:
Excerpt: Breaking news from the
Thank you for helping to describe a society that defines itself by what it fears or what it cannot control, kill, imprison or torture. Racist and virulently anti-Muslim.
ReplyDeleteSuch a society is morally empty.
The human spirit wants more than a life of debt-slavery and fear.