Old Jarhead’s
Political SitRep for December 9, 2012
Robert A. Hall
Sen. Jim DeMint to
Head Heritage Foundation
Excerpt: South Carolina U.S.
Senator Jim DeMint will
replace Ed Feulner as president of the Heritage Foundation. Mr. DeMint
will leave his post as South Carolina 's junior
senator in early January to take control of the Washington think tank, which has an annual
budget of about $80 million. Sen. DeMint's departure means that South Carolina
Governor Nikki Haley, a Republican, will name a successor, who will have to run
in a special election in 2014.
Worth Reading :
Learning from the European Experience: Do
Higher Tax Burdens Lead to Less Red Ink? By Daniel J. Mitchell
Excerpt: In other words, did politicians use the additional
revenue to pay down the debt, did they spend it, or did they spend all the
added revenue and then borrowed even more? Well, knock me over with a feather.
The next chart shows that debt is much higher today, averaging about 60 percent
of GDP.
Zimmerman Sues NBC
for Their Pro-Trayvon Lying/Smear Campaign Against Him.
Excerpt: George Zimmerman sued NBC on
Thursday, claiming he was defamed when the network edited his 911 call to
police after the shooting of Trayvon Martin to
make it sound like he was racist.
Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people. –Oscar Wilde
Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people. –Oscar Wilde
Feds set to require ‘black boxes’ in all new cars
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on Friday proposed
long-delayed regulations requiring auto manufacturers to include event data
recorders — better known as “black boxes” — in all new cars and light trucks
beginning Sept. 1, 2014. But the agency is behind the curve. Automakers have
been quietly tucking the devices, which automatically record the actions of
drivers and the responses of their vehicles in a continuous information loop,
into most new cars for years. (Quietly promoted as
“safe driving” by Progressive Insurance (the folks taking God out of the USA ) and you are damned if you work
a night shift. –Barb)
Home invader
fled with serious injuries after breaking into home of 83-year-old black belt
Excerpt: POLICE
are trying to find a home invader who was badly hurt when he tried to force his
way past an 83-year-old black belt home owner last night.
Hey, Fat Cat Unions:
Pay Your "Fair Share." By Michele Malkin
Excerpt: Message for wealth-bashing millionaire actor Ed
Asner: Man up and take responsibility for lying to America 's schoolchildren.
House votes to reject federal detention plan
Too little, too late, I think. – LLW
Excerpt: Michigan ,
considered the birthplace of the American organized labor movement, was on a
fast track to becoming the nation’s 24th right-to-work state late today after
the state House and Senate passed bills as part of a package to pass the law.
Worth Reading :
Obama Curve: Media Celebrate
Meager Job Growth, 540K Dropping Out of Workforce. By John Nolte
Excerpt: Today saw the release of the November jobs numbers
from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The news is that Hurricane Sandy did not
affect hiring. 146,000 jobs were created and the unemployment rate edged down
to 7.7%, the lowest rate since September of 2008. Revisions brought worse news.
49,000 fewer jobs were created in September and October than originally
Brain pacemaker helps treat Alzheimer’s disease. By Grant Brunner
Excerpt: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is the use of a
pacemaker-like device implanted in the brain to treat the symptoms of diseases
like Parkinson’s, or other maladies such as depression.
Excerpt: The CIA removed references to al Qaeda in the
talking points it drafted for United States Ambassador to the United Nations
Susan Rice in what critics say is part of a broad pattern of politicization of
intelligence under the Obama administration. Current and former intelligence
and policy officials say that the politicization in the case of Benghazi appears to have
involved policies that were designed to minimize the threat posed by Islamist
terrorists in general and the al Qaeda terrorist group in particular prior to
the Nov. 6 presidential election. (News that everyone—everyone—knows. ~Bob. There has been no question for a long time
now that the initial official reports about Benghazi were false in terms of who was
attacking and why, and so far the defense put forth by the Administration is
that they were using what they had been told by the CIA and others. Which is in
itself false, since they had drones overhead during the attack and knew that it
wasn't a spontaneous mob in action. However, the CIA reports were such that the
truth of what was going on was obscured rather than clarified. Later of course
there were admissions that those reports might have been less than perfect,
but as you can see in the article below, CIA officials are still on
defensive mode saying there was no intent to deceive anyone with the edited
reports. In these times and particularly under this Administration political
correctness has become the order of the day. This has always been a bad thing,
but when it gets to the point where you can no longer give much credence to
official reports from an intelligence agency, then we are in deep trouble. Proper
leadership from the top on down is what is needed to burn away the fog of PC
thinking and PC concerns, and get people back to really doing their jobs and
reporting facts, minus an special editing. But can we hope for that while Mr.
Obama & Co are in charge? --Del )
Self-Defense Pistol 101. By Girls Just Wanna Have Guns
Excerpt: The “keep it simple, stupid,” or KISS, principle
applies to most things in life. Training with a defensive handgun is no
different. To employ a handgun effectively in a defensive situation, you must
be able to get it into play smoothly and deliver accurate hits before the
attacker injures or kills you.
Income tax will
exceed 50% in California , Hawaii ,
and New York City
Excerpt: The top METRs on wages, dividends, interest, and
partnership/sole proprietor income would exceed 50 percent in California , Hawaii , and New York City.” … Any
civilization that taxes its people more than 50% has always fallen. Always.
A beer prescription?
Beer can fight against cold-causing virus
Excerpt: There may be a new, alternative treatment for people
suffering from winter colds – large amounts of beer. A study cited by Sapporo
Breweries, Japanese breweries headquartered in Tokyo, found that a key
ingredient in beer can help fend off symptoms of wintertime illnesses, as well
as certain serious sicknesses in children, the Agence France-Presse (AFP)
EXCLUSIVE: FEMA teams told to 'sightsee' as Sandy victims
suffered. By Perry Chiaramonte
Excerpt: After arriving in New Jersey , the worker and others waited for
three full days and parts of another, even as reports dominated the television
of the devastation and suffering wrought by the storm, which struck land on
Oct. 29. When they asked for assignments, they couldn't believe the response,
according to the worker. (This was prior to election. Did not want “bad
publicity.” See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. –Barb)
Duchess of Cambridge hoax call
nurse found dead: Nurse Jacintha Saldanha, who was working on reception when
Australian DJs made prank call, dies in suspected suicide
Excerpt: A member of staff at the
private hospital where the Duchess of
Cambridge was treated for acute morning sickness has died in a
suspected suicide two days after the hospital was duped by a hoax call from an
Australian radio station, it has emerged. The woman, confirmed by the hospital
to be Jacintha Saldanha, a nurse who was working on the reception of King
Edward VII hospital when the prank call was made, was found unconscious
at an address near the London hospital
just before 9.30am on Friday. (MSM has more blood on its hands related to the
houses of Spencer and Windsor. Nurse had two boys. Really funny joke. –Barb.)
Spike Company: A Man Sells the Moon (PJ Media Exclusive)
Excerpt: Dr. S. Alan Stern has made an announcement fit for
a Robert Heinlein novel. Described as a “game-changing announcement about the
future of commercial human space travel to the Moon,” his Golden Spike Company
today went public with its plans. (This interesting interview is short and
informative. There really ARE people out there trying very hard to get us back
into space and on the Moon. I don’t know if these are the ones who will
succeed, but eventually someone will. I’m just hoping he/they speak English as
their primary language, rather than Chinese, Russian, or Portuguese. Ron P.)
Dictators and Double
Standards. By Michael Leeden
Excerpt: Democratic political leaders envy them, because the
tyrants can just DO things; they don’t have to negotiate, wheel and deal, split
the differences, or look for middle ground. They don’t have to run for
reelection. They wave their scepter, and that’s that. Until the scepter doesn’t
work any more…
54% Put Economic
Growth Ahead of Economic Fairness
Excerpt: A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey
finds that 54% of Likely U.S. Voters think economic growth is more important
than economic fairness. Thirty-seven percent (37%) disagree and put economic
fairness first.
Beneath the Presidential Platitudes: Obama's rhetorical
blandness conceals an ideological boldness. By Peggy Noonan
Excerpt: Former Wyoming Sen. Alan Simpson has put fresh
emphasis on a major and underlying aspect of our fiscal disputes: It's the
yoots versus the coots. The young may not be aware of it, but they'll long bear
the tax burden of the entitlement arrangements the old have instituted.
73% of New Jobs Created in Last 5 Months Are in Government.
By Terence P. Jeffrey
Excerpt: Seventy-three percent of the new civilian jobs
created in the United States
over the last five months are in government, according to official data
published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Worth Reading : Obama’s Kingdom of
Fairness: Forget the deficit. It is now the role of government
to soak the undeserving rich. By Victor Davis Hanson
Excerpt: We are still borrowing more than $1 trillion a
year. Barack Obama has added more than $5 trillion to the national debt in his
first term alone. Such massive borrowing is unsustainable. Someone somehow at
some time has to pay it back.
Come the WMDs in Syria
Excerpt: Comment: Yesterday, 4 December, a senior US
Defense official stated there was no evidence that the chemicals used to create
sarin gas had been mixed. A day later, the chemicals are reportedly mixed. No
intelligence service has the ability to make such a determination except from
testimony from human sources -- from direct observation by the source or
detected from radio intercepts.
Renewable Fuel Standard Costs Chain Restaurants $0.5
billion to $3.2 billion annually – Price Waterhouse Cooper. By Marlo Lewis
Excerpt: A new study conducted by
Price Waterhouse Cooper (PwC) for the National Council
of Chain Restaurants (NCCR) estimates the impact of the
federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) on the chain restaurant industry.
10 explanations Of How Conservatism Helps The Middle Class.
By John Hawkins
Excerpt: Conservatism is an ideology that benefits everyone,
but it's particularly helpful to middle class Americans. If we want to bring
more of those voters to the Right, we have to do a better job of explaining to
them exactly how we're going to make their lives better. Happily, if you're
talking to someone with an open mind, it's an easy case to make.
Islamology 101. By Cliff May
Excerpt: Google “Islamist” and you’ll get more than 24
million hits. Google “jihadist” and you’ll get millions more. Yet I bet the
average American could not tell you what it is that Islamists and jihadists
believe. And those at the highest levels of the U.S. government refuse to do so.
Excerpt: There is nothing really surprising in this. It's
all from the Qur'an: "Those who disbelieve in the signs of God and slay
the Prophets without right, and slay such men as bid to justice -- do thou give
them the good tidings of a painful chastisement..." -- Qur'an 3:19
Obama’s America ? America
Deserves Better Than This
Excerpt: My father will be the first to tell you that he
squeaked through high school. Upon graduation, he went to work in his dad’s
business, changing tires, and kept right on doing that until he left to drive
trucks. All his life, he’s been a blue collar man. Even now that he has an
office job, you can tell some days that he would really rather just be out,
driving a truck.
New York Times: Arms
Shipments ‘Secretly’ Approved By Obama Admin. Ended Up In Hands Of Islamic
Excerpt: The Obama administration “secretly” approved arms
shipments to Libyan rebels from Qatar last year, however, U.S. officials
quickly became concerned as evidence suggested Qatar
was handing the weapons over to Islamic militants, The New York Times reports, citing a number of United States
officials and foreign diplomats.
Do You Believe in Magic? By Bernard Goldberg
Excerpt: “Why don’t we let the Democrats pass whatever they
want? If they are the party of higher taxes, all the Republicans vote present
and let the Democrats raise taxes as high as they want to raise them, let
Democrats in the Senate raise taxes, let the president sign it and then make them
own the tax increase. And when the economy stalls, when the economy sputters,
when people lose their jobs, they know which party to blame, the party of high
taxes.” It’s a great idea, except for one little thing. He’s wrong. (Personally,
I like the idea. The media will see the GOP takes the hit no matter what they
do otherwise. ~Bob.)
Excerpt: With their enthusiastic backing of President Obama
and the Democratic Party on Election Day, the bluest parts of America may
have embraced a program utterly at odds with their economic self-interest. The
almost uniform support of blue states’ congressional representatives for the
administration’s campaign for tax “fairness” represents a kind of bizarre
economic suicide pact. Any move to raise taxes on the rich — defined as
households making over $250,000 annually — strikes directly at the economies of
these states, which depend heavily on the earnings of high-income
professionals, entrepreneurs and technical workers.
Special-ops vets
demand Benghazi
answers: 'The truth has got to come out as to why we let these people die'
Excerpt: With almost three months elapsed since the
September terrorist attack on the U.S.
consulate in Benghazi ,
a group of special operations veterans is tired of the delay in answers from
the Obama administration and is demanding action. (Still waiting for an
impartial head investigator to be appointed to really get into the timeline at
Benghazi and who knew what when, and who it was who was telling every possible
source of aid to "stand down". The families of the murdered men
deserve answers to those questions, and the public has a right to know who it
was in power who refused to use their power to aid our people in mortal peril.
--Del )
Excerpt: It seems that every day now brings another business
owner in the news talking about cutting workers’ hours or making other
cost-cutting moves in anticipation of Obamacare’s impact in 2013. Here are just
a few of the business owners’ comments on the health care law:
Excerpt: The Egyptian army has set up barricades outside the
presidential palace, after ordering protesters to leave the area. It follows
violent overnight clashes between supporters and opponents of President
Mohammed Morsi that left five people dead and 644 injured.
The Streetcar Fantasy
Excerpt: There are many myths surrounding the benefits a
city can expect from streetcar lines. In reality, streetcars are an outdated
mode of transportation that is unlikely to bring in any economic development,
says Randal O'Toole, a senior fellow with the Cato Institute. Streetcars only
travel about 8 miles per hour. Furthermore, they have fewer seats than buses,
which leaves many riders standing. As far as safety concerns, streetcars weigh
over 60,000 pounds and gaps in the street create dangerous conditions for
cyclists. Additionally, streetcars are limited in transportation destinations,
which require massive investment to expand streetcar lines. However, it costs
around $30 million per mile of rail line.
FHA, the next housing bailout: Update and evaluation. By
| American Enterprise Institute
Excerpt: It was no surprise to this observer when the
recently released 2012 fiscal year actuarial review of the Federal Housing
Administration’s (FHA’s) main single family mortgage insurance fund concluded
that it was insolvent. The so-called economic value of the fund, which measures
the difference between expected insurance program revenues and expected costs
associated with defaults on the underlying mortgages, was reported to be a
negative $13.48 billion.
Excerpt: While much attention has focused on health
disparities between socio-economic groups, most health inequality actually
occurs within socio-economic groups. We examine trends in overall health
inequality – measured by realized length-of-life inequality – through the lens
of social justice, similar to traditional analysis of income inequality. We find
that throughout most of the length-of-life distribution, inequality has
declined dramatically over the past century.
The Underworked
Public Employee
Excerpt: Overstaffing is a serious problem in government,
and the best evidence is a simple empirical fact: Government employees don't
work as much as private employees. If public-sector employees just worked as
many hours as their private counterparts, governments at all levels could save
more than $100 billion in annual labor costs, say Andrew G. Biggs, a resident
scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and Jason Richwine, a senior
policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation.
Why Conservatives Hate War. Conflict erodes a nation’s
cultural continuity as well as its finances. By William S. Lind
Excerpt: One of the odder aspects of present-day politics is
the assumption that if you are antiwar you are on the left, and if you are
conservative you are “pro-war.” Like labelling conservative states red and
liberal states blue, this is an inversion of historical practice.
Telling the truth is racist and Islamophobic. ~Bob.
Video: Doomsday
for Iran ?
US Tests EMP Bomb: Boeing has successfully tested an EMP missile that could be
doomsday for Iran ;
media have largely ignored the development. By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Excerpt: The test was codenamed CHAMP -- Counter-Electronics
High Power Advanced Missile Project and was the first time a real EMP missile
has been tested with positive real world results. One of the most startling
developments in the research and test is that the missile system does not use
any explosives, thereby limiting damage to its intended goal of directing
microwave energy that can cause instant blackouts. Keith Coleman, who serves as
Boeing’s CHAMP program manager in their Phantom Works division, stated that
video camera showed “images of numerous desktop computers running, and then
suddenly all of them go out quickly followed by the camera going to
black,” VR-Zone reported.
Flanking Maneuvers. By Steven Hayward
Excerpt: I’ve been meaning to bring up the following New York
Times graphic since it was published last month, as it
shows that Republicans are at their highest level of control of state
governments in 60 years. Not bad for a party supposedly in deep trouble and on
death’s door.
Excerpt: Democrats thought they could hammer "the
rich" by convincing voters to pass Proposition 30 to create the highest
state income tax in the nation. But it now appears that high income earners
have already "voted with their feet" by moving themselves and their
businesses out of state, resulting in over $1 billion shortfall in corporate
and income taxes last month and the beginning of a new financial crisis.
Excerpt: A Kuwaiti who was a prominent member of al Qaeda's
religious committee is thought to have been killed in a recent US drone strike in Pakistan 's tribal areas.
Classic literature to
be dropped from high schools in favor of ‘informational texts.’ By Eric Owens
Excerpt: If you really want to hear about it, new
educational standards now approved in 46 out of 50 states mandate that nonfiction
books constitute at least 70 per cent of the texts
high-school students read….However, there’s also “Executive Order 13423:
Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy and Transportation Management
,” a publication of the General
Services Administration. A host of big shots in politics and education have
thrown their support behind the new educational standards, including the
National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers. (The
elimination of conscience and input of propaganda/brain washing. So much for
teaching how to think, teaching man against nature, man against society, man
against himself…. Who cares? Do whatever. No consequences, they think. A
culture of sociopaths, a la Hitler youth. –Barb)

Hillary Clinton Wants
More Taxpayer Money For Propaganda?
Excerpt: Secretary Hillary Clinton told the House Committee on Foreign affairs last week that it needs more money in order to spread its message through alternative media. Does this mean thatClinton
is advocating for more money for propaganda? Ben Swann answers.( Is she
advocating a state controlled media? --Jer)
Excerpt: Secretary Hillary Clinton told the House Committee on Foreign affairs last week that it needs more money in order to spread its message through alternative media. Does this mean that
Half of those on
Liverpool Care Pathway never told: Almost half of dying patients placed on the
controversial Liverpool Care Pathway are never
told that life-saving treatment has been withdrawn, a national audit has found.
Excerpt: The study suggests that in total, around 57,000
patients a year are dying in NHS hospitals without being told that efforts to
keep them alive have been stopped. It also reveals that thousands of dying patients
have been left to suffer in pain, with no attempt to keep them comfortable
while drugs were administered. (Progressive healthcare. ~Bob. If you are going to kill
me---please have the common courtesy to inform me! –Tom C.)
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