Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Media Bias

What compelled Lara Logan to investigate liberal media bias in new exposé
Excerpt: "We’ve become political activists in a sense. And some could argue, propagandists, right?" she said about the news media. "The media everywhere is mostly liberal. Not just in the U.S." "After my comments on 'Mike Drop' blew up, we decided to take a closer look at liberal bias," said Logan in the Fox Nation show, "While one side still won't acknowledge it, the overwhelming response showed many Americans wanted to have this conversation." "We're not always aware of our own bias and I'm no different," continued Logan on "No Agenda." "But one of the most significant things I learned over the past three decades is that liberal bias is framed as honest. An imperfect, but noble struggle for the truth on one side, not so on the other." "Then bias becomes intentional deception," she continued, "If you're Fox News or talk radio, it's not noble and it's not truth. It's disinformation and propaganda."

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