Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Biden, Trump, Amash, and 202(4)

Biden, Trump, Amash, and 202(4)
Excerpt: did not vote for Trump in 2016. I voted third party. When I announced I could never vote for Trump that year, I had people show up at my house and threaten my family and me. My children were harassed. People called my radio station to try to have me fired. My wife had a woman at church confront her. I had people at church confront me. It was a terribly unpleasant experience, but I held my ground. The chief objection is that a vote for anyone other than Trump would get Hillary Clinton elected. That did not turn out to be so. So I will spare any of you analysis on whether voting for Justin Amash will help or hurt Trump or Biden. My sense is that Amash will take votes away from Trump and Biden. There is a class of reluctant Trump voter, of which I am a part, who decided they would support Trump because the Democrats have lost their damn minds and the policies from the Trump Administration have been far better than any of us expected.

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