Thursday, April 23, 2020

How Cowardice And Class Privilege Divide Support For Coronavirus Lockdowns

How Cowardice And Class Privilege Divide Support For Coronavirus Lockdowns
Excerpt: There is a moral core to the argument against draconian use of stay-at-home orders that has yet to be well articulated in the public sphere. Reactionary governmental responses to the spread of coronavirus have been catastrophic. We have inflicted job loss upon tens of millions of American workers. We have put a quarter of small businesses at risk of permanently shutting down. And we have inflicted untold mental distress upon hundreds of millions. All this in the last few weeks. Yet extreme response measures still hold an aura of moral superiority for many. There is a touch of the surreal in the oblivious manner with which many talking heads have savagely put down any resistance to intrusive measures with a simplistic, “This will save lives,” or, “Our goal must be to minimize deaths.” Point out the compounded economic and personal hardship that our response has inflicted, and in many quarters you will meet at best the dismissive retort that one can’t measure lives against the economy and at worst with the accusation that you are a selfish &^%$# who values your freedom over others’ wellbeing.

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