Thursday, April 30, 2020

Climate Attack Dogs Target Michael Moore for Exposing Green Energy Myths

Climate Attack Dogs Target Michael Moore for Exposing Green Energy Myths
Excerpt: Leftist leaders of the environmental movement are attacking far Left filmmaker and Bernie Sanders supporter Michael Moore, trying to destroy the progressive documentarian for honestly pointing out the green energy scam is nothing more nor less than crony capitalism disguised as the planet’s salvation in his new film, “Planet of the Humans,” released on YouTube for free viewing on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Produced by Moore and directed by his long-time collaborator Jeff Gibbs, the film exposes the facts that green energy can’t prevent climate change, and those saying it can are profiting handsomely from government green energy subsidies and mandates. The movie shows, for example, solar panels are made with metallurgical coal and require 16 times more materials in the form of cement, glass, and steel than do nuclear plants, and create 300 times more waste. (The left eats its young. ~Bob)

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