Friday, April 24, 2020

Hydroxychloroquine Derangement Syndrome. By Brian C.Joondeph, MD

Hydroxychloroquine Derangement Syndrome. By Brian C.Joondeph, MD
Excerpt: If Trump had never mentioned hydroxy, the media would view the drug favorably, or at least neutrally. But in the age of Trump, anything he favors is immediately despised and opposed by the left. Hydroxy was FDA approved in 1955 for the prevention and treatment of malaria, as well as for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. With 65 years in use, its side effect profile is well known. It is certainly not “novel,” like the Chinese virus killing thousands worldwide. Sure, it has potential side effects, as do all prescription medications. In the case of hydroxy, those with a rare cardiac arrhythmia, easily detected with an EKG, shouldn’t take it. Similarly, someone with a bleeding tendency shouldn’t take anticoagulants, but that’s why these medications require a doctor’s prescription and are not stocked in the candy aisle at the drug store.

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