Friday, January 10, 2020

Chelsea Clinton made $9M since 2011 from corporate board position: report

Chelsea Clinton made $9M since 2011 from corporate board position: report
Amazing how super skilled and lucky the kids of politicians are, isn't it? Chelsea Clinton, no doubt by dint of her astounding mental powers, virtuous work ethnic, and vast experience, takes in $9.0 million since 2011. Clear example of what honesty, hard work and clean living can bring about.
But hey, let's be fair, that's only about $1MM per year, it's not really that much money, compared to some others. It's amazing she and her husband can make ends meet. Hell, her NYC apartment, the "luxury fortress", cost $10MM just a few years ago. Fortunately, that income is from just one gig she has, there are assorted other revenue sources that keep them off Food Stamps. --Del I'd do twice the work for half the money. ~Bob

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