Friday, August 23, 2013

For your weekend reading

Items for your weekend reading. I’ll be off line. Thanks to all who sent items. If you send formatted, I’ll usually use. If you send an article without a link, I rarely have the time or energy to search for it—sorry. ~Bob

Colorist But Not Racist. By Andy Weddington
Excerpt: Has Mr. Obama's propensity to make hasty, though scripted, public remarks, without fact, regarding race akin cases e.g., Robert Gates and Trayvon Martin - black men "victimized" by non-blacks - revealed his true colors? Are those brash colors strengthened by not rushing to a microphone when race troubles are reversed? Other "off-color" remarks have not served him well.

Meet the privileged Obama-supporting white kids who perpetrated cruel Oberlin race hoax
Excerpt: One of the two students removed from Oberlin College earlier this year for allegedly circulating virulently racist, anti-Jewish and anti-gay messages around campus is an ardent leftist and committed supporter of President Barack Obama, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

Bradley Manning, Now Chelsea, Denied Hormones in Prison
Excerpt: Pvt. Bradley E. Manning, now known as Chelsea and convicted of leaking classified military documents to Wikileaks, will soon be moved to Leavenworth Federal Prison to serve 35 years in an all-male facility as a transgender female. "I am female," she said in a statement Thursday, asking media and others to use female pronouns to refer to her.

"The Bradley fighting vehicle will henceforth be renamed the Chelsea fighting vehicle."

Bradley Manning Is Not a Woman: Pronouns and delusions do not trump biology. By Kevin D. Williamson
Excerpt: Dennis Avner was not a tiger, and Bradley Manning is not a woman. Mr. Manning, who upon his sentencing for his role in the WikiLeaks case announced that he desires to live out his days as a woman called Chelsea, is what he is, and no amount of pronoun play, psychotherapeutic doublespeak, or wishful thinking can make it otherwise. That is even true in California. (Being for gender equality, I’d be happy to shoot him regardless of his gender identity. ~Bob.)

Excerpt: After a Daily Caller investigation revealed a State Department employee steered $52 million dollars of taxpayer money to a phony firm she ran with her husband, the corrupt couple pleaded guilty to several felony charges this August and now face a maximum penalty of 30 years imprisonment each.

Russia backs UN probe of Syria attack
Excerpt: Russia has said it had told Syria to cooperate with UN experts investigating reports of a deadly chemical weapons attack that is believed to have killed hundreds, and called on rebels to allow access to the area.

Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms Party 2013 - Cam Edwards
Excerpt: If gun control worked, Chicago would be Mayberry right now! And Weld County and El Paso County would be Thunderdome! You guys wouldn't have [Weld County] Sheriff [John] Cooke, you would have Tina Turner and Mel Gibson running around! It would be horrible! But that's not real life! Real life is gun control not working in Chicago. Real life is gun control failing in Camden, New Jersey and Oakland, California, and a lot of other communities in this country.

Blasts kill 27 outside two mosques in Lebanon's Tripoli
So, do you suspect Jews or members of the “religion of peace” killing each other? ~Bob

Stop and Frisk Doesn't Target Minorities, It Protects Them. By Michael Barone 
Excerpt: The effectiveness of this police practice, initiated by Mayor Rudy Giuliani in 1994 and continued by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, is not in doubt. The number of homicides -- the most accurately measured crime -- in New York fell from a peak of 2,605 in 1990 to 952 in 2001, Giuliani's last year in office, to just 414 in 2012.

Excerpt: You can always tell when the latest economic news is bad. As soon as a morning headline trumpets more job losses Barack Obama takes off on a bus tour, hell bent on demonizing Republicans who refuse to let him spend another trillion dollars on bankrupt solar companies. But it's not just that Obama is on the road with still another speaking's "where" Obama goes. He always heads out to college campuses. Did you ever wonder why? It's very simple. College kids are still young and impressionable, haven't had to face the task of meeting a payroll or even paying taxes. You may have noticed that Obama never wanders into "blue collar land". 

Outgoing FBI Director Warns of Americans Traveling to Syria and Bringing Terrorist Tactics Home
Excerpt: The outgoing director of the FBI gave a sobering assessment Thursday of the current threats facing the U.S. homeland: A biological weapon of mass destruction detonated inside the country and a plane downed in mid-flight are viable scenarios. Americans now traveling to war-torn Syria could bring terrorist tactics home with them.

Muslim cleric in Australia: "Oh Allah, count the Buddhists and the Hindus one by one. Oh Allah, count them and kill them to the very last one."
Excerpt: Remember: this is not hate speech. It only becomes hate speech when non-Muslims quote Sheikh Sharif Hussein disapprovingly. And even then, the hate speech is on the part of the non-Muslims, not the Sheikh.

Why It Matters Who Wins in Egypt. By Daniel Greenfield 
Excerpt: These days and weeks of bloody struggle in Egypt have implications that go far beyond the country and the region. The conflict between the Muslim Brotherhood and its opponents will determine whether an Islamic terrorist group will run Egypt.

Police seek 2 young suspects after World War II veteran beaten to death in parking lot
Excerpt: Here we go again. Not a hate crime, though. Just a couple of black children in hoodies on their way to 7-Eleven to buy a bag of Skittles when they were attacked by an 88-year-old veteran in a parking lot. – LLW

I wonder if Jane Fonda will go to Spokane and pose for pictures with the thugs that murdered #DelbertBelton

Some murder stories are more equal than others. #DelbertBelton

Excerpt: Now, will Mr. Obama get on TV and say that Chris Lane could have been his son or anyone’s son, that the real race problem in this country is not racism against blacks, but an astounding epidemic of violence among blacks, especially black youth? Will the media superstars start talking about the sickening worship of violence in the rap culture? Will anyone ever tell the truth again? Or is the fear of even a hint of an accusation of racism going to make us keep our blinders on? (Ben does a nice job on this. No, it's not about lack of gun laws, nor about how boredom is rampant today, it's about something else. That nobody wants to talk about. --Del)

France's second-largest city: Ministers mobilise as Marseille violence spirals.
Excerpt: On August 9, a 22-year-old student had his throat cut in the city centre and on Sunday an 18-year-old was stabbed to death near Marseille's famed Old Port after a bar fight. One of the suspects in the stabbing later wounded the nurse with a knife after being asked for identity papers while seeking treatment at a hospital following the fight.

On Not Provoking Muslims. By Baron Bodissey
Excerpt: I didn’t have time to introduce these arguments [at our Epsicopal church service in Central Virginia]— we did, after all, have a Eucharist to celebrate — but I spoke to the woman after the service. I explained that the passive acceptance by Christians of Islamic violence is the first step towards full Islamization, and that Lebanon provides an instructive example of what lies ahead for Christian countries if we don’t wake up to what is going on and resist it. 

The bete noire of feminism Camille Paglia: "It remains baffling how anyone could think that Hillary Clinton is our party's best choice.' By Tracy Clark-Flory
Excerpt: 'As far as I’m concerned, Hillary disqualified herself for the presidency in that fist-pounding moment at a congressional hearing when she said, “What difference does it make what we knew and when we knew it, Senator?” Democrats have got to shake off the Clinton albatross and find new blood. The escalating instability not just in Egypt but throughout the Mideast is very ominous.'

Democracy's Dhimmis and Dummies. By Taki Theodoracopulos
Excerpt: We went to war 22 years ago on behalf of the Gulf States that feared Saddam. Saddam was the West’s patsy, doing our dirty work against Iran. The Gulf States and Qatar paid us back by enriching al-Qaeda and the Brotherhood in return for their safety. Is there no one in Washington, London, Paris, or Berlin who doesn’t see that?

Egypt: Churches burned, Christians murdered, networks barely mention. By Matthew Philbin
Excerpt: In the media’s wall-to-wall Egypt coverage, one important facet of the ongoing crisis has gotten short shrift: the deadly plight of that nation’s Christians. The three broadcast networks in particular have buried the anti-Christian violence, devoting just 5 percent of Egypt reporting to it since last week. Six days ago, supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood and deposed President Mohammed Morsi launched what some are calling a “pogrom” and “jihad” against Egypt’s Christian population.

Catholic Church Plans Massive Push for Amnesty. By Mike Flynn
Excerpt: If you attend Mass on September 8th, it is likely the priest's homily will be less about spiritual matters and more about the political imperative of passing an amnesty law for the nation's 11 million illegal immigrants. Last week, the Catholic Church announced a massive, coordinated effort to press Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform, including a pathway to citizenship. Catholics make up the largest single religious group in Congress.

Mark Zuckerberg unveils Internet plans for all. By Jon Swartz
Excerpt: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg late Tuesday announced on his Facebook profile page the formation of a partnership with Samsung Electronics, Nokia, Qualcomm and others to make Internet access available to everyone on Earth. The group — — intends to make the Internet an option for the 5 billion people who don't have it. Only about one-third of the world's population – 2.7 billion – has Internet access. [They mean they are going to make it compulsory, doncha think? --Kate]

Okla. Black-On-White Murder Demands Obama Speak Out Against Thug Culture
Excerpt: The nation's growing thug culture and attendant bash-mob violence breaking out in city after city could hurt tourism if the president doesn't speak out about it. Obama had no problem popping off about the shooting of Trayvon Martin (aka his adopted "son"), prejudging the facts in the case and assuming the shooter, described by the media as "white," racially profiled the aggressive Martin before killing him. A jury saw it as self-defense. (Many Blacks and nonBlack Liberals say it's unfair to highlight Black on White violence, while remaining hypersensitive to any sign of White on Black incidents. They get defensive of Blacks who commit various crimes against persons or property, on the basis of the history of past oppression of Blacks. But that comes under the heading of two wrongs don't make a right, and real leadership in the Black community should be shouting that out by now. Shooting an unknown White guy in the back and boasting about that kind of thinking does nothing to make up for the KKK murders of Blacks a century ago, beating up an old White man has no real connection with the beatings of civil rights activists 60 years ago. Tolerating and even some admiring of thug culture, with its glorification of violence, crime-related stacks of money, displays of weapons and gang signs, etc, is insane and undercuts the values of mores of those activists whose efforts and sacrifices were the engine that drove the success of the Civil Rights movement. Dwelling nonstop on the injustices of the past brings nothing positive to American Blacks of the present, and using those memories to justify bad behavior today is totally counterproductive for every American, regardless of color. --Del)

Detroit: A story that must be told
Excerpt: I’d seen the pictures and knew the history, but I wasn’t prepared for what I saw: Each razed lot and burnt out home represented a family’s dashed hopes and shattered future. Outside the small, but lively, downtown were parts of what is now 130 square miles of sadness. Ethnic neighborhoods no longer exist. Culture and arts are gone. There is no retail. Only one movie theater is left for nearly 700,000 people. As one city analyst told me, “Detroit is no longer a sustainable city.” (More details and analysis of what happened to this once-great city. I just heard from a friend who went up to take a tour of one of the Ford factories. While driving around they took a wrong turn and found themselves in no-mans-land of wrecked houses and lots that you can't call empty exactly, since they have tons of trash on them. He said it was a shocking and depressing experience. I can believe it. --Del)

Fiat and Chrysler close in on China deal for Jeep
Excerpt: Fiat and Chrysler are getting closer to announcing a final deal to produce Jeep SUVs in China in a joint venture with Guangzhou Automobile Group, according to reports in the Chinese news media.
Lie of the Year: the Romney campaign's ad on Jeeps made in China

The Fort Hood victims of Nidal Hassan deserve Purple Hearts. Period.

Urgent Action: Zahra and Ali in Imminent Danger of Stoning!
The real “War on Women.” ~Bob. Excerpt: WLUML has been shocked to learn that there are two individuals at imminent risk of execution by stoning in Iran. In 2012, Zahra Pour Sai and Ali Sai Bashsiz were tried in Tabriz (Iranian Azerbaijan) court, convicted of Zina (adultery), and sentenced to death by stoning. They appealed their convictions, but the appeal was refused and the verdict was confirmed by Branch 7 of the Supreme Court. It is now feared that they are at imminent risk of death by stoning.

Another Mexican National in U.S. Ilegally Admits Involvement in 2009 Murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent. By Katie Pavlich 
Excerpt: In July 2009, U.S. Border Patrol Agent Robert Rosas, Jr. was ambushed by five Mexican nationals, three of which entered the United States illegally to assault Rosas through a hole in the border fence and then quickly fled back over the border.

S. Fla. teacher used social media to solicit sex
Apparently, I had a deprived childhood. But this one is too dumb to teach school. ~Bob.

Police Search For Men Seen Carrying AK-47s
Excerpt: Officials say two black males wearing hoodies were reportedly seen carrying AK-47s around noon and heading toward the bus stop at Standard Avenue and Frankstown Road.

News Quiz
267 points.

Local governments cutting hours over Obamacare costs
Excerpt: Many cash-strapped cities and counties facing the prospect of shelling out hundreds of thousands of dollars in new health-care costs under the Affordable Care Act are opting instead to reduce the number of hours their part-time employees work. (And the train wreck gathers speed. ~Bob)

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