Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Seven Deadly Sins of California’s Political Establishment

The Seven Deadly Sins of California’s Political Establishment
Want to understand what's going on in California? This is what happens when the "woke" Left has all the political power, and PC themes become government policy, against which the citizens have no defense anymore. In a way it's a parallel to why socialist governments all go downhill into elitist corruption and inefficiency. Once an elite takes over that doesn't really have to answer to anyone anymore, their purposes are only two, to hang onto power, and to implement whatever it is they feel like. Exercising the power makes them feel great, super important, in this case, super virtuous. The end results are fearsome, but once they are on a roll, none of that matters. Ten or at most twenty more years of this and the state will be a lesson in regimented misery. The weather will always be great, but life there, for all but the super rich, will be not so great at all. --Del

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