Southern Poverty Law Center Transfers Millions in Cash to Offshore Entities
About the famous SPLC, the paradigm of virtue. These guys went off the rails some years ago, and went from doing at least some worthwhile good work for poor people to a leftist group manipulating things freely as part of an agenda. Their definition of a "hate group" is anyone they don't like for any reason. Their list does include real hate groups, but has been expanded to churches that disapprove of homosexuality and other forms of conservatism (Whether you're prolife or prochoice doesn't have anything to do with real activist hate.) Now it turns out they are awash with money, pay their people really, really well, and stash millions in offshore accounts. Hmm... not exactly the kind of thing real charitable groups do. The article has a great deal of details. --Del
Hi, I'm Diane C. Brown. Already I go through your articles. Their definition of a "hate group" is anyone they don't like for any reason. Their list does include real hate groups, but has been expanded to churches that disapprove of homosexuality and other forms of conservatism.