Monday, September 4, 2017

Random thoughts for September

Random Thoughts for September, 2017.
By Robert A. Hall

Feel free to post or forward.

Blog readers will notice that posts are scarce some days. When I work, currently Wednesday to Friday (but switching to Monday to Wednesday on September 18) I get up at five, do my medical stuff, eat, shower, shave and dress, drive to the VA, work, come home, do my medical stuff, eat, maybe a few minutes checking email, then in bed at eight. So I have almost no computer time.

My grandson Dale, 5, in kindergarten, has already been sent to the principal. He used his finger as a gun to shoot someone.

The white supremacist violence in Virginia has accomplished one thing. They have guaranteed the removal of all Confederate monuments, because the mass of people who didn't give a damn will now support removal. Congratulations, assholes.

The Obama's nuke deal with Iran (not to mention Clinton's nuke deal with North Korea) is like the Munich deal with Hitler. If you are stupid enough to trust dictators to keep their word, you deserve what you get.

How many stories start with a bottle of whisky and a terrible idea?

When it comes to government largess, the motto is, "No political contributor left behind."

Broken promises are too often the politician's stock in trade. "If you like your insurance plan, you can keep it." "I will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton." "The US Embassy will move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on day one."

John McCain has terminal brain cancer, was a hero as a POW (don't send me your fake news about that), and had a 88% voting record with the American Conservative Union in 2016. So the crazies on the right are trashing him. Shameful. And they wonder why I'm not on board?

I was never "hip" or "cool," but I notice that many of those who were are now referred to as, "The late."

When the days of your life run out, will you remember what you did with this one?

Poor troops may lead to defeat, but poor leadership usually guarantees it.

Because a delusion is believed by millions does not make it reality.

When I had my lung transplant, I wanted to save the old lung, put it in alcohol in a jar, and make a lamp out of it for the living room. My wife didn't think that was a great idea.

When this country is finally ruled by the Communists or the Islamists, all monuments to our war dead will go the way of the confederate statutes. After all they were running dog lackeys of evil capitalism. Or crusaders fighting against Allah. Pick your tyrant.

Progressive policies lead inevitably to Katyn.

One big reason I like home baking is it doesn't include one of those annoying lists saying how much sugar, how much salt and how many calories are in it.

There were signs on corners around Madison that say. "Free summer meals for kids. No ID required. Text #####." Apparently even if you are too poor or incompetent to feed your kids, you are still expected to own a phone and know how to text with it.

Few things guarantee disaster like putting third-rate people in key jobs because they flatter and are devoted to you.

The great mistake that chess masters, politicians and military commanders too often make is assuming that your opponent will do what you want him to do.

I have read that the blacks, who make up 13% of the population have 40% of the abortions. If that is true, would a factually-correct billboard saying, "Support Planned Parenthood. They keep the black population down," upset the leftists? Does Planned Parenthood and it's original mission of keeping the unfit from being born, upset anyone on the left?

Why won't people make even the most reasonable concessions to the left or to Muslims? Because that settles nothing. They just move on to the next demand for more concessions.  (H/T SF Author Tom Kratman who said something similar in an email.)

People talk about timing the stock market. Hell, I can't even time bananas.

People say "Mother Nature" because they fear if they say "God" their friends won't think they're cool.

I'd leave the Confederate statues. And I was almost killed twice putting down the slave power. My great, great grandfather, Sgt. Oliver Vernal, fought through the war with the 6th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry. He was badly wounded twice--and he and Sarah didn't have kids until after the war. The 6th went in against Battery Wagner next to the 54th Massachusetts, actually got into the rebel works first. But they weren't in the movie "Glory." Not PC to have a white Rgt. there too.

I took a nap during the eclipse. I don't get excited over shadows. In fact, I see a solar eclipse every day. It's called "night." Since it was cloudy here, no one saw it. I guess that means six more weeks of hype.

About 15 years ago, we bought term life policies for Bonnie & me for $115k each (our mortgage at the time.) Price has held steady. But in 2018 the premium goes up from $162/month for both of us to $1,579/month. Have to die soon if we want to cash in. Can't afford that--as they planned.

The statues of adulterers are offensive. Tear down Kennedy, King and Clinton.

Some people who were good looking when they were young never got over it. My late friend Agnes in Scotland used to describe older women in teen clothing as "Mutton dressed as lamb."

How come they never have, "Bring your gun to work" day?

In movies, the steely-eyed leader often says, "Failure is not an option." And the good guys win. In real life, failure is a constant possibility.

Everything from sports to entertainment to jokes to work is now political. Nasty, vicious, often violently political, too.

Desecration of historical monuments honoring the dead is hate speech.

I think they'll have to revoke my "Master's Degree" because the word "master" is evocative of slavery.

The Spanish word for 'black" is "negro." That racist language must be banned!

Progressives: Ruining people's lives so they can feel good. For decades.

Students! Want to stand out from the crowd and dress radically different? Try a coat and tie.

The only difference between the Alt-Right and AntiFa is which way the rocks are thrown.

If a company puts you on hold, you should be able to charge them $1 a minute. When they say, "Thank you for your patience," I say, "You mean I had a choice?"

If you could push a button and kill every member of white supremacist groups, Black Lives Matter, the Neo-Nazis, AntiFa, the Alt-Right, American communists and the violent on both sides, would you? It has to be all or nothing.

My wife likes to watch "Say Yes to the Dress," a reality show about rich twits paying an earl's ransom for a wedding dress. I said I'm going to develop a reality show about folks like us who shop at Savers, Goodwill, yard sales and flea markets. I'm calling it, "Say That's Nice to the Price."

Actually, I feel like I'm living in a reality show and we're all about to be voted off the island.

I expect that soon the "FGM is their culture" crowd will start saying the same about cannibalism.

What your name makes you doesn't matter. What you make your name matters a great deal.

Get the collection! My “Random Thoughts” from 2008 through July, 2013 are collected in this book: The Old Jarhead's Journal: Random Thoughts on Life, Liberty, and Leadership by Robert A. Hall
The Old Jarhead’s Journal is a collection of Random Thoughts on politics and life and Conservative Political Essays, mostly published on the author’s blog, including the essay “I’m Tired” which went viral on the Internet in 2009, “The Hall Platform,” “This I Believe,” and “Why I’m a Republican.” While they will be of interest to conservative thinkers, they are collected here in book form as a service to readers who wish to give a copy to favorite liberals and watch their heads explode. All royalties are donated to the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund.


Robert A. Hall is a Marine Vietnam Veteran who served five terms in the Massachusetts State Senate. He is the author of The Coming Collapse of the American Republic. For a free PDF of Collapse, e-mail him at tartanmarine(at) Hall’s eleven books are listed here: His blog of political news and conservative comment is

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