Random Thoughts for November,
2016. By Robert A. Hall
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We were in Maryland
visiting my 87-year-old father-in-law, a Marine vet, who has not been doing
well. Got back the day before the election, so held the random thoughts until
today to seethe results.
I owe my friend Andy, a brother Marine, a dollar. He bet me
Trump would win. I would have bet more. I was wrong. I was wrong when I thought
Trump wouldn't put his ego on the line by running. I was wrong when I thought
he wouldn't win the primaries or nomination. I was wrong when I thought last
spring that Clinton
would crush him. I was wrong the day before the election, when, reading the
polls, I still thought Clinton
would win by about 3%. Last night I said a prayer that I'm also wrong about
what I think a Trump presidency means.
People will now lump pollsters with lawyers and used car
salesmen as untrustworthy.
The person most responsible for Trump's stunning victory is
Barack Obama. Voters took a long look at a jobless recovery, the rewarding of
green cronies with tax dollars, a sound-the-retreat foreign policy, putting a
radical green agenda ahead of working families, a military crippled by PC and
social engineering, declining labor force participation, the lies of Obamacare,
and the exploiting of racial division and identity politics for partisan
advantage and decided that with all his manifest flaws and ignorance, Trump was
a better risk that four more years of progressive non-performance.
While I have had a deep-seated loathing for Donald Trump for
decades, I have had an equal loathing for Hillary and Bill Clinton, so her
defeat is gratifying. She will now become an object of vilification among
progressives--the candidate who lost to
Donald Trump. Foreign donations, and a lot of domestic ones, to the Clinton
Foundation will dry up. Clinton Cronies who were given sinecures at the
Foundation to keep them ready for the campaign will have to seek gainful
employment in an economy that will not value the word "Clinton " on a resume. Charity watchdogs will
dig deeper into it. Investigations into her conduct will no longer be protected
by politics. Even liberals will think she gets what's coming. Though I think it
would be a mistake for President Trump to be seen to go after her.
Meanwhile, Trump's business empire will flourish. People
will want to do business with power as they did with the Clintons . That represents a trap and a danger
to him. If there are compromised financial dealings, the media will not give
him the pass they gave the Clintons .
I can't help having a frisson of Schadenfreude imaging Obama's anguish over his legacy and fundamental
transformation being dismantled.
The Trump campaign always claimed there were lots of voters
who were not telling the pollsters they supported Trump. They were right.
Trump proved he could take campaign advice during the last
couple of months, which made a lot of voters more comfortable with him. I hope
he will be able to take advice from economists like Dr. Thomas Sowell, advice
from his military leaders and advice from foreign policy experts. Not
progressive ones. We shall see.
Donald Trump owes part of his rise to white identity
politics, in the form of the Alt.Right, white supremacists and other groups.
But they have gained prominence and supporters as a reaction to several decades
of progressives cynically seeking power by playing black identity polices. They
long ago abandoned the dream of a color blind society, and every action has a
reaction. They helped create Trumpism.
"Peace: noun.
in International affairs, a period of cheating between two periods of
fighting." --Ambrose Bierce, The
Devil's Dictionary.
After the collapse, there will be a great die-off. Or maybe kill-off
is more accurate.
Everyone is living on borrowed time. As a doctor told me,
despite all the advances of modern medicine, the death rate remains unchanged.
One per person.
Conservatives help the poor through personal giving.
Liberals help the poor by taking from productive people and giving it to
bureaucrats, who one hopes help the poor after taking their administrative cut.
But the war on poverty indicates it doesn't work.
Coincidence is the camouflage of premeditation.
"Social Justice" is a progressive dog whistle for
"Hands up, give me the loot!"
We should change the name from "conservatives" to
"rationalists," people opposed to the progressive pie-in-the-sky
principles on practical grounds.
Those who espouse a "living constitution" actually
want the constitution and its protection of freedom dead.
I think Obama issued all those executive orders because he
was jealous of the Supreme Court's power to legislate.
Most "home cooked" food is not cooked in a home.
Stupidity is often a fatal disease.
The cascading problems with BOCare were entirely
predictable. And were predicted, though those predicting them were smeared for
their trouble.
Matthew 18:17: "If they still refuse to listen, tell it
to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as
you would a pagan or a tax collector."
"Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the
world, let it even triumph. But not through me." --Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Note to BLM: "I do not believe in collective guilt nor
in collective responsibility. Only the killers are guilty." --Ellie
People who are willing to sacrifice constitution rights such
as Freedom of Speech to some issue they view as more important (global warming,
"hate" speech) will soon find they have no rights, as every right has
people who would abrogate it for something they think more important.
Just because you can use your smart phone to call people or
get text messages anywhere doesn't mean you should.
The first of November and we barely have 60% of our
Christmas shopping done. Where does the time go?
Wish as hard as you want, wishing never trumps reality.
Ignoring the coming fiscal crisis or trying to wish it away will not delay it
by a minute.
I believe that Obama, like so many black leaders, is
anti-Semitic. Given liberal Jewish support for Democrats, he keeps it mostly
under wraps, but his policy of undermining Israel, which will lead to the
slaughter of the Jewish people there, can have little other basis. It is well
hidden compared to his pal Jesse Jackson's crude reference to
"Hymietown." Plus Israel ,
the only democracy in the middle east, the only country there offering
pluralism, multiple parties, freedom of speech, religion and the press, plus
equality for women, enrages liberals. How dare those damn Jews! I also believe
he has a bias against the British, based on their having been the colonial
power in his father's home of Kenya .
This is revealed by his cleansing of the White House of the bust of the
greatest man of the 20th century, Churchill, without whom Hitler, the
exterminator of the Jews would likely have won the war. I strongly suspect he
has at least a mild racial animus towards whites in general, unless they have
accepted the sacrament of the Great
Progressive Church
and adopted Obamaism as their creed.
I would like to join the Illuminati. Can anyone direct me to
their membership application on line?
The new rule for politicians: Assume that every email you
send will be read and conversation recorded by people who wish you ill.
Why is it that the most ignorant people are the ones who
think they know everything?
If Saddam Hussein had only waited to invade Kuwait
until Obama was president, he could have had it for the price of reading a
sharply-worded diplomatic note.
When I want a break from reading history, politics or
economics, I often pick up a novel. One "escapist" author I really
like (if reading about the war with terrorists can be considered escapism) is
Brad Thor. I recommend his books. I'm just one of his novels, Full Black, from 2011. Thor gets what is
going on. I just pray there are really characters like his good guys taking the
fight to the enemy we are at war with. In the novel, one of the very bad guys
is a multi-billionaire, James Standing, who has turned on the system that made
him rich (maybe based on George Soros?) and wants to destroy capitalism, thus
is funding and directing terrorists. A journalist, Julia from a business paper
is interviewing him:
Standing: "You have given me the usual shallow,
shopworn defense of capitalism, but you haven't given me one concrete reason why my ideas are so
Julia: One concrete
reason? ... I can actually give you four. First, it is morally wrong to
take anything that doesn't belong to you and having the state do the taking
doesn't magically make it okay or right. Second, socialism has been tried
repeatedly and has never worked anywhere.
Yet each new crop of elites thinks they can enact socialism and this time it
will be different. They stick the socialist fork back in the electrical outlet
expecting a totally different outcome, but it always ends up the same. Third,
when people become reliant on the state, that reliance erodes their
self-respect, their sense of self-worth, their work ethic and their
independence. Finally, socialism promotes class envy and class warfare. The
makers resent the takers for draining their resources and the takers resent the
makers because no matter how much the takers take, they always want more. They
erroneously believe that the makers have an abundant supply from which they
should be continuously compelled to give. But as Margaret Thatcher so aptly put
it, the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's
The older I get the more I like small towns. They and small
businesses and the dedicated (non-careerist members of our military may be the
only fingers in the dyke against the coming deluge.
The more rights progressives discover, the fewer
responsibilities they recognize.
Professional sports are a leading world cause of stupidity.
You cannot say that the Obama foreign policy was a failure.
It's object was to humble America
and promote the "International Community" - never mind that the
international community is a fiction and bodies like the UN are dominated by
barbarians seeking power - as the arbiter of good and evil, and the source of
correction. In all this it has succeed so well that your grandchildren will
likely live to be slaves.
I have hearing aides from the VA, due to loud noises in my misspent
youth. They don't help much, but I wear them for the fashion statement.
Progressives live under the delusion that if they can just
make the state powerful enough, the laws all encompassing and the regulations
tight enough they will create the longed-for utopia that has always escaped
Black Lives Matter chanting "Pigs in a blanket, fry
them like bacon" and "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them?
Now!" are almost as precious in the progressive pantheon as their
Jew-hating, gay-hanging, women-stoning, child-abusing, apostate-executing
Islamist brethren, because, after all, they are multiculturalists and all
cultures are equal valid. Except, of course, rural, law-abiding Christian
culture in the United States ,
which must be destroyed.
If liberals really believed that "global warming"
was the threat they shrilly proclaim, they would be protesting to demand an
immediate expansion of nuclear power and Al Gore, Barack Obama, the Clintons
and the wealthy Hollywood fluff-brains would have lowered their carbon
footprints to say, only four times mine. Until they do, I'm not on board.
The people who have annoyed me the most lately are the folks
saying Jesus would vote for this candidate or would support that policy. I'm
sure he has all he can do to keep his Dad from wiping us all out and starting
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue
and enterprise. We laugh at honor, and are shocked to find traitors in our
midst." —C.S. Lewis, The
Abolition of Man.
People tell me I live in the past. I tell them it's nicer
It's amusing how liberals who cannot understand how
conservatives, Christians, rednecks or gun owners think believe that Muslims
think they same way they do and want the same things like peace, tolerance and
Liberals think anyone with a gun is a monster. Conservatives
think that anyone without a gun is monster chow.
If there is only one way to heaven, it's going to be a lot
less populated than Wyoming .
American ambassador Wm. Dodd in Berlin , Oct. 1933: "One may
safely say that it would be no sin if statesmen learned
enough of history to realize that NO system which implies control of
society by privilege seekers has ever ended in any other way than
Colonialism is often blamed for a country being poor and
backward. Which is why, I suppose, the United States , being cobbled
together of former English, Dutch and Spanish colonies, has always lagged other
nations economically and technologically.
We laugh at China 's
"One-child" program. But we seem to have a "one parent"
Progressive economics might be called Lutheran Economics.
Prosperity comes not from good works--making better widgets with better
service--but from the grace of the all-powerful one they serve--the State. See
Social Justice warriors don't believe in the Tenth
Shouldn't abortions be included in the Infant Mortality
The Jihadists practice cruelty and call it compassion,
slaughter and call it Justice, and barbarism and call it divinely will.
The time is coming when hope and tears will not suffice,
only deeds. And there will be no safe spaces.
If a Christian murdered 40 people because of their religion,
Progressives would accuse him of cultural appropriation.
History that serves a political agenda is not history, but
I suggest developing a new holocaust museum in Washington to
memorialize the decades long holocaust in Islamic countries against Christians,
Jews, Yazidis, non-conforming Muslim sects and others, aided and abetted by
western "multiculturalists" who believe that even a culture that
engages in oppression and murder must be honored and protected from critics.
If a Jihadist walks
into your church and starts shooting people, and you tackle him to stop it, you
will be labeled an anti-Muslim extremist by the media, the left and the
It may be time for Late Rites for Constitutional Rites.
Neither party's candidate gave more than weak lip service to the Constitution.
Happened to click on a sports program where they said,
"This is a moment in history." Aren't all moments, "moments in
We have raised a generation that can't take a hit. And very
hard hits are coming indeed.
They say geese mate for life. People used to. Now they mate
until something that looks better comes along.
You haven't really made a large mark in life unless people
have died cursing your name.
Don't talk to me about the NFL players who dishonor the
flag. Friends of mine died for that flag. I suspect your friends spit on it.
Get the collection! My
“Random Thoughts” from 2008 through July, 2013 are collected in this book: The Old Jarhead's Journal: Random Thoughts on Life, Liberty , and Leadership
by Robert A. Hall
The Old Jarhead’s
Journal is a collection of Random Thoughts on politics and life and
Conservative Political Essays, mostly published on the author’s blog, including
the essay “I’m Tired” which went viral on the Internet in 2009, “The Hall
Platform,” “This I Believe,” and “Why I’m a Republican.” While they will be of
interest to conservative thinkers, they are collected here in book form as a
service to readers who wish to give a copy to favorite liberals and watch their
heads explode. All
royalties are donated to the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund.
Robert A. Hall is a Marine Vietnam Veteran who served five
terms in the Massachusetts State Senate. He is the author of The Coming Collapse of the American Republic.
For a free PDF of Collapse, e-mail
him at tartanmarine(at)gmail.com. Hall’s eleven books are listed here: http://tartanmarine.blogspot.com/2010/07/new-book-published.html.
His blog of political news and conservative comment is www.tartanmarine.blogspot.com.
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