My one-year lung
Feel free to post or forward--I have no HIPAA concerns. (A
friend pointed out that I didn't mention Bonnie. My bad--she is always here and
a big part of why I am here. I live for her and Britnye and Little Dale. ~Bob)
Quote from The Patriot Post
"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can
gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business
of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience
approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death." --Thomas
Paine, The Crisis, No. 1, 1776
Christmas Satire: Myrrh, Balthazar? One of the Three
Wise Men explains his travel plans to his wife. By Alexandra
Excerpt: Balthazar,
a Wise Man from somewhere vaguely east who will later feature prominently in at
least one Holiday Song, taps nervously on the door to his wife’s office …
Listen, so, Cheryl, I was wondering about our holiday plans. I thought we
were spending Saturnalia with my folks as usual. Cheryl, you know it’s always a
drunken orgy. Yes, Balthazar. It’s supposed to be a drunken orgy.
Well, see, that’s the thing. I might – Literally that’s the entire concept
of the holiday, that it’s a drunken orgy. Not “might” actually, I definitely
have some mage business then. Mage business? Oh yeah. I’m a mage.
General News and Comment
George W. Bush Was Caught Dressed Up As Santa Claus
Excerpt: He came quietly to the
medical center, electing to go without any media presence as he often does when
he does work with the wounded veterans. But he did come with his Secret Service
detail of course and they were dressed splendidly for the occasion. Somehow
President Bush convinced his Secret Service agents to dress as elves!
And how the haters on the left saw him. You can find dozens
of pictures like this on the web, now all down the memory hole as they claim no
president was ever vilified like Obama has been. The Secret Service would be
all over this--rightly so--if Obama was threatened by protest signs as Bush
was, to little notice.
Must Read: The Timid
Generation: Try to imagine Franklin Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan
caving in to North Korea . By Victor Davis
Excerpt: The present generation may be the most abjectly
cowardly cohort in memory. When the Sony Corporation was victimized by North
Korean–sponsored hackers upset over Sony’s new movie The Interview, it
caved and withdrew the film. The Obama administration so far has offered no
real support. Instead it blamed Sony for its appeasement. By joint inaction
both Sony and the United
States government sent the message that
foreign dictators can determine what Americans see or read, as long as their
targets are private citizens.
Excerpt: Too often political insiders, in evaluating
presidential prospects, get hung up on ideology or even specific positions.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), they said, couldn’t get the GOP nomination in 2008
because he championed immigration reform, or Mitt Romney was ineligible for the
nomination in 2012 because of Romneycare. Whether they should have
gotten the nomination in the eyes of hard-line conservatives can be debated,
but in fact, they and the mainstream media (which often incorrectly adopt the
right-wing assessment of the GOP) made a cardinal error: mistaking individual
positions with viability and ignoring the role of character.
Excerpt: The men and women of the United States Armed Forces
have never had a lower opinion of President Obama, acceding to a Military
Times poll of its readers published today. Just 15 percent of active-duty
Military Times readers approve of Obama, down from 35 percent in 2009 and 28
percent just last year.
Excerpt: I left Washington
state about 20 years ago for Arizona .
A Washington native, I had become fed up with
the left-wing politics of Seattle .
A couple of years ago, I moved back to the Pacific
Northwest . A lot had changed while I was gone, and very little for
the better. ... By the year 2000, almost all of Washington ’s
statewide offices and Congressional delegation were controlled by Democrats,
primarily a result of left-of-center Californians moving into the state in
order to escape the Golden
State ’s increasing taxes
and regulations.
Excerpt: It's shameful that a company like Sony would go
groveling to a deceitful, tyrannical, un-American thug, but this column is not
about Sony’s
sucking up to Al Sharpton . This column is about a tort system that is
dedicated not to justice but to making lawyers richer, and it comes not only at
the price of American prosperity but at the cost of our liberty as well. ... So
Sony, even if it wasn’t inclined toward submissiveness, had no choice but to
cave-in to the Norks and pull The Interview. We have created a tort system that
gave it no other choice. If some pack of scumbags walked into a movie theater
showing The Interview and opened fire, Sony and the theater companies would get
Obama Says Sony
Should Have 'Spoken to Me First'; Sony Says 'We Did'
Excerpt: And if anyone knows a thing or two about blaming a
movie for violence and pressuring someone to remove it from public view, it’s
Obama (Benghazi ,
cough, cough).
Sony confirms The
Interview’ will have Christmas Day screenings after all
Excerpt: "The Interview" is getting time on the
big screen this Christmas after all. In a statement Tuesday, Sony confirmed
that it will be releasing the film in "limited release" in the United States
on Christmas Day.
Emanuel’s Son Jumped Outside Family’s Home
Excerpt: You see Rahm, this is what happens when you don’t
have armed guards around you 24/7 to protect you. Imagine how the rest of the
unarmed Americans in your state feel.
Is Liberalism Intellectually Bankrupt? By John C. Goodman
Excerpt: Howard Dean, who is thought to represent the
Democratic wing of the Democratic Party, told reporters the other day that he
supports our policy of using drones to kill people (and all those who happen to
be near them) without warning. He also has no objection to the National
Security Agency listening to his phone calls and monitoring his email. Donny
Deutsch, the reliable voice of the left on “Morning Joe,” told TV viewers that
he supports the CIA’s torture activities – recently revealed in a Senate
committee report. These views are very different from what one typically finds
in the unsigned editorials of The New York Times – causing one to wonder what
exactly is happening to left-of-center thinking.
Excerpt: North
Korea experienced a massive Internet outage
Monday, and some researchers and web watchers speculated that the country's
online connections could be under cyberattack. The Internet outage comes less
than a week after the U.S.
vowed an unspecified response to a massive hacking attack against Sony Pictures
Entertainment over the release of the comedy film "The Interview."
(Might be the US Government. But it might also be non-stare actors on our side
with the technical knowhow, applying Fourth Generation Warfare. We may never
know. ~Bob)
Downing North Korea 's
Internet not much of a scalp. By Jeremy Wagstaff
Excerpt: If someone did just knock North Korea off
the Internet for half a day, it wouldn't have taken much. With barely 1,000
Internet addresses, one Internet service provider and one connection to the
outside world via China , North Korea 's cyberlinks are negligible - barely
one percent of that of Afghanistan ,
a similarly impoverished country with a roughly comparable population. By the same
token, closing down the links wouldn't have had much of an effect within North Korea .
Excerpt: “Their networks are under duress,” Mr. Madory said.
“This is consistent with a DDoS attack on their routers,” he said, referring to
a distributed denial of service attack, in which attackers flood a network with
traffic until it collapses under the load. If the attack was American in origin
— something the United
States would probably never acknowledge — it
would be a rare attack on another nation’s Internet connections. ... But it is
also not clear that cutting off Internet service, if that is what happened in
this case, would slow North Korean hackers. Many are believed to be based in China . Sony’s
attackers used servers in Bolivia ,
Singapore and Thailand to
launch their attacks. So any cutoff of Internet services would be mostly
symbolic, a warning shot that two can play the game of disruption.
Excerpt: North Korea
said President Barack Obama is “recklessly” spreading rumors of a
Pyongyang-orchestrated cyberattack of Sony Pictures and warns of strikes
against the White House, Pentagon and “the whole U.S. mainland, that cesspool of
Senate will be worse
without Tom Coburn
Excerpt: Sen. Tom Coburn, the Oklahoma Republican who is
resigning his seat on Jan. 3 — two years before his term expires — took to the
Senate floor on a Friday afternoon to tie it up one last time. Coburn, an
obstetrician who arrived in Congress 20 years ago, had one day earlier given a
tearful farewell address in which he criticized the way the Senate is run and
urged his colleagues to think less about what they could bring back to their
states and more about how they can serve their country. (I agree. Would have
been inclined to support him for president. I wish him well on his cancer
treatment. He is on my prayer list. ~Bob)
True, this: Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy
Worth Reading :
What Causes
American Murders: The answer is not American
politics. By Kevin D. Williamson
Excerpt: And then, at the very moment when crowds in New
York City are demanding “dead cops,” a gunman in Brooklyn, citing the
controversy, gives the mob two of them — and the result
is . . . silence. As it happens, I agree with my
colleague Charles C. W. Cooke that the instinct within some on the
right to blame the crimes of Ismaaiyl Brinsley on the riff-raff shouting
half-literate slogans around New York and other cities, and on
profiteering race-hustlers such as Al Sharpton, is misplaced. But it was much
more grievously misplaced when Palin was being put through the ringer, too: for
metaphorical crosshairs. The mobs in New York ,
Ferguson , and
elsewhere are not calling for metaphorical murders of policemen, but literal
ones. (Literally, Mr. Vice President!) Palin was calling for energetic
participation in the democratic process; the New York mobs are calling for energetic
participation in mass murders.
World War III - The
Calm Before the Storm
Excerpt: "World War III" is a loaded term (as are
many historical references). It assumes that these tragic mass murders that
humanity calls war, are isolated events with distinct beginnings and ends. This
kind of over simplification obscures the multi-generational chain reactions
that lead up to that moment when swords are drawn or missiles fly.
Abortion Health Facts
Study: After Ban, Chile ’s
Maternal Death Rate Dropped 69%
Excerpt: According to new
research from the MELISA Institute, since Chile ’s ban on abortion, not only
has maternal health improved but the number of women seeking illegal
abortion has plummeted! Since Chile banned abortion in
1989, the number of maternal deaths decreased from
41.3 to 12.7 per 100,000 women (69.2% reduction). That puts Chile in second place for the
lowest maternal mortality rate in the Americas
(that’s right, even better than the United States ).
Excerpt: Nicaragua
has announced the start of work on a new canal linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans . At an opening ceremony, Wang
Jing, the president of HKND, the Chinese company building the canal, said this
moment would go down in history. The 278km (172 mile) waterway will be longer,
deeper and wider than the Panama Canal .
An Orangutan Has
(Some) Human Rights, Argentine
Court Rules
Excerpt: An orangutan named Sandra has become the first
non-human animal recognized as a person in a court of law. The Association of
Officials and Lawyers for Animal Rights, an animal advocacy group, had asked
Argentine courts recognize the 28-year-old great ape’s right to freedom from
unjust imprisonment. (I expect Sandra will now go to law school. Maybe run for
Congress. ~Bob)
Rep. Michael Grimm
pleads guilty to felony tax fraud, but does not plan to resign
Excerpt: Rep. Michael G. Grimm (R-N.Y.) pleaded guilty in
federal court Tuesday to felony tax fraud, but he said he will not resign,
defying calls from Democrats who have called for him to step down.
Gun News
Tweets from Pam
Besteder @pambesteder
I wonder if
those people who killed the 2 cops registered their guns after they legally
purchased them. I'm sure of it...aren't you? -- Give the inner cities what they
want. Remove ALL the police and let them police themselves. Bingo. That will
fix it.
Unbelievable: Gun Control
Cultist Calls For Children To Steal Parents’ Firearms, Bring Them To Schools.
By Bob Owens
Excerpt: Director Rejina Sincic has created a disturbing
video, advocating that teens commits multiple felonies—several of which could
lead to injury or death through negligent discharge of the weapon—because of
her own hysterical, irrational fear of firearms.
In the video, a boy steals an unholstered (presumably
loaded) firearm from his mother’s room, drops it unsecured into his bookbag,
and then carries it to school. After class the boy pulls the pistol out of his
bookbag and puts it on his startled teacher’s desk, saying, “Can you take this
away? I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house.”
Teen shot to death
trying to rob man for Air Jordans
Excerpt: “All the subjects involved in this were there for
an athletic shoe release,” Miami Twp. Police Sgt. Jay Phares told reporters
Monday. “The juvenile wasn’t able to get in line in time to get these shoes
that were being sold and decided to try to take them from somebody who did get
some shoes, with force with a firearm. ... “When he was threatened with the
firearm, he drew his firearm and discharged it into the juvenile,” Phares said.
“What’s tragic is that somebody lost their life over tennis shoes."
Man Shot And Killed
During Harrison County Home Invasion
Excerpt: The resident of a Harrison County
home shot and killed an intruder during a home invasion early Monday morning. According
to a police citation, Raven B. Edwards used social media to contact the
homeowner to set up a meeting. Edwards was invited to the residence and shortly
after arriving her boyfriend Marcus Gross and Larry Nolen forcibly entered the
home shortly after 12:30 a.m. The two males began to assault the homeowner but
during the altercation, the homeowner managed to grab a gun and fire the
weapon, striking Gross.
Police: 2 killed, 2
injured in Denton
Excerpt: Officers determined that five individuals,
including three men they identified as suspects and two men identified as
victims, exchanged gunfire. Hinojosa says the victims shot the suspects,
killing two of them.
Race Card News
Excerpt: The cold-blooded murder of two New York City policemen as they sat in their
car is not only an outrage but also a wake-up call. It shows, in the most
painful way, the high cost of having demagogues, politicians, mobs and the
media constantly taking cheap shots at the police.
Those cheap shots are in fact very expensive shots, not only
to the police themselves but to the whole society. Someone once said that
civilization is a thin crust over a volcano. The police are part of that thin
Giuliani: Propaganda From Politicians to Separate
Communities From Police is "Shameful." By Katie Pavlich
Excerpt: "Police misconduct is a minor part of the
problem. Community, serious violent crime is a much bigger part of the
problem," Giuliani said. "The people who are saving black lives in
the city are [you] the New York City Police Department. I'm not doing it.
President Obama's not doing it. Mayor De Blasio's not doing it. He's not out at
night walking down housing developments and trying to save children from being
Worth Reading :
The Heavy
Price of Obama's Race-Bait Rhetoric: NYPD Officers Pay With Their
Lives. By Mark Alexander
Excerpt: Similarly, Patrick Lynch, head of the NYPD
Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, said, “That blood on the hands starts on
the steps of City Hall, in the office of the mayor. When these funerals are
over, those responsible will be called on the carpet and held accountable.”
Former New York Gov. George Pataki said on Twitter the officers' deaths were a
“predictable outcome of divisive anti-cop rhetoric of #ericholder &
#mayordeblasio.” ... Officers Liu and Ramos were not murdered by “gun
violence.” Their murders were inspired by racist rhetoric. ... The Obama
administration has fomented racial discord from day one. This toxic discord has
been propagated unchallenged for the last six years, and consequently it has
permeated deep into the pit of black urban culture where it has festered.
Excerpt: If the anti-police protesters in New York who were braying for dead police
officers meant what they said, they should be very pleased tonight. Here is video of their chant, “What do we
want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!” Also, according
to the Daily Beast, at least one eyewitness says that some people at
the scene were cheering the assassinations: (If you oppose this recent
anti-police protest movement, these incidents of violence against cops are
probably the single most effective way to turn public sentiment against them.
(The presence of Al Sharpton was probably the second-most effective way.)
Police shootings will do for the anti-police movement what the Oklahoma City bombing did to the militia
movement. -- Jim Geraghty, Morning Jolt http://www.nationalreview.com/newsletters)
FLASHBACK: Al Sharpton's Marchers in New York City Chant
"What Do We Want? Dead Cops!" By Katie Pavlich
Excerpt: As Obama civil rights advisor Al Sharpton
frantically tries
to distance himself from the revenge execution style slayings of two
NYPD officers Saturday afternoon in Brooklyn, keep in mind that just one
week ago protestors at his march in New York City were chanting,
"What do we want? Dead cops! When do what them? Now!"
What do we want? Dead
Cops! Clip on Youtube
Excerpt: “But it is the time, congressman,” Banfield said.
“There are people who are marching through the streets calling for dead cops in
New York .” “They
are not, they are not,” Rangel said dismissively. Banfield cut to video that
showed protesters chanting, “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them?
Now!” (Like Obama, Rangel is used to lying and getting a pass from the media.
I'm sure he thinks calling him on his lies is racist. ~Bob)
Excerpt: A lynch mob is all fun and games until someone
actually gets lynched. At first everyone has a good time marching around and
shouting “Black Lives Matter” and “I Can’t Breathe.” The police are accused of
being racist killers by the defenders of actual racist killers like Mumia Abu
Jamal. Every community organizer within a thousand miles shows up to brandish
signs claiming cops are randomly killing innocent black men even as he spits
and throws bottles at any cop within reach. Not to mention engaging in the
occasional act of convenience store redistribution.
In New York , rising tensions and calls for
unity after two police officers are killed
Excerpt: A day after officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos
were fatally shot in their patrol car,
recriminations flew in the country’s largest city, with Mayor Bill de Blasio standing at the
epicenter. Critics blamed the mayor and his aggressive campaign to reform
police practices for the shootings, with
officers taking the extraordinary step of silently turning their backs on de
Blasio as he entered the hospital where the two patrolmen died.
Who Was Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley? By Matt Vespa
Excerpt: During another press conference held
yesterday, the NYPD’s Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce noted that
Brinsley had 15 prior arrests in Georgia , including misdemeanor
assault, grand larceny, shoplifting, and gun possession. The timeline for those
arrests range from August 2004 to June of 2013. He was arrested four times in
the state of Ohio
starting in May of 2009 to September of 2009; he was arrested for robbery and
misdemeanor theft. From August 2011 to July 2013, Brinsley was
incarcerated in Georgia
for criminal possession of a weapon. He was also in prison in Fulton, Cobb, and
DeKalb counties for sentences of 4 months, 30 days, and 8 months respectively
for various crimes.
NYPD Cop Killer
Worked For Alleged Muslim Terror Front Group
Excerpt: The Muslim NYPD cop killer Ismaaiyl Abdullah
Brinsley worked for a Muslim Brotherhood front group, according to his Facebook
page. GotNews.com has confirmed and exclusively discovered that Brinsley went
by another name — Ismaaiyl Abdullah-Muhammad — and that he worked for the
Islamic Society of North America.
Excerpt: The left is vastly more racist than the right. It’s
not even close. Since I was publicly identified with the right, roughly from
when I started blogging in 2003 (although it was actually several years earlier
in private), I have personally witnessed not a single incident of racism from
anyone who could be considered a right winger and heard only one racial slur —
and that was from a Frenchman. In the seven years I was CEO of PJ Media, I came
to know or meet literally dozens of people who identified with the Tea Party. I
did not hear one word of anything close to racism from any of them even once. Not
one, ever. This despite their being accused of racism constantly. The left, on
the other hand, is filled with racism of all sorts, much, but not all, of it
projected. I used to hear racist comments all the time during the seventies and
eighties when almost all my friends were leftist or liberals. During that time
black racism was pretty much continuously on the rise, aided and abetted by
whites. (The writer does have the history to be able to make a comment about
what he sees about racism in this country. And I have seen it pretty much the
same way, but of course that still makes me a blind idiot racist to my really
Liberal friends. --Del. Interesting short piece. For my much longer essay on
racism, with an extensive reading list, see: "Racism in America "
The Hate-Filled Left: Taxpayers Fund Legal Group With
Role in Rap Video About Killing Police Officers. By Evan Gahr
Excerpt: The Obama administration’s Justice Department
funneled at least $1.5 million in grants to a New York legal-aid group featured in a new
rap video that depicts two young black men aiming handguns at a white police
Obamacare/Government Healthcare News
Excerpt: Scott Pruitt enjoyed owning a AAA baseball team
here, but he is having as much fun as Oklahoma ’s
attorney general, and one of the Obama administration’s most tenacious
tormentors. The second existential challenge to the Affordable Care Act began
here. In the first, decided in June 2012, the Supreme Court saved the ACA by
reading it imaginatively. The court held that although Congress could not, in
the name of regulating commerce, penalize people for not engaging in commerce
(buying insurance), the penalty linked to the individual mandate actually could
be considered – although Congress did not so consider it – an exercise of
Congress' enumerated power to tax.
Obamacare’s Christmas
Excerpt: CMS has laid the perfect trap: Sign up at
healthcare.gov one time in your life and we will never let you go. If you don’t
continually re-enroll each and every year, CMS will keep you on the plan
it chooses because, after all, CMS knows what’s best and they always make the
best decision. Oh, and if you don’t believe that, please go to the 600 million
dollar website that will give you all kinds of testimonials handcrafted by MIT

Health Cost Holiday Will Soon Be Over. By Sally Pipes
Excerpt: But will Team Obama be as willing to credit
Obamacare when health costs resume their rapid rise in the years ahead? The
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services expect the nation’s healthcare tab
to jump 5.6 percent in 2014 — and 6 percent a year over the following decade.
One of the reasons for “faster
projected growth in health spending in 2014 and beyond,” according to
CMS? The Affordable Care Act.
Religion of Peace News
Obama sends 1,000
paratroopers to Iraq to
provide advice: They told me if I voted for Mitt Romney more troops would go to
Iraq ...
they were right
Excerpt: Despite his repeated assertions that there will be
no new US ground involvement
in Iraq ,
Obama has definitely entered slippery
slope territory. About 1,000 paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division
will deploy to Iraq
in late January, the Defense Department announced Friday.
A Good Start: Pakistan
to execute 500 militants in light of Peshawar
Excerpt: Pakistan
plans to execute around 500 militants following the deadliest terror attack in
the nation’s history, officials said Monday. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif
reinstated the death penalty for terrorism-related cases in response to
Tuesday’s attack on a school in Peshawar ,
which left 149 people, including 133 children, dead, the Agence France-Presse reported. (Say, Obama wants to
empty Gitmo...~Bob)
Excerpt: In a recent video released by the media wing of al
Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), the terrorist group provides detailed
information to its fighters on methods of avoiding detection by drones. The
16-minute video, titled "Battling Espionage Planes - Camera," is
largely about the technologies employed by drones in detecting individuals and
vehicles on the ground and provides instructions about how to disrupt such
The Real Islam: Driver Shouting 'Allahu Akbar!' Runs
Down 11 French Pedestrians
Excerpt: A driver screaming "Allahu Akbar!"
(Arabic for "God is great") appeared to deliberately mow down about a
dozen pedestrians in the French city of Dijon
before being arrested on Sunday, officials said.
Excerpt: The UK
can do nothing to stop this because the UK
does not have the will to stop the advance of jihad and Sharia in Britain . The
Home Office will act against counter-jihadists such as Pamela Geller and me,
but wouldn’t dare enrage its increasingly aggressive Muslim population by
moving against child marriage. Few things are more abundantly attested in
Islamic law than the permissibility of child marriage. Islamic tradition
records that Muhammad’s favorite wife, Aisha, was six when Muhammad wedded her
and nine when he consummated the marriage:
Remember the liberal mantra: All cultures are equally valid.
Asian father-of-four raped pub worker for three hours after dragging her
off the street saying 'you white women are good at it'
Excerpt: The woman, who is in her 20s, was walking home from
work in Bedford
at around 11pm when she was grabbed by Abdul Ghafoor, 33, and forced her into
undergrowth, a court heard. Ghafoor had drunk five rum drinks when he came up
behind her and bundled her into the bushes where he began sexually assaulting
her in an attack that lasted from 11.25pm until 2.45am. (According to Islamic
law, Muslim men can take “captives of the right hand” (Qur’an 4:3, 4:24,
33:50). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet! Lo! We have made lawful unto thee thy
wives unto whom thou hast paid their dowries, and those whom thy right hand
possesseth of those whom Allah hath given thee as spoils of war” (33:50). 4:3
and 4:24 extend this privilege to Muslim men in general, as does this passage.
“Certainly will the believers have succeeded: They who are during their prayer
humbly submissive, and they who turn away from ill speech, and they who are
observant of zakah, and they who guard their private parts except from their
wives or those their right hands possess, for indeed, they will not be blamed”
(Qur’an 23:1-6). The rape of captive women is also sanctioned in Islamic
tradition: -- Robert Spencer, JihadWatch.org)
Muslims demand food
banks provide pork-free free food section
Excerpt: Muslim activists in Minnesota – that’s the
heartland city that’s sent at least two men to fight on the side of Islamic
fascists in Iraq – are demanding their own section in the local food bank so
illiterate immigrants can pick up free food that lives up to their
expectations. According to WCCO, the CBS affiliate in the Twin Cities, a group
of Somali immigrants marched into Hennepin County Commissioner Peter
McLaughlin’s office last week to demand he do something about the pork and
beans and other free foodstuffs that are contaminating the provender. Some
people think free food is some kind of charity. “It’s about human rights also,
basic human rights to get the proper food and also healthy food,” said Hassan
Mohamud, the immigrants’ imam.
Journalist Embedded
with ISIS : They’re ‘More Dangerous than
People Realize’
Excerpt: “130,000 Christians have been evicted from the
city, the Shia have fled, many people have been murdered and yet the city is
functioning and people actually like the stability that the Islamic State has
brought them.” Nonetheless, he also says there is an air of fear among
residents: “Of course many of them are quite scared, because the punishment for
breaking the Islamic State’s strict rules is very severe.”
Excerpt: The unbelievable story comes as President Obama
frees more and more terrorists—including four to Afghanistan
over the weekend— long held in the military compound at the U.S. Naval base in
southeastern Cuba .
The president’s goal is to close the prison, a campaign promise that dates back
to 2008, by relocating the last of the world’s most dangerous terrorists. Still
left at the facility are 9/11 masterminds Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), Ramzi
Binalshibh, Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi as well as
USS Cole bomber Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri. Hundreds of Gitmo terrorists have been
discharged over the years under a program that started with President George W.
Bush and continued full-throttle with this administration. (We will regret
the terrorists Obama has released. ~Bob)
Excerpt: An Iraqi television show is forcing perpetrators
convicted of carrying out terror attacks — many of whom are
affiliated with the so-called Islamic State — to publicly confess and
face relatives of their victims.
Excerpt: The Islamic State has released pictures online
purporting to show its fighters routing a unit from the Hezbollah Brigades near
the towns of Yathrib and Tal Gold in Salahaddin province. Based on the date
given in the photo set, the fighting took place on Dec. 19. (ISIS and Hezbollah
killing each other? Pass the popcorn. ~Bob)
Driver shouts ‘Allahu
Akbar’ then drives into Nantes
Christmas shoppers
Excerpt: A DRIVER shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ has crashed
through a crowded Christmas market in France , the second such attack in
two days. France ’s
top security official says the driver of the van then stabbed himself several
times after the incident. (What Obama calls a "traffic incident."
Another Minnesotan
possibly killed fighting for ISIS
Excerpt: Reports on social media indicate another Minnesotan
may have died fighting for ISIS in Syria . A Twitter user who is known
to have connections to al-Shabaab in Somalia ,
claims the man was killed during a recent U.S.-backed offensive in the Syrian
city of Kobane .
On Twitter the militant said, “Allahu Akbar (God is Great), a young Somali
brother I used to know back in Minnesota
got Martyred in Kobane.”
Robert A. Hall is a Marine Vietnam Veteran who served five
terms in the Massachusetts State Senate. He is the author of The Coming Collapse of the American Republic.
http://tiny.cc/g02s4 For a free PDF of Collapse, e-mail him at
tartanmarine(at)gmail.com. Hall’s eleven books are listed here: http://tinyurl.com/o4nu65u. His blog of
political news and conservative comment is www.tartanmarine.blogspot.com.
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