Do something nice for Christmas, get a tax deduction, and
know that 100% of your donation goes to help destitute ARVN veterans, often
crippled, who fought on our side and are heavily discriminated against by the
Communist government of Vietnam .
P.O Box 641 , Willow Springs , NC 27592 . info@thevhf.org http://www.thevhf.org/www/
Casualty Call by Robert A. Hall
This is so my sisters story. Only when she answered the door
she had to ask, "Which one?" Four sons, 3 Marines. Let us all pray
for those who serve at this time of happiness. May God watch over them and their
families. --Robin
General News and Comment
So tell me, Maggot, what's your
excuse for quitting.
Marine Vietnam vet Judge James P. Daley running for Wisconsin Supreme Court
Running in the April election against one of the far left
judges on the court. Great record. Part of his bio from this website: Rock
County Circuit Court Judge James P. Daley was appointed circuit court judge by
Gov. Tommy Thompson in January of 1989 after being elected to three terms as
Rock County District Attorney. After his appointment as Circuit Court Judge he
was re-elected five times to the bench and has been the presiding judge in Rock County
since 1998. Daley has handled all types of cases from civil and family to
juvenile and criminal. The Wisconsin Supreme County
appointed Daley Chief Judge of the 5th Judicial Circuit (Dane, Rock, Green
and Lafayette
counties) in August of 2013. While serving as District Attorney, Daley was
instrumental in creating the Rock County Victim-Witness Assistance Program, a
program designed to support victims and help them and their families through
the legal process. He also established the “Pro-Arrest Policy” in Rock County
in 1987 for domestic battery. All law enforcement agencies agreed to arrest
every person accused by a victim of committing a domestic battery and keeping
them in custody until bond could be set in court. ... A decorated war veteran, Daley enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in 1966, served in an infantry
battalion in Vietnam ,
and was released from active duty as a sergeant in 1969. In addition to
numerous commendations and service medals, he was awarded the Bronze Star with
“V” Device for Valor, the Purple Heart Medal, a Meritorious Mast, and the
Combat Action Ribbon. Daley joined the Wisconsin Army National Guard in
1974 as an infantry sergeant. He obtained his commission as an infantry officer
and held various command positions including Commander of the
32nd Infantry Brigade, the largest unit in the state guard. He is a
graduate of the Infantry Officer Basic and Advanced Courses, the Command and
General Staff College, and the U.S. Army War College. He retired as a Brigadier
General after 36 years of service.
Important: Government Debt Can Never Be Repaid
Excerpt: So how should one react when it becomes
mathematically impossible for your entire nation to repay its debts? There was
an article this week saying around 20% of Americans state they will not pay off
their personal obligations before they die (quite a moral proclamation!). Now
Simon Black believes it’s time to realize the United States as a whole will never
make good on its gargantuan debt, and some form of default is coming. (See: The
Coming Collapse of the American Republic http://www.amazon.com/Coming-Collapse-American-Republic-prevent/dp/1461122538/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1304815980&sr=1-5
royalties go to a charity to help wounded veterans. ~Bob)
Senate passes $1.1
trillion spending bill, averting partial gov't shutdown
Excerpt: The votes capped a day of intrigue in the upper
chamber of Congress that included a failed, largely symbolic Republican
challenge to the Obama administration's new immigration policy, while Democrats
launched a drive to confirm two dozen of Obama's stalled nominees to the
federal bench and administration posts before their majority expires at year's
end. Several Republicans blamed tea party-backed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for giving
the outgoing majority party an opportunity to seek approval for presidential
appointees, including some that are long-stalled.
Worth Reading :
Wave Elections: What They Mean. By Larry P. Arnn, President, Hillsdale College
Excerpt: These waves have something to do with a change in
opinion over the last 50 years. Increasingly large majorities of the people
consistently profess themselves afraid of their government. They think it too
big. They think it does not account to them—that it is beyond their control and
does not operate with their consent. They think it should be smaller, even if
that means they receive fewer services. It seems that the growth of government
has not made people feel safe and happy. Nonetheless, two of the recent waves
elected people who support larger government, and Americans continue to depend
upon government more than ever. At all levels, government consumes something
close to 40 percent of the economy, not even counting regulatory costs, which
are nearing $2 trillion. People seem to be groping for a solution to this, and
they do not seem to think they have found it.
Returning soldier
told he can't stay with wife and newborn in her apartment because landlord
claims lease says 'no visitors for longer than a week'
Excerpt: A soldier who returned home for the holidays to
spend time with his wife and newborn baby has been told that he will have to
stay elsewhere after the landlord said that he would be breaking the terms of
his wife's lease. Sergeant William Bolt is stationed in Missouri ,
but his wife lives in Central, South
Carolina with their newborn baby girl.
Convicted Terrorist
Bill Ayers to Iran : U.S. a
“Terrorist Nation”
Excerpt: Ayers was a co-founder of the radical left-wing
Weather Underground terror group. Over a three-year time period, he
participated in the bombings of the NYPD headquarters (1970), the U.S. Capitol
building (1971), and the Pentagon(1972). (In whose living room an unknown Obama
launched his political career. Now he doesn't know the guy. ~Bob)
PETA Wants
"Empathy Training" for Man who Killed Raccoon for Biting Him
Excerpt: Apparently, some football player spotted a
raccoon and wanted to get a selfie with him and the animal. As is the animal’s
wont, it bit the guy, causing concern that he contracted rabies from the
raccoon. In response to the bite, the man hit the raccoon with a wrench,
killing it. PETA chastised him and suggested to his school that they institute
“empathy training” for its students to teach them how to interact with animals
Soros And Dems
Sponsored Prison Reduction Law Increases Crime Rate
Excerpt: A recently passed California initiative,
endorsed by the state’s Democratic party, the ACLU, and George Soros, is
responsible for an increase in Fresno crime
figures, according to Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer. Wednesday Dyer
criticized Proposition 47--which reduces or eliminates prison time for certain
drug and stolen property crimes--while speaking to some of his officers
regarding the gang related shooting of a 16-year-old girl.... The Sacramento Bee reported in September that left-wing
billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Policy Center donated $1.2 million to the
Yes-on-47 campaign, and long has supported reduced drug penalties and
legalization. (What POTUS and DOI want nationally for the"
disproportionately imprisoned brothers" and the cartels being imported to
cause havoc and aid in destruction of society as we knew it. Stay the course. Forward!
(To oblivion) --Barb)
'Exodus: Gods and
Kings' Review: Behold, The Power Of Boredom
Excerpt: DeMille used the ancient biblical tale to tell a
universal story about human liberty. Where Charlton Heston's Moses demanded
that Ramses "Let my people go!", Bale's Moses -- and this is no joke
-- demands that Ramses pay his slaves a living wage and make them -- again, no
joke -- citizens. DeMille's Moses was a liberator. Scott's Moses is a community
organizer agitating for executive action on the minimum wage and amnesty. (Atheists
determined to redefine the Bible and the Word of God to blur it to those too
illiterate or disinclined to educate themselves. If spoon fed, expect
propaganda to aid the regime's goals. --Barb)
Man Accused Of Raping
Girls, Infecting Them With HIV
Excerpt: David Richard Wilson, 33, was found guilty of the
sexual assault of a child in 2005 and sentenced to four years in prison. Six
years later, Wilson
was back in court, accused in two new cases that, if proven, may have lifelong
consequences for two more children. Wilson
is charged with super aggravated sexual assault of a child. The enhanced charge
is because of the age of the alleged victim. She was only 23 months old at the
time. We have also been told that the child is Wilson 's niece. (Tough for the kids, but they
had to let him out--Obama and Rev. Al say there are too many black guys in
prison, have to be released regardless of what they did. ~Bob)
Tweet from Happy Homodays! @GayPatriot
American news media: Make up rape stories, but hide Islamic
terrorism. Wonderful.
For the aviation/history buff.
A Christian Asks 13 Gay
Bakeries To Bake Him A Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake, And Is Denied Service By
All Of Them
I have no problem with gay marriage. But I don't believe
folks on either side should be forced to violate their beliefs--that leads to
more hate, less understanding. And I do believe that there has to be one rule
for all. ~Bob
Officer shot in West
Excerpt: Baltimore police
officer is in surgery after being shot during a traffic stop at an intersection
near Mondawmin Mall in West Baltimore , police
said. The shooting took place Sunday evening in the 2600 block of Gwynns Falls Parkway ,
police said.
Tweet from @SaintRPh: I imagined Satan to be more of a
brunch guy
8th Grader Body
Slammed & Arrested by Police for Wearing Rosary to School Football Game in
Memory of Dead Brother
Excerpt:: The Rutherford Institute has come to the defense
of an eighth grader at Sam Houston Middle School (SHMS) who was allegedly slammed
to the ground by police, lain on until he was left gasping for air, then
arrested and held in a detention center overnight—all because he wore rosary
beads in memory of his deceased brother to a school football game. (Needs
confirmation. ~Bob)
Giving our enemies aid and comfort. By Colonel Kenneth Allard (Us Army, Ret.)
Excerpt: Because our Founders understood very well what
fates awaited them had the Revolution not ended in victory, Article 3,
Section 3 of the Constitution draws a crucial definition very narrowly: 'Treason
against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in
adhering to their Enemies, giving them aid and comfort.
Academia Today: College prof makes students recite
anti-American 'pledge of allegiance'
Excerpt: If you sign up for Denver college professor Charles
Angeletti's American Civilization class, be forewarned that you're going to
have to recite his invective-filled 'New Pledge' -- and according to some of
his students, also be ready to swallow a big helping of his politics.
Angeletti, who teaches at Metropolitan State University of Denver, has students
learn an anti-American spoof of the Pledge of Allegiance that denounces the
U.S. as a Republican-controlled bastion of injustice, all while spewing his own
far-left brand of politics, according to current and former students. (Here's a
college professor, ranting about how we are a nation that is intolerant of
diversity. Maybe he hasn't noticed that both Al Sharpton and Ann Coulter, Rush
Limbaugh and Rachel Maddow, Religious Black Conservatives and the Nation of
Islam, all get to talk and write very publicly. And some US billionaires support
conservative causes, some support liberal ones. It is about the freest nation
to be found anywhere, no one gets shut up or suppressed. (Although the major
media do, by their own admission, tend to support liberal ideas more than
conservative ones.) He says we
are" very racist, very repressive." Really? Where's
all that repression? The crazy thing is, if we were very repressive,
he wouldn't be allowed to teach! That's the part that always gets me about the
people who are so very negative about this country, that if it were even close
to what they claim, they'd have been taken away a long time ago. I have no
trouble with people noticing, as I certainly do, that we have problems and
imperfect systems and the country needs to make some changes and improvements. But
such deep negativity is not productive in any sense; such people are more part
of the problem than of any solution. --Del. My friend John Payne. ho got a new
lung five days before me, a black Marine Vietnam vet who grew up in the Jim
Crow south, was drafted, and was badly wounded in infantry combat, said to me,
"Bob, there's a lot wrong with America. But if you don't like it here, if
it's not working for you, why wouldn't you go live someplace else?" Angeletti
isn't fit to shine John's boots. ~Bob)
Kamikaze Attack in
From the email: About the best naval footage ever shot by a
Navy cameraman. The camera
was in the gun turret under attack. Amazing!. (Professor Angeletti should have to watch this every day. ~Bob)
was in the gun turret under attack. Amazing!. (Professor Angeletti should have to watch this every day. ~Bob)
Military Punishes
Chaplain for Referring to the Bible in Suicide-Prevention Seminar
Excerpt: The Army has disciplined a military chaplain for
making references to the Bible during a suicide-prevention seminar last month. A
serviceman brought the Judeo-Christian religious content to the attention of an
atheist group, which complained about it. Now, the chaplain is fighting
back, maintaining he did nothing wrong. The dispute has renewed a
debate over the appropriate
role of faith in the military.
Termites at Work on
American History. By Mona Charen
Excerpt: If we lived in a country where most students were
graduating from high school with good English and math skills and with a firm
grasp of American history and government, we might be in a position to make
time for advanced computer skills. But we don't. Only about 68 percent of Newark 's students even
graduate from high school. As for those students who do graduate, not just in Newark but across the
country, it seems that smartphone skills come pretty naturally. Who hasn't seen
a middle-aged adult getting tutoring on his iPhone from a teenager? (That's how
it seems a lot of academics and the people writing history books like to
present the history of this country. Tight focus on every negative element to
be found, and a general neglect of the positive elements that in fact have
gotten us to where we can write about the negatives to classrooms full of mixed
heritage kids. And ambitious statements about teaching kids how to use
Smartphones make a great soundbite, but have nothing to do with the need for
major improvements in our public education systems all over the country, to
give kids inspiring teachers and well taught classes in English, math, science,
and history, with the history of this country in particular. Not taught as if
we were always perfect, but taught with the balance where it should be, on the
wonderful ideals of our Founding, and the progress made steadily towards those
ideals. Just as you can love a person while aware of their foibles and faults,
citizens should be able to love this country while aware of its past and
present imperfections. This glass is at least 3/4 full, and it's a terrible
disservice to our youth and the nation for it to be represented differently. --Del )
Elizabeth Warren is a Democratic Senator from Massachusetts, a fraudulent Native
American, and the Left's political crush du jour, who's
been dubbed
by some as liberals' version of Ted Cruz. (Oddly, her recent
threats to buck her party's leadership and shut down the government didn't
garner the sort of apocalyptic
coverage that Cruz's endeavors have. She now calls the whole episode a
shot," suggesting there's more fighting for principle to
come). In spite of whispers and terrible music video
tributes, Warren
has consistently denied that she is running for president, repeating her
answer in an interview with NPR:


Muslim Student
Attacked – Liberals Silent – Because He’s Conservative
Excerpt: This is another one of those stories that just
lends itself to asking… “what if a conservative/Republican had done this?”
Imagine if a Muslim student had been persecuted by conservatives on a college
campus – the story would soon find itself plastered all over the internet and
other media.
School Choice in Florida Helps Low-Income
Excerpt: Florida 's
school choice program has been under fire from unions since August, when the
Florida Education Association and other groups filed lawsuits challenging the
state's tax credit program. ... Florida 's
program grants children educational opportunities they would otherwise lack;
over half (54 percent) of the students receiving scholarships come from
single-parent families with household incomes of just $24,067. According to Corona , a 2011 study found that children in the
scholarship program were performing "slightly better" than their
counterparts in traditional public schools, and other studies have indicated
that Florida
public schools are improving due to competition created by school choice in the
Satire--Worth Reading : Nothing Succeeds Like Liberal Secession: Blue America Without Red America Would Be A Basket Case. By Kurt Schlichter
Excerpt: As liberal
thought leader Michael Tomasky wrote of the South, “Practically the
whole region has rejected nearly everything that’s good about this country and
has become just one big nuclear waste site of choleric, and extremely
racialized, resentment…. Forget about the whole fetid place. Write it off. Let
the GOP have it and run it and turn it into Free-Market Jesus Paradise. The
Democrats don’t need it anyway.” Soon, it became an article of faith within the
liberal elite that it was not only their party that did not need the rest of America . Blue America
itself, they argued, did not need Red America, economically, intellectually or
Gun News
NY COP: ‘AU Gun Laws Did Nothing to Stop
Sydney Terrorist From Getting a Gun’
Excerpt: Draconian gun laws did nothing to prevent a
terrorist from getting a gun. One armed patron of cafe could have ended this
quickly. NSW Police Commissioner treating this like a local crime, not terror. 5
hostages have escaped so they have ironclad intel. Shooter has shown his face
and body multiple times, yet snipers not given green light to shoot.
A Classic Christmas
Tune Remade Specifically for the Gun Lover in All of Us
River Ridge man
killed after threatening ex-girlfriend, police say
Excerpt: Karen Collins, 45, and her boyfriend, Robert
Esteves, 42, had returned to Esteves' house in the 9000 block of Sharla Drive after
a Christmas party. They were lying in bed when Collins' ex-boyfriend, Bobby
Edler, 44, entered the room, according to the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's
Office. Edler ordered Collins out of bed at gunpoint. He led her to the front
door, at which point Esteves grabbed a shotgun and fired at least two rounds at
the intruder. One of the shots proved fatal.
Race Card News
Tweet from Navy Doc @SereDoc
In a year the #Gosnell abortion
clinic killed more black babies than blacks are killed by police nationally. Do
Spike In Whites Setting Blacks On Fire
Excerpt: How come there has been no national #hashtag
crusade or basketball T-Shirt campaign against these barbaric atrocities
carried out by white-trash scum who have actually lit black grandmothers,
granddads, fathers, mothers, teens and twenty-somethings on fire after dousing
them with lighter fluid? What kind of gross silence and injustice is this? Huh?
Huh? What’s that you say? You say, “That it is not white thugs who’ve been
setting innocent blacks ablaze lately, but actually black thugs that have been
igniting innocent white people; and these crimes have been grossly ignored by
the Lame Stream Media,”?
Obamacare/Government Healthcare News
Excerpt: They can begin by repealing the worst
features of Obamacare. They can do that by keeping three promises many of
them made to voters during the last election: Keep your job; keep your health
insurance; and keep your doctor. The most direct way to get rid of all the
anti-job provisions of ObamaCare is to repeal the employer mandate. The most
direct way to insure that people can keep insurance they like is to repeal the
individual mandate. And the most direct way of insuring people can keep their doctor
is to deregulate and denationalize the health insurance exchanges. Then
Republicans can move on to real reform of the health care system. There are
seven principles that should be adhered to. (Congressman Tom Price, MD, [R-GA]
has had a pretty good bill in for years, but gets no traction, as the media
keep repeating the Democrats lie that the Republicans offer no alternatives.
Excerpt: The CROmnibus, with which the lame-duck Congress
keeps the government open in 2015, takes small but important steps to repeal
Obamacare. For the short term, the most important anti-Obamacare achievement is
eliminating taxpayers’ liability for Obamacare’s risk corridors, often
described as a “bailout,” to health insurers participating in Obamacare’s exchanges.
"You're Greener than Gore" News
Excerpt: Peru
will seek criminal charges against Greenpeace activists
who it says damaged the world-renowned Nazca lines by leaving footprints in the
adjacent desert during a publicity stunt. “It’s a true slap in the face at
everything Peruvians consider sacred,” said Luis Jaime Castillo, the deputy
culture minister, after the action by the environmental group on Monday, at the
famed drawings etched into Peru’s coastal desert, a UN world heritage site. He
said the government was seeking to prevent those responsible from leaving the
country while it asks prosecutors to file charges of attacking archaeological
monuments, a crime punishable by up to six years in prison.
Religion of Peace News
More Workplace Violence: Police say 3 dead, including
gunman, after raid ends Sydney
hostage situation
Excerpt: Police say three people are dead -- including the
gunman -- after authorities stormed a Sydney
cafe early Tuesday, bringing to a dramatic end a 16-hour standoff in which a
jihadist and murder suspect had held 17 hostages in a scene much of the world
watched on television. A series of explosions, believed to be gunshots and
flash grenades, came just before 2:30 a.m. local time as several more hostages
fled Lindt Chocolat Cafe, where a man identified as Man Haron Monis, an Iranian
also known for sending hate mail to the families of fallen soldiers, was holed
up with the captives. Authorities say Monis was shot and killed during the
confrontation with police.
Islamic Terrorist Who
Took Hostages in Australia
Has Criminal Record of Murdering Ex-Wife, Rape, Etc. By Katie Pavlich
Excerpt: Sheikh Haron moved to Australia
from Iran
in 1996. During that time he was involved in murder, sexual assault and support
for terrorism in the most blatant ways possible. In two decades, he wasn’t
expelled from the country despite a laundry list of crimes and horrible
behavior like sending Jihadist letters to the families of soldiers killed in Afghanistan .
(The people who failed to act against him--I'm thinking death penalty would
have been about right--have the blood of two hostages on their hands. ~Bob)
Tweet from Don Bunker @donbunker
ESPN better mention it tomorrow AM. Need to make sure Obama
is aware.
Democrats: Undermining National security since 1968.
Excerpt: The Senate’s misleadingly dubbed “torture report,”
an executive summary of which was released by the Senate Intelligence
Committee, is a shameless and dangerous act of political grandstanding and
moral preening. The investigative report of the CIA’s long-suspended
interrogation program reflects nothing more than just how firmly the
progressive mind is stuck in the old Vietnam War paradigm, their master
narrative of American crime and left-wing righteousness. Once more, we see how
reactionary is the ideology of the left, their minds unable to accommodate
historical change, new ideas, or even coherent thinking. (Here is someone going
right back at Feinstein and the rest about their super zingy report on the CIA
and "enhanced interrogation techniques". Very many people will reject
the comments about the techniques not truly being torture in the legal sense. On
the one hand, legality is important, and the historical definition of torture
does focus on deliberate infliction of agonizing pain and possible physical
damage. Ripping off fingernails, burning parts of the body, running electric
current through sensitive organs, etc, are the modern methods we hear of, in
earlier times it was use of the rack, the "pear of anguish", and
other devices that were favored by official torturers when that was a
recognized profession. Sleep deprivation, being uncomfortably cold, hearing
continuous loud unpleasant noise, being humiliated in front of others, don't
inflict agony or cause damage, nor does the awful panic response that
waterboarding causes. But most of us would not be eager to undergo any of that,
and others will say that such treatments "amount to torture".
Personally, I have no trouble with such methods as long as they are inflicted
only on those people whom we have very solid evidence as being both the Bad Guys
and in particular, the knowledgeable Bad Guys, whose knowledge is very
important to keeping our people safe. --Del.
Oderint dum metuant. ~Bob)
Excerpt: Qatar
broke an "explicit" promise by allowing a former Guantánamo detainee
who had trained with al-Qaeda to leave the country and visit Britain , a new
report has found. Jarallah al-Marri, who attended an al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan
before the terrorist attacks on September 11, was freed from Guantánamo in
Germans Rise Up
Against Islamization. By Soeren Kern
Excerpt: There is a mounting public backlash over what many
perceive as the government's indifference to the growing influence of Islam in
German society. This backlash represents a potentially significant turning
point. Despite efforts by German politicians and the media to portray PEGIDA as
neo-Nazi, the group has taken great pains to distance itself from Germany 's
extreme right. The group says that it is "apolitical" and that its
main objective is to preserve what is left of Germany 's Judeo-Christian culture
and values.
"It’s Pork or
Nothing’, ‘And if You Don’t Like it, Take Your Children Home’, Muslim Parents
Told,” by Oliver Lane
Excerpt: Muslim parents have reacted angrily in a French
town after the mayor announced it was 'pork or nothing' for school lunches,
under the principles of the secular republic which dictates that religion
should have no place in state institutions – including schools. The change came
after the catering company that provides meals to the 180 students in the small
town of Sargé-lès-Le-Mans in southern France reported
difficulties providing alternate meals for the 15 Muslim children on pork-based
meal days.
Islamic State Storms
Town in Western Iraq, Kills 19 police: Officials
Excerpt: Islamic State fighters stormed a town in Iraq 's western
Anbar province on Saturday, killing at least 19 policemen and trapping others
inside their headquarters, in the latest attack in the desert region where it
controls large amounts of territory, officials said. (Clearly the Islamic State
has been crippled by those U.S.
airstrikes. --Robert Spencer, JihadWatch.org)
Excerpt: Several suspected al-Qaeda militants, disguised as
fully veiled women, have reportedly been shot dead by Yemeni security forces
near the Saudi border. The militants were killed after one of them opened fire
on a soldier who was checking their vehicle, officials say. (The mailed fist
behind the veiled face. But we have to let terrorists go veiled or, gasp, be
accused of Islamophobia. ~Bob)
Excerpt: But victim or not, Omar said he became a prolific
killer for ISIS , by his count racking up 70
executions in a matter of months. He claimed he killed his victims with rifle
shots, and was chillingly candid about why he did it. “Because they were saying
bad words about A'isha [one of Mohammad’s wives, known as the “mother of believers”]
and burning a mosque,” he said, adding that he did not receive any type of
reward from ISIS leaders for the large number
he killed.
FBI, DHS issue
bulletin for law enforcement warning of lone wolf domestic terrorism. By Robert
Spencer, JihadWatch.org
Excerpt: This bulletin seems a bit tardy, as there has
already been lone wolf domestic terrorism recently — the axe-wielding jihadist
in New York City , the Oklahoma City beheader, and more. But of
course, it isn’t about jihadis at all. The FBI and DHS aren’t warning about
lone wolf Islamic jihadists — rather, they’re concerned about violent attacks
from adherents of the “Phineas Priest ideology.” Which group is larger? The
answer is obvious. But which group has powerful advocates within the Obama
Administration? Contrast this with the FBI taking down a poster of the Most
Wanted Terrorists from Seattle
buses after Muslims complained that those terrorists were all Muslims.
Don't yell at
terrorist suspects, soldiers told. Army chiefs warn interrogations are being
hampered by go-softly rules. By Robert Mendick and Tim Ross
Excerpt: British soldiers have “lost their capability” to
interrogate terrorist insurgents because of strict new rules on questioning
that even ban shouting in captives’ ears, military chiefs have warned. The
rules — detailed in court papers obtained by The Telegraph — also prevent
military intelligence officers from banging their fists on tables or walls, or
using “insulting words” when interrogating a suspect. (Yep, don't do anything
that might possibly upset those poor guys you've apprehended from that pool of
people whose greatest ambition in life is to kill Westerners, infidels, and
anyone else they decide is not entitled to live. Now the official rule
is “There must be no intimidation of any kind”. Wow... so it's offer them
tea and crumpets and then ask, very, very politely, if they would care to
discuss, perhaps, just something at all about their friends who are part of the
group that is killing people. Western Civilization has apparently signed a
suicide pact with itself, and the ultra-Liberals, super bleeding hearts, and
total featherbrain professors, along with politicians who are spineless or
idiots or both, are firmly set on whatever courses of action will help society
collapse in the face of whatever opposition comes along. Heaven help us. --Del )
Words 'Israel ' and
'Jewish State' Banned From Being Spoken At Irish Holocaust Memorial Event
Excerpt: Next month, the Holocaust Educational Trust Ireland
(HETI), will be hosting the country's annual event commemorating the Holocaust.
According to the British Jewish news site The
JC, for the second year in a row they have told the event's host, "not
to refer to the Jewish State or the State of Israel during any part of the ceremony."
(Commemorating the Holocaust, but it's not clear if they were against it or for
it. ~Bob)
Islamic State
overruns town in Anbar, executes Awakening fighters
Excerpt: The Islamic State took control of a town in Anbar
province in western Iraq
yesterday and executed 21 members of the Sunni Awakening tribal movement in
another town late last week.
Taliban attacks in Afghanistan
surge as Coalition ends combat mission
Excerpt: The Taliban followed up two deadly attacks in Kabul earlier last week
with a series of bombings, assaults, and suicide attacks in the capital and
four provinces over the weekend. Twelve de-mining personnel, 11 Afghan soldiers
and police, two Coalition troops, and a Supreme Court official are among those
Muslim go BOOM!
Excerpt: When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters
wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere
for them.”
Caroline Glick tells off Danish ambassador (Dec 12, 2014) for Europeans' constant "obsessive and compulsive" condemnation of
Excerpt: Diplomatic drama during the Europe-Israel panel at
The Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference in Jerusalem on Thursday,
moderated by Herb Keinon with The Jerusalem Post | JPost.com's Senior
Contributing Editor Caroline B. Glick and Danish Ambassador Jesper Vahr.
Excerpt: The Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda's official branch in Syria , Ahrar al Sham, and elements of the
Western-backed Free Syrian Army have advanced on regime positions in the
northwestern province
of Idlib . The Al Nusrah
Front, supported by jihadist groups Ahrar al Sham and Jund al Aqsa, and units
from the Free Syrian Army, today claimed to have overrun Wadi Al Daif, a Syrian
Army base located just east of the city of Maa'rat al Nu'man. In addition, Ahrar al
Sham, Al Nusrah, and the Free Syrian Army also advanced on Al Hamadiya, which
sits just south of the city; the groups claimed to have taken partial control
of Al Hamadiya. (Once Assad is overthrown, the real bloodshed will begin, as
ISIS, Al Qaeda and the "Free Syrian Army fight for power. We will not like
the outcome, I promise you that. ~Bob)
Latest Hamas Gems: A
Failed Terror Plot, Praise for ISIS
Excerpt: Five suspected terrorists have been arrested for
allegedly planning a series of attacks inside Israel , including a suicide bombing
in Tel-Aviv that involved a Palestinian woman pretending to be pregnant. The
arrests were part of a joint operation by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and
Shin Bet (Israel 's
domestic intelligence agency) and disrupted a plot by Hamas and the Palestinian
Islamic Jihad, the IDF announced Monday.
Robert A. Hall is a Marine Vietnam Veteran who served five
terms in the Massachusetts State Senate. He is the author of The Coming Collapse of the American Republic.
http://tiny.cc/g02s4 For a free PDF of Collapse, e-mail him at
tartanmarine(at)gmail.com. Hall’s eleven books are listed here: http://tinyurl.com/o4nu65u. His blog of
political news and conservative comment is www.tartanmarine.blogspot.com.
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