Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Mexican drug cartels struggle during coronavirus, hike prices as lab supplies from China dry up

Mexican drug cartels struggle during coronavirus, hike prices as lab supplies from China dry up
Excerpt: “In China, according to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), around 5,000 illegal drug laboratories have been processing synthetic drugs and chemicals to process them. Most of these drugs have Europe and North America as the main markets,” he continued. “Cartels bring synthetic drugs through food exports, fruits, automotive equipment, toys and other products that are allocated in an extensive distribution network across the United States. COVID-19 has generated a huge loss in regarding any illegal drugs, and specifically synthetic drugs, not only to Mexican cartels but to most drug cartels operating worldwide.” In his assessment, the losses over the last two months stand at around 80 percent of their standard revenue. And the pandemic has seemingly hindered the cartels not only when it comes to getting their fix from China. “The supply shock precisely comes from the supply chain disruption.[Gee, what a shame. Sadly, in reality, all this means is the street price will go up. Ron P.]

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