Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Coronavirus droplets could travel 27 feet, warns MIT researcher

Coronavirus droplets could travel 27 feet, warns MIT researcher
Beautiful, just fucking beautiful. ~Bob

Just what we didn't need, another eager beaver research jock coming up with the ultimate worst case scenario as if it's real. Yes, if someone does a really violent sneeze directly in your direction, stuff can get
carried a long way. First, people sick with this don't sneeze, they cough. That has a small fraction of the power of big sneeze. So the 27 feet goes down to maybe 6. Secondly, of the person coughing turns away from you or muffles the cough at all, the danger goes down some more. If they cough onto a nearby surface that you touch in the near future, now that's a problem. Del

1 comment:

  1. The actual JAMA article doesn't make any sweeping recommendations in terms of the general population, it just recommends that healthcare workers be more careful and that someone should investigate how well masks deal with violent coughs and sneezes. That all sounds pretty reasonable.

    It's not really the scientist's fault that MSM likes eye catching headlines, and put information out of context for dramatic effect.

    Stay healthy!
