Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Ideas Have Consequences

Ideas Have Consequences
Excerpt: It was William of Occam who propounded the fateful doctrine of nominalism, which denies that universals have a real existence. His triumph tended to leave universal terms mere names serving our convenience. The issue ultimately involved is whether there is a source of truth higher than, and independent of man . . .  The practical result of nominalist philosophy is to banish the reality which is perceived by the intellect and to posit as reality that which is perceived by the senses. (...) ...distinguishing like and unlike and “autonomy”—which means literally to be a law unto oneself. Since limits form the essence of any real law, the corrosive logic of nominalism and its leftist progeny leave us with absolutely everything as potentially permitted. The unfolding of this logic, no matter how regressive, is called “progress. (,,,)  Normal people, until recently, understood both good sense and psychological health to include conforming one’s beliefs to an extant, objective reality. You called a horse a horse and a tree a tree.

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