Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Health Update--Anniversary

Health Update--Anniversary

Today marks one full year since I was last in the VA Hospital for complications from my lung transplant on 12/23/13. They haven't done a bronchoscopy in a year, as they decided that was what was putting me in. I went off Oxygen in August and in that time, even in physical therapy on the treadmill, my O2 saturation has remained above 90%. All this is good. (I was on oxygen from June of 2010 until the transplant, back on from March to August of 14.)

I've been pretty stable since January--not real well, but not real sick. I still spend 35-40 hours a week managing my health, including PT three mornings a week. Plus I seem to need more sleep--I try to get nine hours a night, though it can take me an hour to get to sleep, and often need a nap during the day. I still feel weak and tired a lot, but am able to get out and do stuff: shop, eating out, church, take drives in the country, go to the shooting range, stuff with the grandkids, etc.

I have scaled back my blog so I can keep up with other stuff. Hope to do some writing and if I feel stronger, maybe some consulting.

Thanks for being there. ~Bob


  1. Congratulations on your new lung anniversary.
    I felt I should respond to your post and encourage you to push on, Marine. I understand the journey you have been on as my husband, also a Marine, had a lung transplant in 2012 and he too served our country in Vietnam.
    Much of your blog is very similar to my husband's politics and thinking.
    Semper fi, Marine.

  2. I check in here occasionally. Hope to read your writings soon, again. I am grief-stricken by what happened in Chattanooga today.
