The Philosophy of the Old Jarhead Blog
The Old Jarhead is a blog of political news and conservative opinion, that has had over
1,200,000 page views since founded in 2008, is read in many counties (Iran ? Indonesia ?
Russia ?
Ukraine ?
Go figure.) and gets up to 30,000 page views a week. Plus I throw in some humor
and human interest pieces that catch my attention for seasoning. I try to
include foreign sources and info you won’t get in the MSM, but I often use
links to pieces in the Washington Post,
New York Times, Politico, Reuters and other liberal leaning sources. No one is
required to read it, or any of the links. A majority of the pieces are sent to
me by readers, for which I’m grateful, others come from newsfeeds I subscribe
to. I get some from Twitter, but often don’t have time to look at my feeds
there. I stop sending the link to people who become nasty or too angry. I used
to forward political items, but was sending too many e-mails to my list, so a
few years ago, I started collecting them on the blog to access in one place. I
use maybe 50% of the conservative pieces sent me, probably less than 5% of the
liberal opinion sent, usually to illustrate their views. Readers who don’t like
that are welcome to start their own blogs. Blogs are free and so is speech in America
right now, despite leftist efforts to outlaw “hate speech” they disagree with
and Islamist efforts to outlaw criticism of Islam, while retaining the right to
describe other religions in vile terms. I try to avoid items that will turn off
thoughtful centrists and leftists or low-information independents, including
“red meat” pieces with intemperate language or wild speculation, conspiracy
theories with no supporting facts and silly distractions like the so-called
“birther” issue (but I don’t always succeed). I predicted correctly five years
ago the “birther” thing was going nowhere, was a huge waste of time and
resources, and played into the hands of the left, much as the impeachment of
Bill Clinton did in the 1990s. (I said so at the time.) I do sometimes include
things I don’t agree with that I think readers might find of interest. Readers
are requested to read all items critically and with skepticism—just like a
newspaper! Readers who send formatted pieces (title, link, and a fair use
excerpt of no more than three sentences unless the piece is very short, than
fewer) to tartanmarine(at) have a higher chance of my using them than
people who just send a link. I often include thoughtful comments from
contributors. (Tell me if you want you full name used.) A piece without a link
has a much lower chance of being
used—it depends on how interesting it is and how much time I have right then to
search for it, and my time is limited right now due to managing the lung
transplant I received on December 23, 2013. I understand if you don’t have the
time to format or even to find a link—please understand I don't either. There
are no ads on my blog, no fees and I receive no income from it. Now that I've
retired, that might need to change, but for now, that’s how it is. I do promote
my books, with the royalties going to charity. Thanks for reading and
contributing. ~Bob.
Health. Pulled a back muscle--third
time--coughing Wednesday. Painful, but not as bad as last time. Should be
mostly better by tomorrow. 20th Bronchoscopy Monday, this one in surgery. Not
sure if they will put the stent in. Feeling okay. O2 use still holding. ~Bob
General News and Comment
Former Marine
Commandant General Carl Mundy's Funeral
If you missed this, there are still men of honor and courage
in America .
This is how they say goodbye. ~Bob
Excerpt: Marine Boot Camp has been described in many books
and movies over the years and in many cases not favorably. The author is
especially qualified to write about this subject because he went through a Boot
Camp at Parris Island in 1953 and returned as
the commanding officer of the Recruit Training Regiment in 1982 after spending
a significant amount of time leading Marines as an officer and noncommissioned
officer. (On my wish list. ~Bob. The Pre-Introduction was written by me and
LtCol Rob Barrow, USMC (Ret). I am happy to say our effort passed through the
editors - published as written. It's an important message to open Colonel
Myers's fine book. --Col. Andy Weddington, USMC (Ret.)
How Marines Are Made!
I just read an article where a man ranked the branches of
service and said the Marines were the worst because when people serve in the
Army, Navy and Air Force they transition out of the service and return to being
civilians, but Marines never do that. They remain Marines for their whole life.
This might give him some insight as to why the Marines are best branch of service.
Been there, done that. --Anon.
Tribute to Troops by
President Reagan
Worth hearing. ~Bob
Worth Reading : Of Course the President is at the Heart of the IRS Crime.
By Andy Weddington
It matters not what polling outfit poses the question, right at 75% of
Americans believe the IRS purposely did something amiss with the Lois Lerner
Massachusetts SWAT teams claim they’re private corporations,
immune from open records laws. By Radley
Excerpt: As it turns out, a number of SWAT teams in the Bay State
are operated by what are called law enforcement councils, or LECs. These LECs
are funded by several police agencies in a given geographic area and overseen
by an executive board, which is usually made up of police chiefs from member
police departments. Some of these LECs have also apparently incorporated
as 501(c)(3) organizations. And it’s here that we run into problems.
According to the ACLU, the LECs are claiming that the 501(c)(3) status means
that they’re private corporations, not government agencies.
Reader response to:
"U.S. Economy
Shrinks By Most Since Great Recession in 1Q"
Love how this “unexpected economic downturn” is being
“nudged” by the media wearing appropriate red and black for regime, stating
that “This was caused by the unexpected severe winter.” BS. Every time I have
stepped outside ad infinitum and listened, I hear birds still alive and singing
and high-altitude flights overhead spraying. Cannot see sun at all today. They
are manipulating weather/trying to prevent us from seeing sky; go figure. Definitely
imparting metal particles into everyone’s lungs to the detriment of pulmonary
and mental health. They are now noting “increases in Alzheimer’s and dementia”
and noting increasing numbers of seniors (but I expect onsets at earlier ages
showing up). Convinced global project to control weather/ionosphere and “beyond
HAARP” and will not work. This economic downturn was caused by Obamacare. OWN
IT. --Barb
Liberal Justices to
Obama – No, No Young Man
Excerpt: The Supreme Court just invalidated President
Obama’s recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board in January
2012. The decision is big for several reasons, but the one to highlight for the
moment is that the Supremes went 9-0
against Obama. The main opinion, which struck down the appointments, was
written by Justice Breyer and joined by the Supreme Court’s liberal block
(Sotomayor, Kagan, Kennedy, and Ginsburg).
officials wasted $609 million in taxpayer money last year, according to the 2014 “Pork Report,” which a free-market think
tank released Wednesday. (If it buys votes with tax dollars, politicians of
both parties don't see it was wasted. And when the fiscal collapse comes, they
won't feel guilty. No snowflake in an avalanche ever
feels responsible. --Stanislaw Lem. i once got the Chair of Ways and Means to
accept a floor amendment for a new $200k roof for a leaking building at Fitchburg state College
in my district. Not sure that was pork, though. No one knew about it except the
college president, and he was a supporter in any case. Can't recall any other
"pork" in my five terms. ~Bob)
1 in 4 Americans have no idea which party controls the
Senate or the House. By Jaime
Excerpt: Here's your humbling political stat of the day:
Only four in 10 Americans can correctly identify which party controls the
majority in the House and Senate, according to a new
Pew Research Center study on Americans' political
beliefs. Thirty-three percent of Americans can identify the majority
party in only one chamber, and 28 percent -- more than one in four people (!)
-- have completely no idea. (Democracy doesn't promise good government, only
the government you deserve. No wonder we are headed for collapse. ~Bob
What is "Social
A great question, and a very important one in this day and
age. The short video does a super job on this, and it's another thing I wish the
majority of Americans would see. --Del.
When a Progressive says "Social Justice," I hear "Stand and
Deliver!" ~Bob
'Dangerously Militarized' Cops Misusing SWAT Teams. Army
tactics, equipment used for drug raids. By Rob Quinn
Excerpt: Police forces across America have become
"dangerously militarized" and are using equipment and tactics taken
straight from the Army to do things like serve search warrants and search homes
for drugs, a new American Civil Liberties Union report finds. Among the findings of the report on
police militarization, as per NPR, the Guardian, and the Washington Post: (I have been seeing articles about overuse
of overaggressive SWAT teams for the last several years, and now it's getting
national attention. I hope it leads to some rethinking in police
departments about such problems. Many of these incidents amount to serious
mistreatment of people, often innocent people. --Del )
Excerpt: Mark Mayfield, an attorney and tea party activist
in Mississippi
who was arrested in connection with a scheme to take illicit photographs of
Sen. Thad Cochran's infirm wife, has died of an apparent suicide, according
to The Associated Press.
Government by fiat.
By Charles Krauthammer
Excerpt: The Supreme Court this week admonished the Environmental Protection
Agency for overreaching in regulating greenhouse gases. The Clean
Air Act covers polluters that emit 250 tons per year (or in some cases, 100 tons).
This standard makes no sense if applied to greenhouse gases. Thousands of
establishments from elementary schools to grocery stores would be, absurdly,
covered. So the EPA arbitrarily chose 100,000 tons as the
carbon dioxide threshold. That’s not “tailoring,” ruled the Supreme
Court. That’s rewriting. Under our Constitution,
“an agency has no power to ‘tailor’ legislation to bureaucratic policy goals by
rewriting unambiguous statutory terms.”
The U.S. military’s
ongoing slur of Native Americans
Excerpt: In the United States
today, the names Apache,
Comanche, Chinook, Lakota, Cheyenne
and Kiowa apply not only to Indian tribes but also to military helicopters. Add
in the Black
Hawk, named for a leader of the Sauk tribe. Then there is the Tomahawk, a
low-altitude missile, and a drone named for an Indian chief, Gray Eagle.
Operation Geronimo was the end of Osama bin Laden. (Progressives and Muslims
will always find something new to be offended by--it's in their DNA. Giving in
to them doesn't placate them, it only energizes them to find something else to
make you apologize for and change. ~Bob)
It's Jew-Hatred,
Excerpt: For Hamas, peace talks and negotiating for borders
or land swaps are completely inconceivable concessions. Jihad to eliminate the
Zionist presence is the only acceptable tactic. ... Yet, no sooner had the
talks collapsed than blame was being assigned by both Secretary of State John
Kerry and chief U.S. negotiator Martin Indyk—and naturally it was Israel that
bore the brunt of their criticism.
What Bill’s speaking
fees say about a Hillary presidency. By Paul Waldman
Excerpt: Today the Post published a fascinating
analysis, complete with a cool
interactive graphic, of how Bill and Hillary Clinton managed to make over
$100 million since leaving the White House in 2001, in particular Bill
Clinton’s speaking fees. ... First, there’s the sheer volume: Bill Clinton gave
an astounding 542 paid speeches over this 12-year period, which works out to a
speech every eight days. And then, of course, there are the fees, ranging from
a measly $28,100 for a speech to the London School of Economics in December
2001 (an act of charity, really; for no other speech was he paid less than
$75,000) all the way up to the $750,000 he got for a November 2011 speech in
Hong Kong to the Swedish telecom company Ericsson.
GOP Candidate: Global
Warming ‘The Greatest Deception In The History Of Mankind’
Excerpt: This is bound to enrage some liberals for a few
reasons. One, that she is a woman in the Republican party, and two, that she
rails against global warming as one of the biggest lies out there. Her name is
Lenar Whitney, and she is running as a Republican in the Sixth Congressional
District race in the state of Louisiana .
See some of the transcript below via The Daily Caller:
Conservatives Blast
IRS Over Ruling to Pay $50K to Marriage Group. By Todd Beamon
Excerpt: House Ways and Means
Chairman David Camp has blasted Eric Holder's Department of Justice for
declining to pursue a case against the IRS after a judge ruled the agency
illegally exposed a non-profit's donor list and ordered $50,000 in damages The
Michigan Republican, who has been calling for a special prosecutor to be
assigned to investigate the IRS, said it was clear that Attorney General Holder
could not be trusted to adequately investigate the IRS targeting scandal. (OK,
we have here simple facts. The IRS broke the law (and their sworn duty to
confidentiality of the data they receive) by giving to one group, a gay-rights
organization, the confidential donor information of another group, a
traditional marriage defender, its direct political rival. This is a total
betrayal of everything the IRS is supposed to stand for, something like a
priest telling the wife about the husband's confession. And a court found the
evidence compelling, ruled against the IRS for this crime, and ordered them to
pay $50K in damages to the victimized group. A crime like this calls for
criminal prosecution, which is the responsibility of the Justice Department. Mr.
Holder refuses to follow up on this duty. He is again using what he calls his
"vast discretion" in deciding what crimes to investigate. This is
just one more instance of malfeasance in office on his part. Meanwhile, we find
out that the head of the IRS, the one who announced the mysterious loss of two
years of e-mails from Lois Lerner and refused to apologize to the American
people for this royal foul-up, has been a heavy contributor to the Democrat
Party for years. Which is certainly his right as an individual, but it
reinforces all the suspicion of serious partisanship in the IRS. (Not a
"smidgeon" of any problems there? Really? How much of this kind of
thing do we all have to see to recognize that political partisanship has been
made much more of the governing of this country than we've seen since the New
Deal? If any of this happened while George Bush was in office, the convening of
the apparatus for his impeachment would have been well on its way by now. Don't
misunderstand me, I don't think we'll be moving to impeach Mr. Obama, but I do
think it's time for anyone with some kind of clear vision to understand that
all his promises of a transparent Administration, no more lobbyists in the
upper ranks of government, no partisanship in governing, and especially his
2008 comments about the necessary restriction of presidential powers have all
been well and thoroughly broken.) --Del. Holder can't go after them. They might
reveal who they were taking direction from. ~Bob.)
New House Bill Would Pay $1 Million Cash Reward For Lois
Lerner's "Missing" Emails. By Daniel
Excerpt: Looking to make some extra cash this summer? A new
bill introduced by Reps. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Bill Flores (R-TX) would set aside funds for a $1 million cash prize to anyone or any
entity that can furnish Congress with Lois Lerner’s "missing" emails.
What’s more, the bill also stipulates that the government would pay $500,000 to
any person or party that provides information to prosecutors that would be
admissible in a court of law. The best part? The reward itself would be paid
for with funds from the IRS’ own budget.
Kim Strassel and the WSJ on the Lost IRS Emails.
By Walter Olson
Excerpt: According to Strassel’s column today, the contents of Lois Lerner’s hard
drive were wiped out by forces unknown “about 10 days after the Camp letter
arrived,” that is to say, a letter from House Ways and Means Chairman Dave
Camp inquiring into targeting of conservative groups. (Lerner then replied to
Camp denying targeting and subsequently pleaded the Fifth before
Scandalclipse. The Goldberg File by Jonah Goldberg
Have you noticed that basically the only way this White
House can get out from under one scandal or controversy is by getting crushed
by another? The White House was reeling from the VA scandal, which is why they
rolled out the Bergdahl news. They didn't expect that the Bergdahl story would
become so controversial; fortunately they were rescued by the June 6 news of
thousands of immigrant children showing up at the border. Hey, quick question:
I can't get my kid out of an airport without her getting messy. Isn't it
strange that all of these kids seem to show up, after a 1,000-mile journey
looking so spiffy? Anyway, the immigrant-kid story was pretty brutal for the
White House; fortunately they were rescued three days later by the news that
ISIS had taken Mosul .
The "Who Lost Iraq?" narrative isn't great for the White House
either, which is why it might have been a relief when the IRS announced on June
13 that they lost Lois Lerner's e-mails. (Subscription to The Goldberg File is free. ~Bob)
Excerpt: Harry Reid has a new dilemma on his hands: restless
Senate Democrats who are frustrated they aren’t casting enough votes. For the
past year, Reid and Republicans have bitterly sparred over the stunning
inactivity in the Senate. But the majority leader is now facing growing
pressure from fellow Democrats agitating over the lack of votes on amendments,
a central aspect of legislating in the Senate.
SAVAGES: Woman Savagely Beaten In Front Of Her 2yr. Old While Bystanders Film It
If this video doesn’t prompt you to get weapons training and
a concealed carry, then nothing will. Unbelievable and brutal beating, viewer
warning. Oh, by the way, is this a ‘hate crime’? Because the victim is white,
and the attacker (who also appears to be a Muslim from the pic) and onlookers
are black and they offered no assistance.
Medicaid Money Wasted
in 2013: $14.4 Billion
Excerpt: A new report by the Government Accountability
Office said the government “did not closely examine the payments” going to
managed care organizations (MOC’s), which include nursing homes, that work with
state Medicaid agencies to provide services to beneficiaries.
Obamacare Decimates
Excerpt: How many of you are following the financial news? Did
you see that the feds had to revise the 1st quarter GDP numbers from up 3% to
-2.9%? Barack Obama trotting down the steps of the White House back
portico, arms swinging, to mount his little backyard podium and boast of a
vibrant economy? Nope, seeing how the news was bad, seeing how the news was
pretty damn catastrophic, all we heard from the White House was Obama's
mouthpiece press secretary blaming the poor economic performance on the
weather. Well, not more than an hour later a score of
economists popped up on CNBC and pronounced that as nonsense.
Excerpt: Cochran is plenty conservative on most issues,
except the one the Tea Party cares most about. He’s a true believer in the
power of the federal government to use tax dollars to improve the lives of its
citizens. He spreads a wide net, from cotton subsidies to food stamps to
military contracts to special education in public schools. Instead of racing to
the right, Cochran ran on his talents as a collector of federal money. (There
is no hope of avoiding a fiscal collapse with both parties using tax dollars to
buy votes. ~Bob)
Excerpt: Yesterday, Barack Obama lost his twelfth unanimous
decision before the United States Supreme Court. His own Justices on the Court
ruled against him. What is most striking is that Barack Obama is a former law
professor. What is more striking is that his Attorney General, who is more
invested in protecting the precious than upholding the law, did not try to
protect his precious from these new precedents.
Video: France 's
Reckoning: Rich, Young Flee Welfare State
Report: Many
Obamacare Customers Will Have To Switch Plans Or Face Skyrocketing Costs
Excerpt: Most Obamacare customers will face serious premium
hikes next year unless they change their health insurance again, according to a
Thursday study from Avalere Health.
Most Obamacare customers are receiving some level of
taxpayer subsidies to take the edge off high premium rates., but the plans
that determine the amount of subsidies available will be changing
significantly, according to Avalere.
UNLV Students Slam Hillary’s ‘Outrageous’ Speaking Fee
Excerpt: Clinton
will be paid$225,000 to address attendees at the fundraiser. Her
sky-high speaking fee has raised eyebrows and caused a stir on the UNLV campus.
UNLV student government leaders expressed their outrage at
the university’s decision to pay the former Secretary of State such a hefty
fee. “We really appreciate anybody who would come to raise money for the
university, but anybody who is being paid $225,000 to come speak- we think
that’s a little bit outrageous. And we would like Secretary Clinton, respectfully,
to gracefully return the money back to the university or to the foundation,”
Daniel Waqar, Public Relations Director for the UNLV Student Government, told
Jon Ralston on Ralston Reports.
Government watchdog
group takes legal action against IRS over lost emails
Excerpt: The government accountability
group Judicial Watch filed a legal motion Friday
that threatens to drag the Obama administration into federal court to
answer questions about the lost emails of ex-IRS official Lois Learner and others
implicated in the tea party targeting scandal.
Judicial Watch, which was at the forefront of
exposing the targeting scandal, had filed a Freedom of Information Act request
in May 2013 for emails of Ms.
Lerner and other officials. But the IRS did not inform the group of the lost
emails, even as it told the court that it was cooperating with the FOIA
Your tax dollars--and government--at work: Report:
Excerpt: Detroit
spent as much as $537,000 per home renovating 30 houses starting in 2011 under
a federal program to fight blight before selling most for less than $100,000
each, according to a newspaper's investigation published on Thursday. ... The
bank is working to sell the last three homes in the program. It spent nearly
$8.7 million from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on 30
homes. So far, sales have brought in about $2 million.
Amy Adams gives
first-class airline seat to soldier, sits in coach, passenger says
Excerpt: According to ESPN host Jemele Hill, Adams gave up her first-class seat on a flight so an
American soldier could sit in the classy cabin. Hill, who co-hosts “Numbers
Never Lie,” tweeted about the event from her verified account.
Check out the chart. ~Bob
Tipsy Hillary dubs
Obama ‘incompetent and feckless,’ a national ‘joke,’ book claims
Excerpt: Mr. Klein writes that Mrs. Clinton referred to Mr. Obama as
“incompetent and feckless,” and said he had “no hand on the tiller half
the time
during a May 2013 dinner-and-drinks affair at a French cafe, Le Jardin Du Roi,
located in the Westchester area of New York, the New York Post reported. (Hearsay, but
hard to disagree with Hillary if she said this. ~bob)

Worth Reading :
Presidential snow job on global warming. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, 48th
District, California
Excerpt: Sir, my congressional colleagues and I cannot
ignore costs when making decisions. Simply put, no matter how apocalyptic the
theory behind it, we cannot make this crony-capitalist concoction of yours into
a policy priority. We’re also obliged to hold in check the coercive ambitions
of a science-government complex, that with research grants, regulatory
overreach and legislative conceit that corrals scientists into acquiescence and
conformity. That complex corrupts scientific method
itself. When one of your top EPA administrators came before the Science, Space
and Technology Committee, I asked her about the much-heralded claim that “97
percent” of scientists form a global-warming “consensus” — consensus being
historically antithetical to scientific inquiry itself. Her stammered answer
would have made any U.C. Irvine student blush, as would any such feeble
research. Did anyone ever ask 97 percent of the world’s scientists? Seriously?
The government decided that ‘Redskins’ bothers you. By George
F. Will
Excerpt: Amanda Blackhorse,
a Navajo who successfully moved a federal agency to withdraw trademark
protections from the Washington Redskins because it considers
the team’s name derogatory, lives on a reservation where Navajos root for
the Red Mesa High School Redskins.
She opposes this name; the Native Americans who picked and retain it evidently
do not.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office acted on a 1946 law banning
trademarks that “may disparage” persons. “May” gives the agency
latitude to disregard evidence regarding how many people actually feel disparaged
or feel that others should feel disparaged. (No matter what you do,
Progressives and Muslims will always find something else to be offended by, so
there is no use trying. It's part of their effort to control thought and
speech. ~Bob)
Important: Mexican militiaman and his family killed
after speaking out
Excerpt: After so many years and tens of thousands of
deaths, the drug war still casts a long shadow over Mexico . Whole swaths of the country
— the states of Michoacan and Tamaulipas, the cities along the U.S. border —
live by the rules of cartels that now do far more than transport drugs. There
is the anxiety of random violence, the frustration of forced cartel taxes, the
fear of kidnapping or worse. ... Valencia and his wife, Blanca, the two boys
and his 11-year-old daughter, Bianca — who had all fed us tacos and hosted us
generously at their home — were stopped while they were driving in their red truck
in the neighboring state of Jalisco. The YouTube videos taken later show the
vehicle littered with bullet holes. The attorney general’s office reported that
there were signs of torture on the corpses. Nobody survived. (Brace yourself
and be armed. The cartels are expanding rapidly in the US . Nothing to
stop them at the open border. Every user of illegal drugs has blood on his or
her hands. And the administration is much more concerned about the name of a
football team. ~Bob)
Excerpt: It was already pretty dim for anyone who
understands how insurance works. I used to be an insurance underwriter
(property and casualty, not health) and I’ve been wondering since the beginning
how anyone thought Obamacare was going to work. The risk size versus the pool
of insureds doesn’t make sense. If insurance companies can’t adjust for risk
(which for the most part they can’t under Obamacare) what bizarro mathematics
is going to save this ill-conceived juggernaut of bureaucratic bull? The answer
is there is no math which will make it work. Either it gets tons more money
from taxpayers or it dies.
Religion of Peace News
Excerpt: Yesterday the Iraqi military launched an air
assault into the insurgent-held town of Tikrit .
At least three helicopters landed at a stadium in Tikrit University ,
which is about six miles north of the city. According to Reuters, "the helicopters were shot
at as they flew low over the city and landed in a stadium at the city's
university." One of the helicopters was said to have been shot down.
"One helicopter crash-landed in the stadium. Another left after dropping
off troops and a third remained on the ground. Army snipers were positioning
themselves on tall buildings in the university complex," the news agency
Excerpt: As I have written, the Obama/Hillary Clinton cover story
that Iraq wouldn’t let
troops stay behind (or even more outlandishly that the George W. Bush
administration put Bush’s successor in a position where the United States
“had” to get out) is at odds with reality. A reader points out the
Obama/Clinton cover story was recently blown up by Sen. Lindsey Graham
(R-S.C.). Graham, along with Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Joe Lieberman
(I-Conn.), had gone to Iraq
on behalf of the administration trying to secure a stay-behind force.
Hillary Clinton’s latest falsehood on Iraq . By Jennifer
Excerpt: Hillary Clinton has told some whoppers. But
Wednesday night on “PBS
NewsHour,” she outdid herself with a preposterous and brand-new excuse for
failing to negotiate a status-of-forces agreement (SOFA). ... So for “PBS
NewsHour” Clinton tried out a new tale: “Certainly when President Obama had to
make the decision about what to do, he was deciding based on what the Bush
administration had already determined, because they were the ones who said
troops have to be out by the end of 2011.” This is patently untrue.
Slow Learner: Syria Crisis: Obama Requests $500M
to Train, Equip Rebels
President Obama is asking Congress to approve $500 million
to train and equip moderate Syrian rebels struggling to oust President Bashar
Assad after more than three years of civil war.
The opposition rebels would be vetted before being given
assistance, according to a statement from National Security Council spokeswoman
Hayden. (We don't want to give candy to
the big kids who are bullies. So we give the candy to the little kids, but the
big kids take it from them. This is indirectly arming ISIS .
There are NO GOOD GUYS in Syria .
Obama is a very slow learner. ~Bob)
Excerpt: The Washington
Institute is out with a new poll of 1,200 adult Palestinians
(interviewed face-to-face) showing that “a clear majority (60% overall,
including 55% in the West Bank and 68% in Gaza )
say that the five-year goal ‘should be to work toward reclaiming all of
historic Palestine ,
from the river to the sea.’ ” In other words, they aim to wipe Israel off the
Poll: Majority Still Want GITMO to Stay Open. By Katie
Excerpt: That promise hasn't necessarily been kept, but
earlier this month we saw the administration make what could be the first of
many moves to empty GITMO by default through prisoner swaps and by sending
enemy combatants through the U.S.
court system instead of through military tribunals. But despite President
Obama's militant ideology surrounding the closing of the prison, new polling
shows a majority still want the facility to remain
open. (So what? Obama said, "And ultimately, if you got a majority of
folks who believe in something, then it should be able to pass." But he
bulked the will of the majority of Americans on Keystone, Late Term Abortion,
Obamacare and many other things to keep his base happy. ~Bob)
The Names of the Victims. By Caroline Glick
Excerpt: Over the past 30 years, Israel has released thousands of
terrorists from its prisons in exchange for hostages. Thousands more have been
freed as so-called “confidence building measures,” to appease our supposedly
moderate Palestinian negotiating partners into sharing a table with their
Israeli counterparts. In every instance, these terrorist releases have led to
the murder and abduction of other Israelis.
Excerpt: “How do you pray?” Not that this has anything to do
with Islam. Remember: this is all really about a “radical interpretation of
Islam” that has “nothing to do with the religion.” ...Whether a person is a
Shiite or a Sunni Muslim in Iraq can now be, quite literally, a matter of life
and death. As the militant group the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria ,
or ISIS, has seized vast territories in western and northern Iraq , there have been frequent
accounts of fighters’ capturing groups of people and releasing the Sunnis while
the Shiites are singled out for execution.
Tweet from Ken Gardner @kesgardner
Excerpt: The Pakistani military said it killed the Movement
of the Taliban in Pakistan 's
commander for the town of Miramshah in North Waziristan and captured an al Qaeda explosives
expert during its ongoing offensive in the tribal agency.
FM: Zero tolerance to
demonisation of Scots Muslims
Excerpt: SCOTLAND ’S authorities will take a “zero
tolerance” approach to attempts to demonise Muslims after an Aberdeen man appeared in a terrorist recruitment
video, Alex Salmond said today. The First Minister told MSPs that police
are “actively monitoring” the threat of radicalisation in Scotland after
the video, There Is No Life Without Jihad, emerged on Friday.
Sudanese woman Meriam
Ibrahim 'safe and well' in US
Excerpt: The husband of a Sudanese Christian woman facing
threats after her apostasy death sentence was overturned has expressed relief
that the family has been given refuge at the US
embassy in Khartoum .
"Really, it's good," Daniel Wani, the American husband of Meriam
Ibrahim, told Agence France-Presse by telephone on Friday, adding that embassy
staff had been "very helpful and very nice".
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