Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Physics Behind Freedom

 The Physics Behind Freedom

Excerpt: Everything in the universe, from trees to electrical wiring to the evolution of animals to human society, is shaped by the constructal law. In order for things to persist and survive, they must be free to adapt and optimize. That process often leads to similar results throughout all of nature.  Dr. Bejan was kind enough to send me his latest book Freedom and Evolution after reading my article comparing Communism to Capitalism. In the article, I talk about how capitalist reforms in communist countries like China and Vietnam drastically improved quality of life. My initial reaction was why is an influential physics professor so interested in my work about political economy? To which he explained that my observation about free markets vs authoritarian command control demonstrated how the Constructal Law applied to human society. That there is an optimal manner in which society can organize itself to evolve and progress. When society is free then it can make these necessary changes, but when it is not free it cannot. Because the constructal law is essentially a law of nature. That is why without economic and social freedom, societies are doomed to starvation and stagnation. Think of it this way: In free-market capitalism people naturally organize themselves to become more efficient and productive; as the constructal law dictates all things in nature follow. That is why freer countries are far richer, healthier, and more technologically advanced than those that are not. Getting in the way of free markets is essentially getting in the way of nature. [This really does make sense. Ron P.]

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