Monday, October 5, 2020

US Naval Academy’s Cancel Culture Targeted the Son of Two LA Police Dept Officers for Expulsion

 US Naval Academy’s Cancel Culture Targeted the Son of Two LA Police Dept Officers for Expulsion

Excerpt: The Commandant had to recuse himself because of some extraordinary social media posts made by his 14 year-old daughter which, among other things, identify herself with ACAB (“All Cops Are Bastards”), call for the abolishment of ICE, endorse Antifa, retweets a post by the ANTIFA hacker cell Anonymous that “Mango Mussolini” (the President) can go f*** himself, and retweets another post that says “f*** the police.” One of her followers is her father, the Commandant. When lifetime career officer apparently so well thought of that he is give Annapolis to command has a daughter making such posts, that he knows all about since he follows her, then indeed our entire nation is in deep trouble.  But that's just a tiny detail in the whole story, please steel yourself for bad news and read it all.--Del

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