Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sex-Ed Will Be on the Ballot in Washington State

 Sex-Ed Will Be on the Ballot in Washington State

Excerpt: Public school curricula has been largely removed from the democratic process in the United States. While particularly active and motivated parents can exert some level of influence over local school boards, decisions about school curricula are not constantly foisted upon the wider electorate the way that decisions about health care or taxation are. Forcing the electorate to think through the substance of school curricula during election cycles would be one of the best possible things for civic engagement in the United States right now. Knock-down, drag-out fights at City Hall between parents who have to decide how their children are going to be taught about the American Revolution would be infinitely preferable to our current political fights. [The author has a pretty good point: Who should control the curriculum? Currently, it’s usually the local school board or committee, and they seldom get much input about most of it. Why aren’t parents demanding the teaching of American history as it actually happened instead of the way some radical activist wants to portray it? Why can a student graduate from high school with no basic understanding of how we Americans govern ourselves, how laws are made and enforced, and why we have laws to begin with? If we never teach them, who is at fault? Ron P.]

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