Friday, October 16, 2020

Bombshell Lawsuit Sheds Light On Governor Cuomo’s Anti-Semitic Coronavirus Order

Bombshell Lawsuit Sheds Light On Governor Cuomo’s Anti-Semitic Coronavirus Order

Excerpt:  According to a new lawsuit filed by Ron Coleman and Harmeet Dhillon, Governor Cuomo issued “a targeted” executive order that particularizes coronavirus restrictions to a specific religious minority — Jews. 

The audacious governor "freely and repeatedly admitted his decision was not driven by science, or data, but, by ‘fear,’” the two powerhouse lawyers wrote in a complaint on behalf of Jewish community leaders, which was filed in federal court in the Southern District of New York. The Jewish community has “been unfairly singled out by this fear-driven Executive Order due to numerous recent false and discriminatory statements directed towards these communities by Governor Cuomo,” the lawsuit explained.

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