Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Corporate Media Is Ignoring Broadest Riots In U.S. History, But Americans Hurt By These Riots Aren’t

Corporate Media Is Ignoring Broadest Riots In U.S. History, But Americans Hurt By These Riots Aren’t
Excerpt: While the most extreme riots in cities like New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and particularly Minneapolis did receive considerable attention — however fleeting, incomplete, and unnecessarily inflected with knee-jerk partisanship — there were also smaller-scale riots in surprisingly far-flung places that you hardly would’ve known about unless you lived in the area, happened to visit, or intentionally sought out what remains of the bare-bones local media coverage. To take just a small sampling: Atlantic City, NJ, Fort Wayne, IN, Green Bay, WI, and Olympia, WA all underwent significant riots, at least per the normal expectations of life in these relatively low-key cities. Did you hear anything about them? Because I hadn’t, and I’m abnormally attuned to daily media coverage. Only because I personally visited did I learn of the damage. These riots exploded with such intensity, across so many jurisdictions, and within such a contained period of time — roughly speaking, a one-week stretch beginning May 28, the day the chaos in Minneapolis/St. Paul reached a grisly apex — that no other instance of past civil unrest seems quite analogous. Complicating matters is that the riots occurred in tandem with a protest movement now believed to be the largest ever in U.S. history — one which saw demonstrations, vigils, and general rancor extend even into the most unassuming expanses of suburban and rural America. [This is a long article, well documented with photos. The damages shown are appalling. It’s difficult to believe all this “just sprang up spontaneously” as we’ve been assured by the media. On the other hand, it’s also difficult to believe there was any large-scale planning behind it that the FBI’s intelligence people didn’t know about in time to intervene. Either it was very well planned and the counter-intel guys were asleep, or it was incredibly bad luck. Any community that survived intact should be grateful and say a prayer of thanksgiving. We live in dangerous times and I suspect they’ll get worse. I’ve stocked up on both birdshot #4 and buckshot #00. I hope I don’t need any. Ron P.]

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