Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Antifa Rioters Break Into Portland Police Union and Set It on Fire as Mayor Hamstrings Federal Troops

Antifa Rioters Break Into Portland Police Union and Set It on Fire as Mayor Hamstrings Federal Troops
Excerpt: On Saturday evening, two groups of antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters terrorized Portland, squaring off against police and federal troops. One group attacked the Portland Police Bureau’s North Precinct and the Portland Police Association (PPA) — the police union — while the other group targeted the federal courthouse and Justice Center, returning to set yet another bonfire at the ruins of the elk statue nearby. Antifa broke into the PPA and set it on fire. Before the violence began on this 51st day of unrest in Portland, Mayor Ted Wheeler (D-Portland) decided to hamstring federal troops, aiming to prevent local law enforcement from teaming up with them. According to a police report, an angry crowd first marched to the Portland Police North Precinct at around 8:35 p.m., blocking the streets as they went. “Some people tampered with gates, broke patrol vehicle windows, and vandalized patrol vehicles. People taunted officers as they arrived to work,” the police reported. The crowd blocked streets around the precinct. At around 9:27 p.m., the police directed people to leave to the west. The crowd walked to the PPA offices, arriving at about 10:31 p.m. The antifa rioters broke into the front doors while others blocked a nearby street with dumpsters that they lit on fire. “Many in the crowd wore helmets and carried clubs and shields.” At about 10:45 p.m., antifa rioters broke into the PPA office and ignited a fire inside. When the police arrived, many of the rioters began to flee to the east. Portland Police declared a riot and urged the crowd to move east. As the crowd dispersed, police arrested several rioters and extinguished the fire. The northern group of rioters had not finished their violence for the evening, however. Antifa regrouped and the police arrived to attempt to restore order. As police arrived, rioters threw rocks and launched paint-filled balloons at officers. According to the police report, the antifa rioters also shot gopher gassers at police — toxic gases designed to kill gophers and ground squirrels. This onslaught injured some police officers. Finally, at around 11:30 p.m., officers broke up the crowd into small groups, and order was restored. [Think about what you’ve just read. Ignore the mere vandalism. Breaking and Entering. Arson, Armed insurrection. Chemical weapons used on American soil against other Americans. This is a war, not a protest. It needs to be treated as such. They are ALREADY at war with us, we need to recognize that and respond in kind. Declare the area a war zone, call in the National Guard with support from the Army and Marines, suspend habeas corpus,  arrest these scum and all their political supporters and lawyers (especially including local politicians) for fomenting and supporting insurrection. Try them before a court martial and hang a few hundred of them, then shoot the rest. If we’re going to lose the election anyway, we have nothing left to do except to fight back. We might, possibly, be able to salvage some of the country if we do. Otherwise, kiss the Northwest and many "blue cities" goodbye; it’ll become the People’s Republic of Washregon or Oreshington. It won’t be the United States. Ron P.]

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