Sunday, May 17, 2020

Global Warming

Wow, here is one of the best short overall technical discussions of the whole topic that I have seen. There have been some lectures that were also great, some by a British lord of some sort, that were much longer. But the bottom line is simple, planetary weather is a very complex subject, a function of a whole bunch of factors that act and interact, and no one has even a decent understanding of how they all work together. CO2 by itself is very clearly not a major factor in the whatever warming is going on right now, and the total failure of assorted vaunted computer models for over 19 straight years now to match actual observations demonstrates without doubt that all the models are highly inaccurate, and based therefore on incorrect assumptions. The smartest thing humans can do is calm down and prepare for changes in climate, in particular some coastlines will need breakwaters, dikes, levees. It's not like no one has ever built such things in the past! --Del

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