Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Andrew McCarthy: Rice tried to protect Obama, blame Comey

Andrew McCarthy: Rice tried to protect Obama, blame Comey
Excerpt: A key paragraph of Rice’s memo, previously redacted, has now been declassified and made public. Fox News obtained a copy Tuesday from the office of Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., which had sought access to the document. The memo was written as an email “to the File” as Rice was leaving her office for the last time on Jan. 20, 2017, the day Donald Trump was inaugurated. It seems that the purpose of the memo was to shift the blame to then-FBI Director James Comey for the withholding of Russia intelligence from the Trump team. Rice’s objective was to absolve President Barack Obama of any blame for directing that Russia information be concealed from Trump and his incoming national security team, particularly Michael Flynn, who was slated to become national security adviser. Of course, the withholding of that information would be essential if the investigation of Trump, begun by Obama’s administration, were to continue after Trump took office. 

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