Monday, August 5, 2019

Robo Calls

FCC bans robocalls, texts
Excerpt: The Federal Communications Commission voted to approve laws that ban fraudulent text messages and international robocalls last week. The new rules in effect neutralize loopholes in the Truth in Caller ID Act, which banned spoofing domestic calls but made it hard for the FCC to prosecute against perpetrators of scam text messages and international calls. Now, the FCC can monitor and penalize "bad actors" behind these types of schemes.(...) To address this mounting problem, the House last week also passed a bipartisan bill that requires carriers to authenticate every call and to offer opt-out blocking for free. The Federal Trade Commission has increased enforcement by bringing lawsuits against groups responsible for more than a billion robocalls. While legislative changes are being made for consumer protection, the FCC recommends Americans add their phone numbers to the National Do Not Call Registry by visiting or calling 1-888-382-1222 from the phone number being registered. They estimate this step will reduce telemarketing calls within 31 days of registering the number. (...) Consumers can also assist in federal telemarketing scam investigations by filing a complaint with the FCC if they believe they have received an illegal call or text. [At LAST! Now, we need to see which favored groups get exempted (I’m betting on political calls that are among the most annoying). I’d even give the bean-counters and lawyers in government a reprieve from hanging if this really goes through and gets enforced. Maybe we can bury the FCC in legitimate complaints so they REALLY know how irritating this has become. I added emphasis. Ron P.] I had 4 last night from a "Molly" claiming to be with Apple Support, saying there was unusual activity in out I-Care account, that the account had been breached. Two after I had gone to bed (I go at 7:45 get up at 4:45). I finally had to take the phone off the hook. ~Bob

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