Monday, August 5, 2019

Darker Days Ahead?

Darker Days Ahead?
The El Paso and Dayton shootings brought the 2020 presidential election, and America’s future, into sharp and disturbing focus.…
Excerpt: If President Trump and the Democratic presidential candidates had experience of the real thing, of the sort of evil collective violence I am talking about, they would turn aside from the road that leads to the Balkans. Trump would stop playing peekaboo with that universal capacity for evil—would stop poking the beast in the crowds as if to provoke it. Democrats, who share the blame, would drop their tribal identity politics—their pandering embrace of illegal immigration, for instance, with its implication that people are above the law if self-righteous Democrats say that they are. It would be too much to expect them to abandon their hallucinogenic promises of the Big Rock Candy Mountain—gaudy and irresponsible visions that bid fair to reelect the president whom they condemn for being gaudy and irresponsible.

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