Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The 'squad' aims to guillotine old guard Democrats

The 'squad' aims to guillotine old guard Democrats
EXCERPT:The socialist party has absorbed what is left of the old Democrats. At first, the progressive old guard in Congress, like good Girondists, found the revolutionary carnivores useful in reducing the ranks of the Trumpians, the Tea Party, Reagan Democrats, old Perot voters and the white working class to the inanimate status of “deplorables,” “irredeemables,” “clingers” and “dregs” — and with them, the bigoted, racist, sexist, nativist, classist, homophobic and xenophobic GOP....But revolutionary carnivores are rarely sated. Once they run out of easy hostile targets, they get hungry and as cannibals start to eye their own.") Extending Hanson's template of the French Revolution to understand today's Democrats, I'm prompted to ask, is there, as at the finale of the Revolutionary chaos, a Napoleon waiting in the wings to clean up the mess? Or will the Republicans survive a presidency captained by a revolutionary Democrat to play that role (or make it unnecessary.) Or are we really so in extremis as to warrant these thoughts? --Bill)

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