Thursday, August 10, 2023

The slow fall of Tony Fauci

 It's taken quite a while, but bit by bit various things have come out.

Like his helping fund the Wuhan lab where they were doing "gain of
function" work on viruses.  Like his coordinating others to support the
wildlife origin theory and actively suppress the lab leak theory.  Like
his serious over statements about how masks would keep us safe.  Like how
when others said there could be massive crowds for social justice
protests, but you couldn't go to church he remained very silent about how
seriously unscientific such thinking was.  He did a great wise old
super-doc impression, but he didn't really do anything that helped us all
very much, and I would argue he supported the super overdone control
stuff that hurt an awful lot of people badly.

His old college (and mine) went total ga-ga over him did the only 14 page
pean of praise to him and his achievement ever seen in the alumni
magazine.  I think the longest one ever before that might have been 6
pages, certainly no more than 8.  That's embarrassing now.

But he's retired and surviving on his retirement income of something over
$400K/yr.  I'm just happy to not see or hear him on my TV anymore.


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