Why Is Communism Still a Respected Ideology?
's a question that does have an answer. The answer is that some people are so drawn to the concept of a perfect society, where each person contributes what they wish but receives whatever they need, there are no class differences, there is perfect social justice, and people live in a kind of heaven on earth, that they commit to believing in not just the possibility of this future, but the necessity of working to create it. By any means necessary because, of course, the ends justify the means. And once they believe in this idea, they believe that Marx and Lenin were the geniuses who've outlined the way to get there, if only everyone will just get it right next time. All the failures and mistakes of attempts so far are just demonstrations of human fallibility, and as a young man wearing the big red star T-shirt told me with utter sincerity at a rally a few years ago, Next time we'll get it right! The irrational devotion to this ideology is just truly stupid idealism carried to ultimate excess, and the people most susceptible to falling into this are split among over-educated intellectuals and shallow idiots. --Del
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