Random Thoughts for
August 2020
By Robert A. Hall
Feel free to post or forward.
I was in the VA again, internal bleeding. They don’t know why or why my
stomach is upset all the time. The
endoscopy then and Colonoscopy on 8/3 showed nothing. Bleeding seems to have
stopped. Stomach a bit better. Feel a bit stronger.
I’m in Facebook jail again, for three days. Apparently for reposting a
post critical of Facebook not banning something as hate speech!
Defunding the police in the cities will cost the lives of at least 5,000
black folks a year, many of them children.
If you appease barbarism, you get more barbarism.
When looting, and plundering and murder are tolerated, they will get
worse, until stopped. In blood.
“Things didn’t go as planned.” The story of humanity.
The battlefield is strewn with unanswered prayers.
Somewhere among the antifa leaders, the coming Robespierre
is watching with grim satisfaction. First to the block will be those, like me, who
defended the Ancien Rėgime. But next will be
those weak and untrustworthy allies, mayors, governors, celebrities and media
types, who gave support to the revolution, but threw no paving stones. And in
the shadows, the coming Bonaparte watches with keen interest.
Just finished
“Scottish Battles,” a short overview by Jason Sadler, a military historian.
Describing one fight where one side showed up with a surfeit of fanatical
clergy, but a deficit in ordnance, he says dryly, “Prayer proved no proof
against round shot.”
Love fades,
hate lasts.
Guess I gotta ask...is police
‘oppression’ of blacks worse under Trump? I don’t know of a specific
edict or call to action that resulted in this, short of his presence. I
don’t know of any social urge that says ‘open season on blacks’. The point: why
is this an issue now, and why wasn’t it an issue in 2008 or 2012? And if
it was an issue those years, what was done about it? Is it just
convenient to blame Trump for Obama’s inaction (again)? --George
From T.L.,
a black friend: “I am a racist! I do not like liberals, democrap
politicians, muslims, communists, or blm members!”
While we were
fighting in Vietnam, the leftist, pro-Communists were protesting us, spitting
on our comrades, and burning the flag our brothers, black and white, died for.
Those of us who came home who had the G2 went on to became executives and
professionals in fields like medicine and law. The leftists with G2 went to
grad school, secured teaching positions with tenure, and turned out a
generation that damns America in all things. I fear we have lost the war. But I
know their grandkids will rue the day. Alas, so will our grandkids.
“Racist” has
become a null word.
corporations giving large sums of money to BLM to support violent protests and
often the same ones bending the knee to China to allow them to suppress peaceful
protests in Hong Kong, reap huge profits from slave labor, and persecute Christians
and Uighurs. Looking at you Nike, Colin, and the NBA.
The New York Times Magazine reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones who claimed
that the destruction of property "is not violence" would be
well-schooled in reality by watching her home burn.
If progressives ever need a lung transplant/lung
removal as I have, I hope the surgeon is selected on the basis of diversity,
not merit.
The cancer in our society has metastasized.
If the government can outlaw “hate speech,” a future Trump
can declare progressive speech hate speech.
How many black folks living in black majority countries would
move to the “systemic racist, white privileged” USA if given the chance?
Dr. Martin Luther King was a Republican, who opposed segregation,
believed in non-violence, and thought people should not be judged by the color
of their skins. Why hasn’t BLM torn down his statue?
If there is structural anything that dominates the campus
today, it is systemic progressivism. –James W. Ceaser
Success for black Americans will come about not by falling
back on government programs, or through protests or reparations, but by
relinquishing victim status and relying on one’s own efforts—but the same way
it has for any other group in this country has managed to flourish, through
strong family ties, hard work, saving, future mindedness. — Jeffery Epstein
Ah, Marxism! The only example of perfect diversity. No matter where
it has been tried, or by whom, Marxist regimes have failed spectacularly.
Whether installed by whites (Russia and the rest of Eastern Europe in the old
Soviet Union), Asians (China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, North Korea), Hispanics
(Venezuela, Cuba, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Peru) or Blacks (Angola, Congo,
Ethiopia, Somalia), Marxism invariably promises equality and utopia, and
equally invariably results in government oppression, corruption, starvation,
torture, imprisonment and death on a massive scale. — Laura
Hirschfeld Hollis
My wife is white. I believe her life matters. My grandkids
are half Hispanic. I believe their lives matter. I believe that the life of a black
child murdered in Chicago by a black thug matters more than mine, but that the
killer’s life matters less. If that makes me a racist, so be it.
When a politician says something is “totally unacceptable,” get ready to
accept it.
“How much more grievous are the
consequences of anger than the causes of it.”— Marcus Aurelius
I tell the nurses at the VA that I may not look like much now, but back
in the day, I was almost average looking.
Either we destroy them, or they destroy us. This is the law from before
recorded history.
No patriot can watch what has happened to America in the last 30 years
and not despair.
Trump Derangement Syndrome. This is when the frame of mind goes to full-blown fanatic hatred of Donald J. Trump, so that everything, anything, he does is BAD-BAD-BAD, he is the personification of evil, he is guilty of everything anyone has ever accused him of, and a lot more we don't know about. He is not worthy of being called human, he is not as bad as Hitler, he is worse. In its ultimate form TDS means you also hate and despise anyone who works for Trump, voted for Trump, or just doesn't agree with you about how totally evil and despicable Trump is. You have not just the right but the duty to confront people anywhere, in a restaurant, an office, on the street, who appear to be Trump supporters, and tell them in no uncertain terms what disgusting slugs they are. You should hold yourself back from actual violence.... but of course sometimes we all slip when provoked enough. --Del
Get the collection! My
“Random Thoughts” from 2009 through July, 2013 are collected in this book: The Old Jarhead's Journal: Random Thoughts on Life,
Liberty, and Leadership by Robert A. Hall
The Old Jarhead’s
Journal is a collection of Random Thoughts on politics and life and
Conservative Political Essays, mostly published on the author’s blog, including
the essay “I’m Tired” which went viral on the Internet in 2009, “The Hall
Platform,” “This I Believe,” and “Why I’m a Republican.” While they will be of
interest to conservative thinkers, they are collected here in book form as a service
to readers who wish to give a copy to favorite liberals and watch their heads
explode. All
royalties are donated to the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund.
Robert A. Hall is a Marine Vietnam Veteran who served five
terms in the Massachusetts State Senate. He is the author of The Coming Collapse of the American Republic.
For a free PDF of Collapse, e-mail
him at tartanmarine(at)gmail.com. Hall’s twelve books are listed here: http://tartanmarine.blogspot.com/2010/07/new-book-published.html.
His blog of political news and conservative comment is www.tartanmarine.blogspot.com. He currently works
part-time as a writer-editor in the My Life, My Story program as the Madison VA
hospital, interviewing vets and writing up their life histories. During the
crisis he is working from home.
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