Nightmare. More Than 200,000 Nevada Ballots Found to Be 'Undeliverable'
Excerpt: A report by the Public Interest Legal Foundation, an election integrity group, found that more than 200,000 ballots mailed to voters in Clark County, Nevada, were designated by the post office as “undeliverable.” Clark is the most populous county in Nevada, containing the Las Vegas metro area. It has nearly 75 percent of the state’s population. The county sent 1.3 million ballots to voters. The undeliverable ballots accounted for 17 percent of all ballots mailed to registered voters. Since Nevada has gone to all mail-in ballot elections, that means that 17 percent of the county’s 1.3 million registered voters are effectively disenfranchised. [200,000 ballots?!?! Clark County has a bit more than 2.0 million residents, of which about 1.3 million are registered to vote. If 200,000 ballots were “undeliverable,” then ALMOST ONE SIXTH of the electorate has been disenfranchised. For comparison, Worcester, MA, the second largest city in New England after Boston, has about 200,000 residents, including the children, transient students, and others who are ineligible to vote. Note that this makes no judgement of whether or not any particular group or neighborhood was targeted for non-delivery. This ought to scare the hell out of you if you were hoping for a free and full election. Ron P.]
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