Sunday, August 9, 2020

Austin Voted to Defund the Police, its Murder Rate Rose 67%

Austin Voted to Defund the Police, its Murder Rate Rose 67%
So when the law enforcement group is held in contempt by those in authority, despised by some of the population, is deprived of tools needed to control rioting crowds, and becomes frustrated and dispirited about the job they are supposed to have, what could possibly go wrong? Well, from Minneapolis to Portland to NYC and more, three things happen. First, retirements shoot up, second recruiting drops off, and third, officers tend to draw back from anything remotely like "aggressive" policing. Duhh.... And after that, this amazing thing happens, totally mysterious, crime goes up! Apparently seeing the color blue on the street once in a while triggers an allergic reaction in people, that makes them feel too unwell to engage in a lot of activity. Once there's no blue out there, their energy level spikes up and they are ready to go out and party hearty in various ways. So the answer is to have the city subsidize repainting a lot of buildings and walls in blue, and then things will get better? I keep wondering how deep the well of stupidity is in these cities, how bad will it have to get before the screaming gets loud enough to be heard in the top floor offices, and when new candidates will run on a law&order campaign and get swept into office. Meantime, more citizens will be buying guns to protect themselves, their families, their property. Maybe the days of the Wild West are coming back. Stay tuned, this ride is going to get even bumpier. --Del

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