Bonnie and I participated in a “Walk for Work” campaign event today in support of the Pollak for Congress campaign. Unfortunately, I was able to walk only about three of the nine mile route dragging my oxygen tank, due to my IPF and my O2 saturation levels dropping. Not bad for an old guy, I thought. The bike horn on my tank dolly came in handy, though.
Joel Pollak is a brilliant young Harvard Law grad running against Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Pelosi) who is unfortunately our representative to the Comintern, er, Congress. Schakowsky is a loyal sycophant of Speaker Pelosi, (and calls Pelosi the “best speaker in history”!) who recently promised to file a bill to create a “Public Option” in ObamaCare, apparently on the theory that it will take too long for ObamaCare as currently written to turn America into Greece.
Schakowsky recently attended a liberal Democrat fund raiser headlined by Helen Thomas (D-Hamas). Thomas, you’ll recall, is a Journalist/Propagandist (is that redundant?) and Lebanese immigrant to the US who recently said the Jews in Israel, including those born there, should “go back where they came from.” Thomas resigned her job, but has unfortunately not followed her own advice to "go back where she came from." Schakowsky has declined to condemn Thomas’s anti-Semitism.
Anyone who thinks they and America are better off now than in 2006 when Pelosi, Schakowsky and their crowd took control of Congress should, of course, support the incumbent. But after four years of ever-higher deficits and a worsening economy, we don’t think the Pelosi Congress deserves re-election.
Disclaimer: To prevent some JournaList agitprop artist from misusing my statements, please note I am not connected with the Pollak campaign in any official capacity; we merely joined the walk. The views expressed here are mine, not those of Joel Pollak or any official of his campaign, and I am solely responsible for them. To learn more about Pollak’s views, go to his website:
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