Wednesday, July 15, 2020


The Mayors and the City Councils of Portland (istan); Lost Angeles; New Jerk (NYC); Seatle (istan); Minneapolis (istan); Baltimoron,Chigago, etc. along with their Governors  are all MORONs for either substantially de-funding their police depts or voting to eliminate them all together !   What do these and other poorly governed cities and states have in common?  They are all controlled by Democrats.Communist NYC Mayor DeBlasio has called for $1B cut from NYPD (20%) as crime rate surges including highest ever murder rate.  Dozens of people including children are murdered in Chicago every week but Mayor concentrates on sending out a "Census Cowboy" on horseback to get more people to fill out census.  All are "useful idiots" to the onging leftist cause of changing the USA into a Marxist state.  Apparently victims of rape, beatings, robberies, looting, arson, etc. will have to call Social Workers.   Love the Trump commercial about de-funding police - call 911 and wait 5 days !  Much truth to that. 
Please share this link with your friends and on your social media sites.
Dr. Rich Swier, Ed.D., LTC U.S. Army (Ret.)
Cell: (941) 374-3896

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