Sunday, June 28, 2020

We Can’t Let the Outrage Mob Win

We Can’t Let the Outrage Mob Win
Excerpt: As Americans watch this unfold, many might ask: “Am I a bad person for not joining the mob? Have I failed to see the racism and oppression within these long-admired totems of our history? The mob seems so angry, and its anger must be proportionate to its righteousness, right?” Wrong. To Americans asking these questions: You are not the problem. The outrage mob is. Its breathless moralizing and anger do not portend reason or good faith, but instead mask deep ignorance and malicious intent.  You see, this isn’t about taking down offensive messages or symbols. These mobs didn’t suddenly stumble upon some forgotten and offensive historical anecdote, or reach their wits’ end after seeing Aunt Jemima on the grocery-store shelf just one too many times. No, this was a deliberate hijacking of a tragedy. The touchy sympathies of “political correctness” were always just a base from which to launch a cultural revolution, a purge of traditional American narratives and icons. (Crenshaw is the Congressman who looks like a pirate as a result of his military service. I'm really starting to like him. How about a 2024 ticket of Haley-Crenshaw? Ron P.) 


  1. Haley, are you kidding me? 90% of India would be here in 6 months. Think about that for a few minutes.

  2. The exerpt is spot on, except for naming Haley as a candidate.
