Friday, June 5, 2020

The Status Quo of Virtue Signaling

The Status Quo of Virtue Signaling
Excerpt: All lives actually do matter. A sports announcer last week lost his job for using the phrase “all lives matter” instead of “black lives matter.” Our cultural superiors insist on certain phraseology these days or else. It is just another effort in the culture war to make you care and think in particular ways. The phrase “all lives matter” came about in pushback to aggressive efforts a few years ago by Black Lives Matters activists. This statement of fact is now presumed to be a calling card of white supremacists. (Black lives don't seem to matter when protesters or other blacks kill blacks. Antifa has killed more black people than the Minneapolis Police Department. And even if white lives don't matter, don't Hispanic, Asian and native American lives matter? Two years ago I had breakfast with a black minister on a road trip. He said, "Bob, ALL lives matter."~Bob)

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